

Muffled screams rang the hallway as four boys were staring at a new corpse of their friend and classmate. Not believing what just happened, they were shaking to their bone knowing another would die and they didn't know who it would be.

"YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!" Craig screamed out while muzzled but it was clear what he said. He was glaring daggers as the one that chain sawed him friend from collarbone to the hip.

The blood of their friend was oozing on their boots as the one nearest to the boy was splattered in his blood as shaking violently from anxiety and sheer panic.

"What was that boy?" The man asked while approaching Craig face to face.

Craig stared the man down while giving him the finger. This caused the man to snicker as look back in the shadows, "Give this boy some water.. he seems thirsty." He said while placing his boot on Craig's chair right near his crotch. Seeing a man approach with a pitcher of water he smiled as he took the pitch and looked behind Craig and that's the moment Craig felt his chair lean back with someone supporting it from behind. Confused and shaking with rage, Craig yelled at them until he yelled out due to them ripping the tape off his face. Gritting his teeth he looked up at the man and spit in his face.

The air grew eerie as the man laughed out loud and rubbed his finger on the saliva as looked at Craig with bloodlust eyes. Pulling out a rag from his back pocket, the man placed it over Craig's face. Before Craig could say anything the man began pouring the pitcher over his face causing Craig to feel as if he was drowning. All the boys watching were yelling in their duct tape while Tweek was pulling on his restraints as hard as he possibly could. Craig was moving his whole body while wanting to scream out but couldn't get the slightest out. His heart was racing at a dangerous speed as he stopped moving. Tweek crying violently as he saw them remove the cloth and place his chair sitting up again. His head hanging down without responding, Tweek was screaming Craig's name while Ash and Cartman were crying while looking at eachother knew one of them was next.

Ash was on the ground still when he saw the man approach him next. He tried scooting away towards Eric and his chair but instead got grabbed by the ankles and dragged under the man.

"Don't you want to see what I have from your friend, he wanted me to give it to you." The man said while digging looking over at the dead corpse on the ground. One of the men in the shadows shoved his hand inside his chest and ripped out the non beating heart and threw it at the man.

All remaining boys staring at the man as he placed the heart up to Ash's face. "Take a big bite and swallow."

Ash stared at the heart as it was oozing blood on her duck tape. He violently shook his head and closed his eyes. Feeling the sudden sting on his lips, he yelled out loud while looking at the man.

"Eat it or else..your little buddy loses a few fingers." He said while glancing next to Cartman. Ash looked over and his whole body flushed while Cartman was face to face with a man holding loppers (branch trimmer) on the outside of Eric's line of fingers.

"Eric!! Please don't hurt him!" Ash begged while looking up at the man.

"Wanna save your friend's fingers? Shallow this."

Seeing the organ touch his lips he squinted his eyes shut and opened his mouth. It wasn't long before he threw up and clearly couldn't bring himself to biting it.

"Just one bite." The man said while shoving it in his mouth.

Ash couldn't believe what he was doing as he was doing it but bringing himself to swallow was the hardest thing he had ever done his entire life. The second he did he heard the man speak. "Well I'll be damned. I didn't think you'd actually do it. For that.. I'm going to play a new game with your three. It's called hide and seek. You get to run and hide but if we find you. Well.. you can't play no more cuz it's game over. Now..." He snapped his fingers as Eric's, Craig's and Tweek's chains were unlocked and fell on the floor.

"Go hide." He said while unchaining Ash and walking away in the shadows leaving three students with a second chance at survival.

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