
Chapter 131: The foreplay is over.

Acier and Asta came out from the castle, Acier is dressed in a beautiful long dress and crimson like her eyes, her hair was tied in a long ponytail, long bangs covered her eyebrows, framing her perfect, sharp oval face. The two bangs next to her cheeks reached down to her magnificent breasts.

Asta was dressed like a king but without a crown, he had a black shirt with gold embroidery and a long black vest that looked like a trench coat. Asta and Acier looked like two deities that came down to shock the world, Acier had a soft expression on her face and at the same time lost she was still thinking about the bathroom thing. While Asta smiled happily.

Asta intertwined his fingers with Acier's and looked at her.

''Love.'' Asta said softly making her look immediately into his eyes.

''Yes?'' Acier said.

''You were supposed to guide me but we have been walking aimlessly for a few minutes.'' Asta said with an amused expression.

''Oh...'' Acier's cheeks turned red feeling embarrassment, she bowed her head a little. But Asta grabbed her chin and lifted it up, making her look those pale golden eyes.

''If you want to do other things just told me, You are who decides here now.'' Asta softly said.

''No! I already have the places we want to go listed right here!'' Acier said she put her hand in her pocket and tried to take out a note but nothing came out....

Acier was now dying of embarrassment, her face that had red cheeks was now completely red, she looked Asta straight in the eyes and then said in a soft voice.

''I forgot it...'' She flashed a silly smile.

''Pffft! Hahaha!'' Asta couldn't help but laugh, Acier hit his chest and puffed her cheeks.

''It doesn't care! It will not be the same order but we will go to the places!'' Acier said.

''Okay, Love'' Asta said and they began to walk again.


Noelle was waking up, and seeing that she was not in her mother's embrace she puffed out her cheeks like a squirrel's she noticed that there is a note on the table.''She left me a note!'' Noelle said with excitement and took the note.

And there was when she began to read, slowly her beautiful oval face began to get redder and redder the more she read.

-We'll go here and there and there and then we'll fight and when we're both satisfied I'll take him to a cave. That is where I will take advantage and fuck him until we go crazy then he will fuck me so hard that my womb will not want to let go out his cock and then I will give birth children with him. After that fuck in the cave we will fuck in the castle and I will invite my daughter to fuck us both and get pregnant!

Together we will store his baby seeds, we will give birth to cute and beautiful strong babies. After that we will train and fuck, train and fuck, maybe there will be some exploration and discovery! And of course it can't be left out that we will fuck in the middle of those explorations!

-My goals.

''M-Mother... You are very wild!'' Noelle's face was of an intense red and smoke came out from it.

''Babies...'' Noelle bite her lips and hide in the sheet, her eyes were of the shape of a swirl.


Noelle imagined a cute little girl with chubby cheeks, her eyes were golden like her husband's and her hair was of her color. The little girl hugged her leg and lifted up her face as she look at her with a tender expression.

Noelle covered her eyes with her hands and her legs swayed.


Acier and Asta were dining in a restaurant, Acier claimed his lap and Asta hugged her waist. While Acier ate from time to time she fed him.

It was as if they were in their own world, Asta had his chin on her shoulder and never looked away from her face.

Acier stopped feeding him, her smile turned loving and she settled on his lap facing each other.

Acier began to kiss him in a passionate way, the people in the restaurant both women and men felt their throats dry when looking at said couple, They seemed to be in their own world, Acier began to kiss him aggressively and then went for his greatest feast.


Acier bite his neck and began to suck his blood greedily.

''You don't get enough..'' Asta said with an amused expresion he hugged her waist with one arm and with the other he stroke her hair making her close her eyes enjoying the feeling.

''Hchhm!'' Acier made a meaty sound with her lips, and then she slowly parted them from Asta's neck. She stared into Asta's eyes with a loving expression.

''Never... I could never get enough of you, I am anxious for the future that holds for me with you...'' Acier began to caress his chest.

''We have only known each other for a short time, but I am so desperate to devour you and show you all my love. My body and soul screams it, I want to crush you every day and make all you can think about is me...'' Acier brought her face close to Asta's ''Let's put all this nonsense aside yes? We already went to many places, now we are going to go crazy! I want to fight with you! Then we'll fuck like crazy until we're satisfied, yes? say yes Darling~'' Acier brushed her lips against Asta's.

''Whatever you want my love'' Asta said and kissed her softly, Acier's smile became crazy in less than a second they dissapeared from the restaurant.


The night in the heart kingdom was beautiful and full of stars, there were hardly any clouds allowing to see said beautiful view.

Not far from the kingdom in an extremely beautiful place that looked like something out of a fairy tale, the mountains were constantly shaking. In the middle of those mountains a man and a woman were fighting with crazy and maniacal expressions, they seemed like two berserkers fighting totally absent from the world.

They seemed to have spent hours and hours fighting, A blood-red sword that Asta wielded moved with such precision and perfection that Acier at times thought to stand still and appreciate such skills, Asta's sword collided with the blood-red spear As if it were practically a blur, the spear even twisted from the force and speed that Acier applied to it.

The place looked like an eternal battlefield, They didn't use external skills that's stupid for them, they preferred to use their physical and weapon skills. The mountains at this point of so much rumbling began to collapse slowly causing a tremor that scared and alerted the kingdom for a moment, despite this they did not stop. The great mountains were slowly falling on them, but the moment these pieces approached them they were instantly pulverized by the waves of their attacks.


Their attacks resounded all over the place even reaching the realm, the crater below them sinking and getting bigger and bigger...

Acier's face was totally red and his breathing was quite labored, as Asta saw that she nonchalantly approached him to stop attacking allowing her to get closer, Acier threw his spear and pushed Asta down looking at him with blurred eyes with the shape of a swirl.

''Asta~'' Acier said with passion, both of them began to tear their clothes that were already torn, then they moved towards a cave.

''The foreplay is over~'' Acier said as she release hot air, she was on Asta's lap hugging his neck, Asta was hugging her waist and then without further ado they began to consummate their love..

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