
The Fox is locked in a standoff

The King smiled at Chu Yun, as one did at a very small animal who foolishly tried to take on a much larger opponent.

"You think yourself very clever, don't you, Miaoyan?" His eyes narrowed as he inspected Chu Yun. "I've met my share of people who thought they were smarter than me." He clicked his tongue. "Things didn't end up well for them, and were very tiring for me. Which is why I now prefer the company of idiots."

That explained why Min Sezhui was his favourite concubine. A girl so simpleminded she just accepted that sometimes the King was going to hit her for no apparent reason.

"I wouldn't dare offend his Majesty," Chu Yun said, his tone flat. He was going to keep repeating empty platitudes until the the King let him go.Β 

The King leaned closer to him, bringing his lips a hairsbreadth away from Chu Yun's ear. "And yet you had no problem humiliating Xiao Yuan in public by feeding him some bullshit about palace rumours."

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