
Chapter 170: Pendragon family 8

"They have a long time sleeping.." Noelle said with concern, seeing Asta,Lily and Lilianne sleeping together.

"Mom, concerned?" Brunhilde who was on Noelle's lap with Bridgid said.

"Yes, I am." Noelle stroke her daughter's hair.

"They are fine!" Bridgid said, her eyes were glowing. Brunhilde tilted her head, then she looked at her father, her eyes glowed too.

"Ohh!" Brunhilde moaned in surprise.

"Are you seeing something?" Noelle frowned.

"Yesh! Sister Lilianne is sleeping in her dream world, mother Lily is kissing aggressively father!" Brunhilde explained and continued "Mother Lily seems to be hungry! she attacks father!"

"Oh god, do not look that, daughters!" Noelle covered Brunhilde's and Bridgid's eyes.

"Uhm" Brunhilde and Bridgid nodded.

"Dream world..." Noelle muttered, Lily doesn't have that ability and her husband too... She looked at Lilianne and her mouth opened.

"How!?" She couldn't help but said.

"Mommy?" Noelle's daughters tilted their heads.

"Nothing, let's keep waiting" Noelle patted her daughter's heads.



Asta suddenly wake up, Noelle and her daughters were surprised by his sudden movement.

"Vanessa" Asta said, he moved faster and dissappeared.

"Vanessa? Is she giving birth?" Noelle spoke, she touched her lips and they were moistened!

"Did he really kiss me in fast speed?" Noelle asked to herself as she touch her lips, her cheeks were red and she showed a silly smile.

"Mom, in love!" Brunhilde said.

"Yesh, mother is lost for dad!" Bridgid said.

"Hey!" Noelle's face turned completely red, Lily wake up and Lilianne too.

"What is happening?" Lily asked.

"Vanessa is giving birth." Noelle said as she stood up with her daughters in her arms.

"What!?" Lily frowned, Mimosa got pregnant first and Vanessa took more time because she is a witch!

Lily carried her daughter and left the room with Noelle.


"Ahh!" Vanessa was on a bed, Rebecca was attending her, her arms were covered in Vanessa's blood, Asta was beside Vanessa holding her hand and Vienna was looking at them with a pale face and nervous.

"A-Asta.." Vanessa spilled tears as she struggle.

"Do not give up, love" Asta tightened his grip on her hands, Vanessa nodded and closed her eyes, struggling more.

"Ahh!" Her voice echoed in the entire castle, under everyone's gaze, Vanessa's body glowed and her witch marks too..


Outside the Room.

All Asta's wives were outside the room, with the children, everyone was nervous. And for their relief a naughty chuckle of a girl echoed in the entire castle.

"Eh?" Everyone was confused feeling a cold breeze, Acier approached the window and her eyes twitched.

"It is snowing!" Acier said, all the girls approached the window.

"What the heck!? But here does not snow!" Charlotte said.

"Snoww!" The children said with excitement.

"Vanessa's daughter!" Secre said and entered the room, all the girls followed her, the girls covered their children vision with their magic.

"What..." That was the only thing that they could said when they saw a girl floating in the middle of the room, Vanessa's and Asta's mouths were open.

The girl had a beautiful,pale golden hair with pink bangs, her big eyes are like the honey melted with a pale gold color. The girl was chuckling and her eyes were curved like a crescent.

She looked at her parents.

"Mom, dad!" The girl said, witch marks appeared on her body.

Asta caught her and descended beside Vanessa.

Vanessa's eyes were trembling slightly, she was very happy like Asta, because their daughter born healthy, but...

She has the witch marks.

"Valorie" Vanessa holded her daughter and pulled her near to her.

"Yesh!" Valorie said tenderly, she touched her mother's cheeks. She doesn't know why, but she felt something in her mother and her father, she did not know very well those feelings. But she knows one very well!

A very warm feeling.

"Are you hungry?" Vanessa kissed her daughter's cheek and asked.

