
The Fox decides to take his time

It took Chu Yun over the course of the following week to come to terms with his new reality. He took the medicine the first physician prescribed, and his frequent nausea improved enough for him to keep food down, even if most of it tasted terrible to him. 

As soon as he felt like he wasn't under any risk of revealing more than he should, he wrote back to his parents, informing them of Chu Hean's intention to marry Xiao Zai, fully supported by the King of Zui. He had no illusions that his father would be able to stop his uncle if he decided that it was actually a good idea, but it was still better to warn his parents than leave them in the dark about Chu Hean's schemes.

He seldom left his quarters, which he knew was worrying Xiao Zai but he needed this time on his own to think; get his thoughts in order and decide what he was going to do next.

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