
The Wolf is in fine form

Back in his cell, Xiao Zai tried to get his frantic thoughts in order. 

He hadn't participated in a hunt since his early teen years, and he had been a lot more naive back then -- even knowing how treacherous the palace could be. 

Now, he knew to expect traps, and all kinds of obstacles thrown in his path. His father had a set outcome in mind, and it didn't involve Xiao Zai coming out victorious.

Xiao Zai had his doubts if it involved him coming out alive, at all.

At least his grandmother had found a way to get Chu Yun out of it. He couldn't imagine she had been moved by the kindness of her heart. While she never set out to torment him or his dam like many others had, she was always cold and distant. Like an impenetrable wall of ice.

Whatever her motives, Xiao Zai was still grateful. Although he suspected that she would come collect, in due time.

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