
Chapter 158: The Black Clover?

"A Baby Yggdrasil is the guardian of the forest! What are you going to do? Threaten them with your twigs?" Fana said with an amused expression.


"Probably it is going to shoot apples to its enemies!" Asta said with an amused expression.


"Nah, maybe its seeds!"


"Or leaf!"


"The only guardian of the forest that I know, is my wife. Sylphie Pendragon" Asta said as he look into the tree's eyes.

"D-Did you say Sylph!? Is that woman your wife too?" The tree felt a cold sweat remembering a carnage.

"Yes!" Asta said with pride and under the surprised gaze of the tree Sylph appeared next to Asta, she was wearing a pijama.

"Daddy! Did you call me?" Sylph said and her voluptuous body hovered on Asta.

"S-S-Sylph!?" The tree stuttered, its eyes looked at Sylph's swollen belly.

"Y-Y-You are pregnant too!!??" The tree said, his eyes went up and it fainted.

"Oh... Poor tree" Sylph said, she didn't remember this tree, she tried to remember it but when she tried the scenes of her riding Asta appeared in her mind.

Asta felt a heavy breath, he holded the poor tree stood up.

"Sigh" Fana sighed.

"Why is this tree so important for your race?" Asta asked, Sylph was hugging him and teasing him.

"Mmmmm....." Fana enjoyed her hands and her face turned completely red "I don't want to talk about it, please!" Fana hid her face on Asta's chest.

Asta nodded, he asked because probably this Yggdrasil is very different to his world's one.

"Asta~" Sylph whispered, pheromones assaulted the place.

"Oh shi-"



"HmmmHmm" Asta was humming he was in the living room with some of his wives. In front of them, the baby Yggdrasil was in front of them, on a table.

"So... You two find a tree that could talk?" Mimosa who was on Asta's lap said.

"Yes!" Asta and Fana said at the same time.

"Well... Why do you bring it here?" Mimosa asked with curiosity.

"We need your help love" Asta said as he hug her waist.

"My help? Oh!" She realized, Undine who was sitting on a sofa with Sylph sleeping on her lap, laughed softly.

Mimosa stood up and kneel down before the tree.

Outside the base...


A green and white light emerged.

Inside the base.

Mimosa's appearance looked very messy. She blinked her eyes with confusion.

"What the hell...." Asta was the first to talk, He saw a Queen of the Elves doing this in his first life and it looked similar.

Making an Yggdrasil grow a lot in an instant.

"..." Fana seemed to suffer a short circuit, She just saw a human woman feed the Yggdrasil!

She didn't tried it because her mana is too immense and explosive, she was worried to explode the poor tree or something.

'She isn't descendant of Tetia then... Probably her family have relations with the nature?' Fana thought.

The eyes of the Yggdrasil opened, Its eyes looked at the woman in front of it.

"Girl... Did you just feed me? With your plant magic?" Yggdrasil asked.

"Mm! Mm!" Mimosa nodded in a cute way.

"..How many surprises I will receive today? What is the next, The spirit of the water is with this man too?" Yggdrasil gave Asta an accusing look.

Asta just pointed at Undine.

"Heh, Stop doing that I will not fall. It is impossible for a human to have Undine as wife too! You would be crushed! She's very strong, her trident and magic took millions of lives, her body is one of the most perfect bodies that I have ever seen! She's like a Goddess of War She is-" Yggdrasil stopped saying Undine's story when it saw that Asta continued pointing at Certain place.

Asta just keep pointing at his wife.

"Tsk." The Yggdrasil turned and freeze, the woman that it respect a lot was there...


Undine was greeting Yggdrasil with a kind look.

"Ara Ara, Tree-chan you are alive!" She said in a soft tone.

The eyes of the Yggdrasil looked at Undine's belly.

"This could not be... How!? Why these women? You are legendary! Why you look like happy wives now!? and pregnant!" The image of Sylph and Undine destroying higher beings, shattered. Now it was replaced by two mothers taking care their babies and husband, living peaceful and happy life.

"The times flies by, and I want to have my family. I want many children!" Undine said with a sweet voice.

"I understand..." The Yggdrasil said, Undine and Sylph aren't just Guardians of this world, they are women too. And of course after those years of war they would want to live calm and have children. The Yggdrasil showed a complicated expression and a faint smile 'I am glad that they're happy'

"Hey, those times finished. They go, don't show that expression." Undine said in a soft tone.

"Mhm!" The Yggdrasil nodded "I know, and after that the black thing, no. The Black Clover killed they like ants they seemed to be scared."

Asta frowned when he heard Yggdrasil, he finally remembered something.

"Yes, and if they back. They will get a big surprise" Undine's eyes sparkled.

"Hey... The black thing that you are talking about looks humanoid and completely dark?" Asta said remembering the black thing that he fought, the eyes of the Yggdrasil trembled.

"Did you meet the Black Clover!?" Yggdrasil asked.

"Oh, yeah and I attack it. He tried to attack me but I made a c-"

"How are you alive? Oh wait... You aren't normal, right? You can't just do those things! Having two spirits as wives! making they and that elf- Cough Cough and survive an encounter against the Black Clover!" The Yggdrasil narrowed its eyes. Finally it realized that Asta isn't normal.

"I'm built different" Asta just said.

"So that black thing that my husband met is the Black Clover?" Fana said.

"Yes, And it is very dangerous" The Yggdrasil said.

"Black Clover? It's like our grimoires?" Mimosa tried to summon her grimoire but it didn't appeared.

"Oh... I don't have grimoire now" She showed a sad expression.

