
The Fox doesn't like being rejected

Chu Yun didn't expect Xiao Zai to flat out refuse him, not after what had happened between them at the palace.

"Why not?"

Xiao Zai averted his eyes. "I'm just not interested. I'll handle it on my own." He walked away from the stables, leaving Chu Yun behind. 

Chu Yun remained rooted to the spot, incredulous about what had just transpired. He couldn't believe Xiao Zai was rejecting his offer.

What's more...he was sure that Xiao Zai was attracted to him. He didn't completely understand it, considering they were both alphas, but Xiao Zai had said as much when he was drunk, back at the brothel in Lanzhou, and his actions in the palace the day before all but confirmed it.

So why?

It wasn't like Chu Yun was suggesting Xiao Zai mark him or anything. In his mind he imagined he'd give Xiao Zai a friendly handjob, and maybe a little kiss. Both as a token of appreciation, and as a way to bind Xiao Zai to him even more.


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