
Chapter 127: It is back!


The sun rays hovered over Asta,Undine and Sylph. Undine was sleeping on top of him, the sheet was covering the Sylph,Undine's butt. Asta slowly began to wake up feeling kisses, he opened his eyes and saw the naughty spirits kissin him.

''Good Morning Asta.'' Undine said with a happy and loving expression.

''Good Morning Daddy!'' Sylph said as she look into his eyes, she was flashing a naughty smile.

''Morning'' Asta flashed a warm smile and stroke the hair of them, their cheeks suddenly turned red and their breath ragged, Asta was still inside Undine and she was squeezing him again. Asta kissed Undine's lips softly as she began to move, Sylph approached him and kissed him too.

Asta looked at the two naughty spirits on top of him and began to attack.

''W-Wait Daddy we are sensi-''

The room was filled of moans for two hours...

''Hehh~'' Asta let out a sigh of sastifaction, the cunt of the two naughty spirits were spilling his seeds like a broken dam. Their expressions seemed to look like they ascended to the heavens, their faces were red, and their eyes seemed to be lost.

Asta kissed they on their lips, and then he go to the bathroom to take a bathe, after the bathe he was looking for Charlotte and Fana, but they weren't in the castle as the others girls too.

Asta feels very hungry so he go to the kitchen and began to cook.

''HmmHmm...'' Asta was humming with happines, his expression seemed very soft. 'That was definitely extremely good..' Asta thought.

While Asta was cooking with a happy mood, a wild Heloise entered into the kitchen, she slowly approached Asta's back. The busty maid hovered on Asta's back hugging him, she place her chin on shoulder and flashed a faint smile.

''Master...'' Heloise said with passion and hoarse voice.

''Yes, Heloise?'' Asta said without turning.

''You were a lot of time there, You know? Please Master... This maid miss you so much, can this poor maid taste your lips again? She would die if she didn't it.'' Heloise said as her breath ragged and her cheeks turn red, she was missing a lot him.

Asta suddenly stopped cooking and turned, he grabs her waist and sit her on the table. He hugged her waist and looked into her eyes with a loving expression.

''...'' Heloise shivered, 'That look... Hah~ Master this maid is so fond of you' Heloise bite her lips, she never took away her stare from Asta's.

''Heloise...'' Asta gently stroke her hair as he spoke with soft voice ''You don't need to ask me for it, my Heloise'' Asta said as he gently held her chin, they both looked each other with a smile, and then they kissed.

''Hnnng~'' Heloise moaned tenderly, she place her hands on his nape and stroke his hair as they kiss with passion a love, Heloise flashed a smile as they kiss, Asta did it too. His hands navigate around her body.

''My Heloise...'' Asta said with hoarse voice again.

''My Master...'' Heloise said with hoarse voice, she leans back and Asta hovered on her, pressing her on the table. Asta's hand gently caressed her round cheek and his other hand holded her waist.

''Mchm!'' Their lips snapped, then Heloise parted her lips from his, she hugged his neck and looked into his eyes with a loving expression.

''Asta... I love you so hard, Please don't make this poor maid wait, she wants to be one with you...'' Heloise whispered in his ear.

''Why do you love me so hard, Heloise?'' Asta suddenly asked, he was expecting that she was going to think about it before spoke, but she immediately replied his question.

''Hahahahaha Master, i don't need to explain it, but i will do it for you...'' Heloise brought her face more close to Asta's until they can feel the breath of each other, ''You are the man of my dreams, i saw several men when i was working with Acier, but you... You are a man I would kill for! I love everything of you, your cold side, your loving side, I want to give birth your children until my body couldn't give birth more!'' Heloise said in with much passion, she stared deep and intensely into Asta's pale golden eyes.

Asta's smile grows.

''I would kill for you too Heloise, my sweet Heloise... Soon, i will show you things out of this world'' Asta grabbed her chin and kissed her again.

''Hnnng~'' Heloise's cheeks turned more red, they parted their lips after minutes leaving a trace of saliva.

''I'll wait for that moment Master... Don't dissapoint me!'' Heloise said as she flash a big smile.

''Hahaha, of course i will not! Stay there let me finish my dinner.'' Asta said and continued cooking.

''Oh Master... By the way.. I forgot to told you that Vanessa wake up, she's hanging out with the girls.'' Heloise said making Asta stop.

''Heloise, That was the first thing you had to say!'' Asta said and then he began to eat his food fast.

''Come on Master... I am a professional, i make sure to analyze her. I think she's fine. The only thing that changed in her were her eyes.'' Heloise explained.

''What color they had?'' Asta asked.

''Amber,Green,Purple those three colors were neon too... And they sometime moves! It looks so cool!'' Heloise said making Asta froze.

''Ugh! Fuck! Damn!'' Asta suddenly curse.

''Ehh? Master!?'' Heloise was surprised this was the first time that she saw Asta acting like that.

''The purple is her original color, but the Amber and Green were of her predecessors... If one of those colors became just one, she will acquire a little personality and abilities of that Queen.'' Asta said.

''So... What is the problem? Isn't that supposed to be an advantage, she is practicallly receiving free spells and battle techniques.'' Heloise said as she put a finger in front of her lips.

''Dear, the problem is that if Vanessa's will is weak she will lose herself'' Asta explained.

''Uh? Master, she was practically dominating those men, That personality she showed is her true personality... She is very overprotective, that's why she goes so crazy in combat when she knows that someone is trying to harm a loved one for her, anger and rage prevail over her feelings.''

''Heloise!'' Asta suddenly kissed her cheeks and her lips.

''Hahaha, What?'' Heloise let out a soft chuckle.

''Thank you, but you should have said these things before, woman!''

''Master i was surprised that Acier was alive, so i didn't bother in told you the entire story...'' Heloise felt embarrassment, her cheeks turned a little red and she looked to other side.

''Okay'' Asta stroke her hair and he was about to leave but she stopped him.

''What? Do you want to come with me?'' Asta asked as he flash a faint smile.

''Oh, yes Master~ I want to come with you~'' Heloise's breath ragged and she began to release hot air.

''Hahahahahaha!'' Asta couldn't help but laugh, he holded Heloise like a princess and when he was about to move a thing that suddenly surprised them occurred.

Asta released Mana... Not a simply mana, a very pure mana with a golden and white color danced around him and Heloise, like an aurora in the middle of the night. The strange thing was that he didn't have his ability to absorb magic this confused him a lot, because if he did he would be absorbing Heloise and she would be noticing, another thing that confused him a bit was that it disappeared and came back after a long time.

''M-Master!!! You recovered your MANA!?'' Heloise's soft expression dissapeared replaced by a surprised one.

''Well.. It is back!'' Asta said as he punch up with excitement, Heloise noticed that his cheeks turned a little red she narrowed her eyes suspecting things.

''Maaaster~ Explain me right now!''

''Undine and Sylph.... they injected me with mana when we had intercourse... Cough...'' Asta said and he coughed with shame at the end, Heloise's entirely face turned of an intese red.

''M-Master... So they they passed mana through your, Cough Cough!'' Heloise coughed at the end imagining the wild things.

''Cough... Yeah... It felt very pleasant being honest...'' Asta said as he look to other side as if there was something interesting there.

''Master... Pervert.'' Heloise said as she stare at him.

''Pervert? You busty maid...'' Veins popped in Asta's forehead, he pushed Heloise against the wall and take her to the sky of the 69 wonders...

''Ahhh! Master!'' Heloise moaned.

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