"Maybe the Black Clover has relation with our Kingdom" Asta said as he looks at Mimosa.

"The Black Clover is a mystery, husband. If you tried to deciphering it will only make you more confused." Undine said.

"Ughh, Black Clover that or this... We don't care about it, we have our own business" Sylph said and continue sleeping.

"I know, but I can't understand how your husband survive against the Black Clover" Yggdrasil said feeling a headache.

"It didn't try to kill me, maybe because I am very handsome" Asta said showing narcissism.

"Huhmm, You are lucky." The Yggdrasil was honest. If this man appeared when the elves were alive, probably he would impregnate all the women easily.

'Tsk! If he had been born before and met me, the elves would be filling and dominating this world'

"..." A silence hovered in the living room.

"..Who has hungry?" Asta asked.

"Me!" All the girls said, Sylph stood up and pounce on Asta.

"Hey! Where are you going! I talk about a big threat and you just forgot it!" The Yggdrasil said, Undine looked at it with a soft expression.

"Don't worry, Even if the gods descend again, no one will defeat us." Undine showed a wild smile that send chills to Yggdrasil. Undine left the room, her voice continued resonating in the Yggdrasil's mind.

"She is still the same!" The Yggdrasil realized. Its form changed and now a little and a cute dear appeared, its eyes were of an azure color and its body was made in chi- was made of plants. The little deer followed Asta and the girls.

Asta cooked a lot of food for his wives, now they are eating, Undine and Sylph were on Asta's lap. The Yggdrasil was on the table eating peanuts, Mimosa and Fana were talking as they eat.

Asta was feeling curious about Undine, she is a little closed with her past, but now that she is very happy he decided to seize the moment.

"So my spirit of the water wife fought against gods?" Asta said, making Undine stop eating.

"Mm! They were strong, Strong enough to weaken me. But they decide to retreat when the Black Clover appeared" Undine explained.

"..." Asta's pale golden eyes gleamed, he wanted to fight against that thing again. But it didn't seem to have an interest in fight, it seemed more like a neutral being. But even if it is a neutral being, he will make sure to be on guard.

Asta kissed Undine's cheek and then spoke:

"Do you miss those moments?" Asta asked, those moments probably were the most shining times of Undine.

"Nah, It was just like a responsibility and I wanted to protect my little sister" Undine stroke Sylph's hair, she pouted and continue eating.

"Oh, I thought that you love the battles" Asta said, Undine's body is perfect and he thought that she forged it to battles, but Undine had other reasons.

"It's fun, but I love this kind of life. Peaceafu, happy, and I can't wait to give birth my daughter and more! Just thinking a little about having her in my arms fill my heart with happiness!" Undine said with a warm expression and motherly smile.

"Me too! And I will want many children! I am going to make a legion of naughty spirits!" Sylph said with a happy expression.

"Hahaha" Asta chuckled, the image of little spirits doing mischief appeared in his mind.

"I will give you billions if you two want" Asta hugged them, Sylph's smile grew.

"Billions? We will fill the world, love" Undine kissed Asta and spoke. She wanted much children but she doesn't want to fill the world, that would be a big problem.

"Then I will get more worlds!" Asta said with a serious expression.

"Pfft, Oh holy spirits. You always have a solution!" Undine said as her eyes curve like a crescent, she kissed Asta cheek and flashed a warm smile.

"Of course, you are my wives and I will always find a way to make you happy." Asta said as he shows a loving smile.



"Mchmm!" They began to kiss, The Yggdrasil who was watching this felt like it just ate a lot of candies and not peanuts.

They stopped and Asta looked at their bellies, probably Undine and Sylph are going to give birth in few time, their bellies are big now.

"Hehehe, Are you impatient to see them too?" Sylph showed a warm expression.

"Yes, I am" Asta was honest, Sylph and Undine holded his hands and place on their bellies.

"Oh, they are moving" Asta smiled and caressed their bellies.

"Probably in some months we will have them in our arms" Undine said with sweet voice.

"Being a spirit has many advantages" Asta couldn't help but say.

"Yesh!" Sylph said with food in her little mouth.

"Your mouth is dirty, Sylphie" Asta took a napkin and wiped Sylph's mouth.

"Daddy! I am not a baby!" Sylph's eyebrows lowered, Undine chuckled and spoke:

"This reminds me-"

"NO!" Sylph covered Undine's mouth, her cheeks were red.

Asta narrowed his eyes and used his soul to talk with Undine.

'Tell me, love' Asta said.

'See, she was like a baby who wants to be-'

'NOOOO!' Sylph enter the chat.

As a mental battle was happening Mimosa and Fana fall asleep together on a sofa, Noelle entered the kitchen with a sleepy expression. Her nose twitched and she approached Asta, and as if Asta knows what she wants, he gave her meal and she left the kitchen with a sastified expression.

"Is she your wife?" Yggdrasil asked.


"All of your wives are not normal?" Yggdrasil frowned. As Fana it cannot know how powerful was Noelle, it felt like it was in front of those powerful beings.

"They very are strong" Asta said as he hug Undine's waist.


"It's like you said" Yggdrasil looked at Undine.

"Um?" Undine tilted her head.

"The times flies by, and the things changed too much" Yggdrasil said with a lost expression. In the old times, the Yggdrasil never saw so much strong women as Sylph and Undine, and much less a man like Asta.

"Hee, Don't worry you will get used to it. You are a strong woman, right?" Undine patted Yggdrasil's head.

"Thank you" Yggdrasil smiled and continued eating.

'This kind of life is good too.' Yggdrasil couldn't help but think, it spent all of its life protecting the forest.

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