Chu Yun didn't know what to make of Hua Nanyi's discovery. He took the waist token with him to hide in the vanity in his bedroom, but the image of the beautifully engraved crane soaring above the clouds didn't leave his mind.
First the Crown Prince of Su at the royal palace, apparently a guest to Xiao Yuan's wedding...and now this. Ever since the war, many centuries ago, Su had been very quiet. The neutral presence between Xin and Zui's frequent tensions. They avoided taking any sides with the argument that humans were inherently different from divine beasts, and therefore they should not take part in any conflicts.
Now Chu Yun was wondering if that oddly neutral position was a cover for some hidden agenda.
The matter was taking up so much space in his mind that Xiao Zai even made note of it that night, while moving his belongings back into the master bedroom.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: