
Boys' parties (3)

In the end, Scarlet shared her aunty's opinion on golf. It was boring.

The shining name was a trap, wasn't it? She tried hitting that ball with a small bat she had been given, but every time it would go further or stop before the hole. She also pouted when her daddy succeeded in sending the ball in with a single strike.

«I don't like this, daddy,» she said. «It's boring! Why can't we play at who sends the ball further? Or higher?»

«I would still win, Scarlet.»

«But it would be more fun!»

«The rules are supposed to make the game fun,» Nate said. «Some people like complicated games because the rules make them more interesting. If you're allowed to do whatever you want, then the stronger wins. Or the most ruthless, depending on the game. With rules, everyone is supposed to stand a chance.»

«But it's still boring.»

«What do you think about changing the game, then?»

«Can we do that?»

Next chapter