
Chapter 86: Date with Secre.


Asta slowly opened his eyes, Mereoleona was lying on him sleeping with a happy smile. Her hair was a mess but it doesn't make her look bad, she just look more sexy and hot with that look, Asta looked at her with a warm smile and kissed her delicious lips.

''Mmm, Asta~'' Mereoleona opened her eyes as she flashed a loving expression, she put her chin on his ample chest and put her hand caressing it.

''That was... I'm spechless'' Mereoleona said her blue eyes looked at Asta's with a great passion.

''I'm spechless too, it was awesome'' Asta said as he hugged her.

''We have to do it everyday'' Mereoleona said as she flashed a wild smile.

''Of course'' Asta said and claped her ass making a fabulous sound.

''You like it too much''

''I'm no gonna lie that sound is addictive.''

''Hahahaha'' Mereoleona said and then yawn.

''Rest'' Asta said, Mereoleona nodded and closed her eyes. Asta wait for her to sleep, when she finally sleep he leave her tight embrace and leave her a pillow. Asta looked at the awesome sight, the sheet was covering her body until her waist, and her happy expression as she sleep make it more better. Asta moistened his lips and then he went to the kitchen.

''Hi'' Asta greeted Heloise who was sitting at the table with her face completely red, she doesn't answer and just looked at the body of Asta, he was just wearing boxers and, his hair was a mess and he has a lot of bites and hickeys on some parts of his body. Then her gaze lowered looking at the crotch, where there was a big pack there.

''H-Hello Master, you have a great time'' Heloise said without look him at his eyes.

''Hahaha, sorry for that Heloise'' Asta said with a dumb smile, he walked and began to cook some food.

''Master let me do it, maybe you're tired'' Heloise approached him.

''I'm not tired, but if you want to do it go ahead'' Asta said. Heloise began to fix some food and Asta sit at the table.

''Where is Edith? You and her are together everytime''

''Oh, she is with your wives Master'' Heloise flashed a warm smile when Asta asked about Edith, this is one of his great qualities in opinion of Heloise. Despite he hasn't to be worried about his maids, he ask for they and how they are. That makes her feel warm.

''You two are like sisters'' Asta suddenly said as he look at Heloise with his hand on his chin.

''Yes, we raised together. She was very cute when she was young, she never take off her hand from the mine Hahaha''

''Really? Edith did that Hahahaha''


''And you, how were you?'' Asta asked with interest, he notice that Heloise's body trembled a little when he asked for her.

''A normal woman Master.'' Heloise said with soft voice, her eyes were narrowed and empty.


''Master?'' Heloise said as she smile.

''Well, i'm not going to make you feel uncomfortable. If you don't want to talk about it just don't talk, I'm not going to force you. I appreaciate you and your work'' Asta said with a small smile.

Heloise stopped abruptly, she feel her heart pounding faster as she heard ''I appreciate you and your work'' She flashed a warm smile that Asta didn't see.

''Master, nobody told you that you're too good?'' Heloise suddenly said.

''Yeah, a lot of people told me that.'' Asta said remembering.

''And that makes a lot of women fall in love with you, even you are a person that took the lives of a lot of people, I consider you a good man.'' Heloise said as she continued fixing the food.

''Thank you Heloise''

''I'm one of that women Master.'' Heloise said.

''I know it''

''You are going to just say that? give me a answer, please Master'' Heloise said as she looked at him out of the corner of the eye.

''I don't need to answer, in the moment that i touch you, you became mine'' Asta said making Heloise's breath hitch and have wild thougths

''Master, I-'' Heloise turned her gaze and was about to say something but the door opened revealing Secre.

''Asta.'' Secre sat on Asta's lap.

''Yes, Love?'' Asta asked.

''The girls let me be the first to have a date with you.'' Secre said as she hugged his neck.

''Okay, we're going to have a date today if you want.'' Asta said making Secre flash a happy smile, Asta turned his gaze to Heloise and asked:

''What did you want to tell me?''

''Forgot it Master.'' Heloise continued fixing the food.

''We're going to talk, when i come back'' Asta said making Heloise's eyes twitch and glow 'How i expected from him.' Heloise thought.

''Mmm?'' Secre looked at Heloise, she was trying to anaylze her but the only thing that she find was those big breast swaying as she cook.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

''Those are the biggest I've seen, Noice...'' Secre muttered as she put her hand on her chin.

''I don't'' Asta whispered in her ear and before she could talk he spoke first ''You don't need to have some like those, little or big however i will take you on a trip to the paradise''

''L-Lewd!'' Secre said as her face blush.

''The Lewd girl saying Lewd, The irony is awesome...'' Asta said.

''You make me lewd.'' Secre said with a poker face.

''I didn't, that is your nature''

''What!? Do i look like an animal?'' Secre looked at Asta frowning.

''...'' Asta just moved his arms like a bird flying, making the reference for Secre.

''A-Asta!'' Secre's face turned completely red, she hit softly his chest feeling offended.

''Here is the food'' Heloise said as she flashed a warm smile looking at the couple 'This is so heartwarming' Heloise thought. Now that she's close to her Master she noticed that he's more tall now.

''Woah...'' Heloise unconciously moaned 'Every month he grow more, i can't wait for the day that he will ate me!' Heloise thought as she put her hand on her cheek.

''Mm?'' Secre and Asta looked at Heloise with a dumb expression, Secre had her hand on his cheek pinching it and Asta was pinching her cheeks.

''Oh forgive me, continue your romance'' Heloise said.

''Eat with us Heloise'' Secre said as she settled on Asta's lap.

