
Chapter 109: He wants babies!

A/N: I have an english test this week, so this will be the only chapter that i will upload until the next week.


In a room were found Charlotte,Noelle,Mimosa,Mereoleona,Lily and Secre. The atmosphere It wasn't as lively and fun as usual, once they started talking they felt like they couldn't stop and they loved spending time with each other, but now a new problem arose, they were all thinking of some way to solve Acier's problem.

''This...I have no knowledge on this...'' Secre said with sad voice, She felt sad that despite having read many books and researched many things, she didn't know anything about it.

''It's okay Secre, you don't have to know everything'' Noelle said with a soft smile.

''Asta and Acier will be okay?'' Charlotte asked, her expression looked very worried and a little sleepy.

''Asta said that they are fine.'' Noelle replied.

''If he said that we just have to trust in our huband, Right?'' Mereoleona said with a faint smile.

''He always finds the solution to everything... I think we should help him'' Lily said as she looked at her hot chocolate with a lost expression. Asta has paved the way for her to a different new life and she always wants to do her best to help him and make him happy just like he does.

''We are only going to annoy him, almost all the women who are here specialize in combat...'' Mimosa said with a sad expression.

''Exactly.'' Secre said, even she had stopped paying much attention to books and research and started training hard together with Charlotte and Mereoleona.


All the girls sighed...

''Where is Fana? Maybe she knows something?'' Charlotte asked.

''She is sleeping.'' Noelle said.

''....'' Charlotte was thinking something and then she spoke ''What if we take turns sharing our blood with Acier? She is a woman that I respect and admire a lot, I don't want her and Asta to carry such a big problem.''

''Charlotte you are forgetting that Asta's body isn't normal.'' Mereoleona said.

''Oh...'' Charlotte's face turned red remembering somethings, she began to felt a little dizzy.

''Hahahaha.'' Noelle couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, looking at Charlotte's embarrassed face.

''Girls, we are trying to find the solution of something about how a Demonic Body works, What if we kidnap demons and force them to ask our questions?'' Mimosa said as her green eyes glow.

''....'' Everyone looked at Mimosa.

''What?'' Mimosa tilted her head with slight confusion.

''Do you know where are the demons?'' Lily asked.

''No... Ah!'' Mimosa's cheeks turned red realizing.

''It's okay Mimosa, you can spend time with me and i can make you a woman of culture'' Secre pat Mimosa's head as she said. Mimosa's eyes glowed as Secre's did.

''It is impossible Secre, she can't read a book for one minute.'' Noelle said with a faint smile, Mimosa looked at her and pouted.

The door of the room opened revealing Sylph and Undine, the girls couldn't help but lift their eyebrows at the sight.

Sylph was wearing a green nightgown and Undine a blue one, the atmosphere between them was so peaceful, warm and as if they understood each other perfectly. If it were not because they possess different elements, they will all think that they are sisters of blood.

''Is something happening girls?'' Undine asked with a kind smile.

''It is about my mother, she has problem with the bloodthirst'' Noelle said.

''Oh...'' Undine let out a soft moan and her cheeks turned red remembering crazy things 'Damn woman, her naughtiness when she suck our blood had no end' Undine remembered the days when Acier always made them spend embarrassing moments but they always ended up laughing nonstop and having a good time, Undine has shared a lot of her blood with Acier just like Lolopechka, only she has had to offer more and she didn't have problems because she is a spirit.

''Why your face turned red Undine?'' Noelle asked feeling curious.

''Your mother is very naughty when she sucks blood...'' Undine was honest.

''....'' A mortal silence hovered over the place, only Noelle seemed to be normal with this.

''W-We should get our husband back!'' Charlotte said as she stood up, her face was entirely red imagining wild things. Before she can reach the door it opened.

''Daddy-'' Sylph's voice lowered her naughty tone when she saw the expression on his face.

''Honey?'' Charlotte tilted her head, Asta's expression was deep as he looked at Acier who was sleeping in his arms like a baby.

''Girls, i need your help'' Asta said as he approach the girls.

