
The Wolf is a little jealous

Lieba Chun's little display got him a lot of attention, and quite a number of amused giggles from a great many number of spectators. Even some middle-aged alpha men who certainly thought themselves above such things looked a little flustered.

At Xiao Zai's side, Chu Yun let out an amused chuckle. "Nice trick."

Xiao Zai pulled his gaze towards Min Sezhui who was now showing the flower in her hair to Tan Ruo, who praised it much more effusively than it deserved.

He had to admit that it was impressive. Too flashy, perhaps. Xiao Zai chanced a look towards Chu Yun who seemed to be trying to look for his brother among the crowd of competitors and wondered if maybe he would like it if Xiao Zai did something like that for him.

They hadn't sparred in months, on account of Chu Yun's pregnancy. It wouldn't be safe, or fair -- considering how big he was and how much that hindered his speed.


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