"Mm! I am! Because that!" Valorie pointed at the snow, she noticed her father's expression when she pointed at the window.

"Dad?" Valorie tilted her head in a cute way.

"Yes, sweetheart." Asta approached her, he displayed a fatherly smile.

"I am feeling something from you" Valorie said as she look at everyone, Asta's and Vanessa's eyes trembled. Vienna sat down on a corner hugging her knees.

"It's your power" Asta kissed Valorie's forehead making her chuckle.

"My power?" Valorie's eyes sparkled like stars.

"Come here, daughter." Vanessa displayed a motherly smile as she lower her dress, Valorie settle in her mother's embrace and began suck milk.

Vanessa's expression turned soft, she place a hand on her daughter's hair, stroking her hair. Her daughter's eyes sparkled like stars and made cute noises, her eyes narrowed enjoying her mother's caresses.

A light glow on Vanessa's hand, the witch marks on Valorie lost a bit their light.

Asta sighed deeply, he went to the window. The snow was becoming more soft...

"A daughter that brings the winter." Asta displayed a small smile, seeing the beautiful winter. Noelle hugged Asta from behind, the children and the other girls approached Vanessa.

"Darling..." Noelle said, her expression was very complicated. She narrowed her eyes and kissed Asta's shoulder and cheek, trying to calm him.

"Do not worry" Asta said softly, Noelle continued kissing him. She never felt Asta so angry, he looked calm outside, but inside he was a disaster. Noelle felt as if something was roaring.

"Do not worry? Darling I know you!" Noelle hugged him tightly and rested her chin on Asta's shoulder.

"Just don't do anything rash, right?" Noelle bite her lips.

"I will not" Asta carried her and put her on the window.

"Humm" She narrowed her eyes, they looked like a fox's.

"Do you think I will do something rash having so many children and so many wives in my castle? You know I won't, love" Asta kissed Noelle's cheeks.

"Okay" Noelle nodded in approbation, she rested her head against Asta. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous when she felt the sudden change in Asta and Vanessa, Undine was already preparing a spell just in case. They know Vanessa and Asta perfectly well and they know that if these two get angry and let each other go, nothing will end well.

The girls looked worriedly at Vanessa, Undine sat down next to her and placed her hand on her shoulder. Her hand glowed slightly.

Valorie made a tender noise, feeling sastified. She looked at the children, they were looking at them with curiosity as her.

"Who are you?" Valorie crawled towards them, Vanessa bite her lips, her daughter is too cute!

"We are your siblings!" The children said in unision.

"Whoahhh! Siblings!" Valorie's eyes sparkled, Altria crawled towards her and hugged her.

"I am Altria!" Altria said with a tender voice.

'Oh holy....' Charlotte and the girls were dying of cuteness, seeing the babies talking to each other.

Now Valorie was surrounded by several children.

"I am Jehanne! The little empress of the spear!" Jehanne said with cute voice, Acier's cheeks turned red like the girls' that was very embarrassing! And cute!

"Master, Were you like her? Hahaha" Mereoleona who was carrying Leonor asked to Acier.

"Shut your mouth!" Acier said with embarrassment, Mereoleona keep laughing.

"Who is she?" Valorie pointed at Vienna.

"She is our big sister!" Everyone said.

"Big sighster!?" Valorie flew towards Vienna, Vienna's dark expression dissapeared. Her eyes met a pair of big and sweet eyes, Vienna's eyes trembled slightly.

"Mm?" Valorie made cute noises, her little hands touched Vienna's knees. Vienna carried her near to her face.

"Yes, I am your big sister" Vienna displayed a warm expression as a tear spill over her cheek.

"Big sis! Why are you crying?" Valorie wipe Vienna's tear.

"It is of happiness" Vienna said softly.

"Happiness? Why?" Valorie tilted her head.

"For you" Vienna kissed Valorie's forehead, she chuckled.

"I am happy too! but I am still tired!" Valorie said as her eyes narrow, her expression turned sleepy.

"Then, sleep." Vienna kissed Valorie's cheek.