''H-How is she!?'' Noelle asked with concern.

''She's very fine, better than ever actually. Just that she's full of me.'' Asta said making the girls face even Mereoleona turns red.

''What?'' Asta tilted his head with confusion.

''D-Darling, that can be misunderstood..'' Noelle said as she look to other side.

''Oh...'' Asta's ears turned red with embarassment.

''D-Did you just blushed!?'' The girls said in unision with their eyes glowing.

''I am a human too, you know?'' Asta said feeling funny.

''C-Can you do it again, Darling!?'' Noelle asked with excitement.

''What do you think am i?'' Asta asked as his face turn dark.

''Our handsome husband'' Noelle said as she pinch Asta's cheek.

''...What we have to do?'' Charlotte who was laughing a lot asked.

''I just need a little blood from each one.'' Asta said as he gently place Acier on the table, the girls slowly approached him.

''What will you do with our blood?'' Noelle asked while making a small cut on her palm and letting some blood spill into a small bowl, the other girls did the same process as they all wanted to help Asta.

''I need to see how she reacts'' Asta said as he take the Noelle's bowl.

The girls looked at the bowl, Asta spilled some blood on Acier's mouth, she immediately licked her lips tasting the blood.

''Mhmm, tastes very good!'' Acier unconciously said making Noelle's face turn red like a tomato.

Asta take Mimosa's bowl and spill some blood again in Acier's mouth.

''Mmhmm, Too sweet!!'' Acier said.

''...'' They all looked intensely at Mimosa, she avoided everyone's gaze, feeling embarrassed.

''We have to talk again Mimosa...'' Asta said making Mimosa's body shiver... Of anticipation.

Asta take Lily's bowl and spill the blood in Acier's mouth.

''Mhmm, Why i remember horny those horny nuns from the church?'' Acier said as she frown.

Lily froze, her face slowly turning red, she wanted to dig a hole and hide there for years.

''How i expected...'' Asta said as he narrow his eyes at Lily ''It's inhirited!'' He couldn't help but said. Lily pounced on him but she finish being defeated and trapped in his arm.

''Let me go!'' Lily said looking like a little demon trying to fight with a titan.

''Shhh, Horny nuns don't have rights.'' Asta said as he put a finger on his lips.

''ASTA-'' Lily was about to shout but Asta shut her with his lips.

''Y-You are forgiven..'' Lily said as she lick her lips and place her face on his chest.

''....'' The girls looked at her with a face that said:

That easy!?

Asta take Mereoleona's bowl and spill some blood in Acier's mouth again.

''Mhmm, Why i'm having memories of horny lions that i saw when i was adventuring with my little lioness?'' Acier said as she moved her body to other said but Asta moved her again, from the corner of his eye he saw Mereoleona, she looked like someone who was petrified.

''Uhmm, How i expected..'' Noelle nodded with approval, the others did it too.

Asta take Secre's bowl and pour some blood in Acier's mouth again.

''Mhmmm, I'm feeling hot in a weird part of my body...''

Secre's face turned red as everyone, They stopped abruptly when they saw Asta's face turn red too.

''It happened again!'' Noelle looked intensely Asta.

''What, Woman!?'' Asta asked his expression was totally normal but his face was a little red, and that made him look extremely attractive.

''N-Nothing Darling, just keep that!'' Noelle said with shining eyes and excitement.

''Keep what?'' Asta began to feel very confused his wives are looking at him with shining eyes and Undine too.

Asta take Sylph's bowl and spille some blood in Acier's mouth.

''Mhmm, Today I am naughtier than ever!'' Acier said.

''How i expected'' Everyone said and even Sylph said.

Asta take Charlotte's bowl and pour some blood in Acier's mouth again.

''Hmm!? Why do I feel like bouncing for years without stopping?'' Acier said, Charlotte's face turned of an intense red and even smoke came out of her head.

Her eyes that avoid everyone's gaze met theirs, and to double her embarrassment they all looked at her with a mocking smile.

