
The Fox worries, the Wolf witnesses something odd

Now that he had handled one of the traps, Xiao Zai took the lead while Fan Jiang followed behind, awkwardly dragging the dead tiger with them.

Xiao Zai couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, along with Chu Hean's scent there should be fresh tracks on the snow, allowing both Xiao Zai and Xiao Yuan to find him.

But not only where there no fox tracks, his scent was faint as well.

More concerning were the abundant hoof tracks. Why had a horse passed through here? The more Xiao Zai inspected them the more concerned he got. The edges were very defined, but it had been snowing intermittently since morning, just a light powder, but enough to blur tracks like these.

Xiao Zai stood still waiting for Fan Jiang to reach him.

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