"Mm! I will" Valorie closed her eyes, her witch marks finally stopped glowing, And the snow calmed down completely

Vanessa couldn't contain herself more, Undine hugged her and she cried.

The children seemed totally confused, they didn't understand what was going on and why Vanessa was crying and why Valorie fell asleep so quickly.

The girls took their children and left the room to give Asta time alone with Vanessa.

Asta sat down on the bed beside Vanessa, she rested her on Asta's chest.

"Vanessa, We will solve it, right?" Asta stroke Vanessa's hair.

"We will, I am happy that she was born healthy, but you saw what happened!" Vanessa spilled more tears.

"When I sealed her magic to reduce it, the snow got smaller and she became weaker. Why does my little newborn daughter have to suffer the consequences of some bitches?" Vanessa's eyes glowed intensely, she looked at Asta, the whole castle began to tremble.

"I swear Asta, if I see those bitches anywhere. I will annihilate them! I will send them straight to hell!" Vanessa's hair lifted up as if it was defying the gravity.

"Yes, But calm down, okay? Save all this anger for the right time, For now we must help our daughter until one of those bitches shows up, you and I will show them real hell. Vanessa, no one touches my children or wives, I don't care if there are planets or armies behind them they will all be slaughtered." Asta said, coldly.

"Mm" Vanessa nodded, If this spell was still working that well, it was probably because there were still living witch queens.


Asta sighed, He was thinking of sending a 'gift' to Guinevere, but the woman disappeared. She probably met the people she wanted to meet...

Asta stroke Vanessa's hair "With Secre and Lolopechka we can find a solution" Asta said softly, he would never dare to force that spell because it would probably go horribly wrong, With Secre and Lolopechka's encyclopedia maybe they will develop some function.

"Okay.." Vanessa said, he hugged Asta. Asta carried her.

"Where are we going?" Vanessa asked.

"I am going to bathe my beautiful witch wife" Asta said with a small smile.

"Humm" Vanessa narrowed her eyes, her husband was very suspicious!



Asta and Vanessa were in the bathroom, she had her entire face red.

"Let me go! Valorie is awake!" Vanessa struggle.

"She's playing with her siblings, I need to take the stress off you before you take care of her" Asta whispered in Vanessa's ear.

"D-Damn it" Vanessa cursed, Asta was making a massage to her! and she was getting aroused instead of losing the stress!

"Fuck...! Asta!" Vanessa continued cursing, Asta was massaging her breasts.

Five minutes later.

"Finish." Asta smiled in sastifaction, Vanessa was breathing heavily on his lap, she rubbed her ass against his shaft but then she stood up.

"W-we'll talk when Valorie goes to sleep!" Vanessa said as she walk to the door, Asta caught her, hugging her from behind.

"Remember, forget everything. She can sense our feelings quite well." Asta whispered, Vanessa nodded and kissed him.

"Asta! We are work-" Secre bang the door, Lolopechka was beside her.

Lolopechka was totally froze when she saw Asta and Vanessa, Asta's shaft was between Vanessa's thighs, she was kissing Asta roughly.

They stopped abruptly seeing them.

"Working on what?" Vanessa said, her face was normal as if something was not happening.

"We are making an Arcane Seal!" Secre said.

"Arcane Seal?" Asta frowned.

"Yes! We can delete that spell temporally and she will have a lot of magic without problem" Secre smiled, Seeing Vanessa and Valorie's situation she could not just stand by and watch as a spectator, she immediately sought out Lolopechka and they both started to work.

Vanessa's eyes watered, she couldn't help but scream with emotion and hug Lolopechka and Secre tightly, filling their faces with kisses.

"Thank you!" Vanessa said from the depths of her being, She never thought that having sisters through her husband's relationship would be so good.

"If my husband wasn't the way he is, I'd give you a fucking cunnilingus!" Vanessa said with naughty voice.

Cough Cough!

Secre's and Lolopechka's face looked like a tomato, Asta wanted to spank Vanessa but he would save it for later!

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