Asta take Undine's bowl and pour some blood in Acier's mouth.

''Hmm... I feel needy.''

Asta's jaw fell off just like his wives' Even though Acier said that, Undine kept her expression kind and serene but that reddish tone on her cheeks gave her away.

''Don't worry, my Daddy would like impregnate two sexy mature spirits for an eternity'' Sylph whispered with naughty voice in Undine's ear making her face turn completely red.

Undine looked into Sylph's eyes with with an expression that said shut up.

''What? Are you going to tell me you don't like it? I know you very well big sis, I know you want babies'' Sylph's naughty smile grew.

''..Shut up little sis.'' Undine said with obvious embarrassment, It was incredible how her expression did not change, it was still the same kind and calm expression.

'Even though so many years have passed, she doesn't forget anything about me.' Undine flashed a warm smile.

''We can't reject our nature.'' Sylph said with a serious voice.

''I know, but i can't ask him for more things he has already done a lot for me, with just bring you to me'' Undine said as she flash a warm expression, Sylph's eyes glowed like stars and she couldn't help but hug her big sister tightly.

''Delicious!'' Acier said as her cheeks turn red, her body began to shiver strangely.

''Darling! What your bloods did to her!?'' Noelle asked with an accusing look.

''She looks fine.'' Asta just said with a 'serious' expression.

''She looks drunk!'' Noelle hit Asta's chest and point her mother.

''Maybe it's because It is because she ingested the blood of horny rabbits'' Asta said with a serious expression, but everyone just remained in silent looking and him.

''Asta...'' Charlotte who was close to Asta suddenly said.

''Yes, Love?'' Asta said with a loving expression.

''That was your blood...'' Charlotte said with a soft tone.

''Oh...'' Asta looked at the bowl with a lost expression.

''Hahahahahaha!'' Everyone began to laugh.

As Charlotte contained her laughter she noticed something strange in Asta's hair.

''Honey, Your hair is changing?'' Charlotte said with confusion she took a pale blond hair ´from Asta's head and show it to him.

Since Asta was good at masking some things, no one noticed anything unusual, but inside he was different. After that day that he had spent a wonderful time with Charlotte he had fully matured and now there were other strange effects, effects that he understood.

''It's probably fading.'' Asta said.

''Maybe.. It looks like your eyes when they glow these days.'' Charlotte said making Asta froze.

'Oh... Shit' Asta couldn't help but said in his mind.

He looked nervously at the girls and then at Charlotte, the girls noticed him nervous and were going to ask something but Asta started whispering strange questions to Charlotte.

''No... I'm completely fine Honey, why do you ask that?'' Charlotte said.

''It's nothing thanks...'' Asta sank in his thoughts, 'then if i didn't put my D in an alter...' Asta thought as he put his hand in his chest.

'Hmm... The merged souls are fine, It is probably the dominant soul that is causing this.' Asta thought 'Uhhh, I'm going to be like those blondies?' Asta thought remembering things, he's eyes turned a little cloudy 'Well it's not a big probem'

Acier was waking up making all the girls look at her, She crawled up with a sleepy expression and sat on his lap, then under everyone's shocked gaze she bit Asta.


''...Fuck, Now am I a blood deposit!?'' Asta couldn't help but say, he feels like he's taking care of his vampire children. The image of several children biting him occurred in his mind and he couldn't help flashing a foolishly,warm and proud smile.

'What have those little devils done?' Asta asked to himself, He tried to suppress his memories so he wouldn't turn into a mess, but he couldn't help but want to at least remember his children. He doesn't know how many years have passed but at least he is satisfied that he raised and trained them enough to survive in such a dangerous universe.

Acier looked at Asta's expression from the corner of her eye, she as a mother could quite recognize that kind of expression. It was the expression of someone who had just seen her child born, someone who remembered the first steps of his child and the growth. And that warm smile reminds her of when she gave birth to Noelle.

'He wants babies!' Acier immediately realized.

I have an english test this week, so this will be the only chapter that i will upload until the next week.

Loh_creators' thoughts
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