''Okay mistress'' Heloise said and sat at the table, they began to eat as they talk. After that Asta and Secre take a bathe and dressed, ready to have a date.



Asta and Secre went out of the castle, they were at the door saying goodbye to Heloise. Asta was wearing a black shirt and pants with brown boots and a big brown backpack, Secre was wearing a black dress reaches her knees, in her feet she wear black shoes.

''What we are going to do this night?'' Secre hugged his arm, and looked at him with a warm expression, making her look very charming with those red cheeks too.

"It's a surprise" Asta kissed her softly, then he move behind her and cover her eyes with a red bandage.

"Hehehe" Secre looked very excited, Asta holded her and they he began to walk.

"So, how do you feel these days showing yourself to the kingdom?" Asta asked.

"Very sastified, i can walk around the kingdom entire Kingdom without problems, they just see me and the first thought that they get is; Oh she's one of the future Queens'' Secre said with pride.

''It seems that you like the title'' Asta said with a small smile.

''Hehehe'' Secre let out a soft laugh.

''Hey Love, What place do we go?'' Secre said as she brought her face close to the Asta's.

''It can't be a surprise if i told you the place'' Asta said and kiss her softly.

Secre pouted looking cute, Asta brough his mouth close to her ear and said:

''We are going to be alone in the middle of a forest, with a beautiful night...'' Asta said with hoarse voice making Secre feels excited.

''Nobody can bother us, it is a secret place that i find when i was flying'' Asta said as he began to fly with his dark wings.

''Don't lie, probably you was searching for more women for your harem!'' Secre said.

''Pffft, No Hahahaha'' Asta said as he laugh.

''You're a lucky man, we are very beautiful,talented,strong and more things!'' Secre said with a small smile.

''Yes, I am!'' Asta said with a happy smile.

''But, i feel so lucky too, I never will regret of having been with you since that day. It was the best choice of my life'' Secre said as she put her face on his chest, Asta filled her face with kisses making her unconciously flash a happy smile and let out a soft chuckle.

''Why you choose a forest for our date, Love?'' Secre suddenly asked feeling curious.

''Oh, you will understand, when we arrive the place. You will love it!'' Asta said.

''Then move fast! I'm curious.'' Secre said looking like a excited child.

''I want to feel you more in my arms''

''You can do it when we reach the place.''

''Ughh, i don't like the desperate women''

''Hah!? do you wanna fight?''

''Fight? What do you can do? bite me? Hahahaha'' Asta laugh.

''I'm studiying the reinforcement magic, i would like to talk with Charlotte about it, she slowly make that magic evolve and maybe we can make a great magic! Imagine, Me with this delicate body creating destruction just with my hands!'' Secre said with excitement.

''It would be cute'' Asta said as he imagine Secre making destruction in a tender way.

''Cute? A girl making destruction is cute for you? Do you hit your head? I remember that you didn't!''

''Yes, the girls can cute when they are making destruction''

''Puaj! My husband it's so strange sometimes!'' Secre said.

''And my wife is a library mouse''

''Huh? I'm not! i have 500 years without touch a library''

''Oh, i have some books that i think you would like to read with me''

''Really!?'' Secre said with excitement.

''The first is about a weak boy who enters a low level dungeon but it's actually the opossite, he ends up ''dying'' but actually survives and comes back stronger than ever.''

''That book sound interesting'' Secre's eyes glowed with interest.

''Trust me Love, you will like it except some things.'' Asta said as he descend in a wonderful forest.

''We arrived?'' Secre said.

''Yes, let me take off the bandage'' Asta said and slowly take off the bandage from the Secre's eyes.

''...'' Secre felt that her breath stopped as she saw this wonderful forest, it looks like a fairy tale, with different lights and a beautiful lake with a waterfall and with the moonlight hovering on it.

''Do you like it?'' Asta asked with a smile.

''It's awesome!'' Secre said and hugged his neck for an apassionate kiss.

''Wait here'' Asta said and parted his lips from hers. He opened his backpack and take out a big blue cloak that covers a great space, he fixed everything putting food some books and other things.

''Come over here'' Asta said as he pat the place next to him, Secre approached him but she sat on his lap and settled on it. Asta stare at her and she just blink her eyes as she stare at him with a smile.

''This is a perfect place to make me lewd things.'' Secre said as she look at the place.

''I wasn't thinking about it, when i choose this place'' Asta said with a serious expression.

''Mmm, Suspicious'' Secre narrowed her eyes and stared at Asta directly at his eyes.

''What do you want to do, first?'' Asta said as he kissed her cheek.

''I want to walk around! but you have to hold me all time around.''

''Hey Secre you're 518 Years old'' Asta said suddenly.

''I'm not, i'm 18 years old'' Secre pouted.

''Well, whatever you said.'' Asta stood up as he hold her, she hugged his neck and looked at him with a happy smile.

''Hey Love, Do you want an investigation room?'' Asta asked as he walked close to the waterfall. He thought it would be a perfect place for her to do her research and enjoy books.

''An investigation room?'' Secre's eyes glowed.

''Yeah, a quiet place for you''


''Why do you talk like that?'' Asta asked and he added in his mind 'I will make those people work hard to make a perfect room for my wife'

''I bite my tongue...''

''Let me see''

''Mmm'' Secre opened her mouth but there isn't anything wrong, her red tongue cam out slowly, Asta take advantage of her and kissed her with his tongue.

''Ahm!'' Secre's eyes jumped, but then slowly closed enjoying the kiss.

After they parted their lips Secre looked at him with a pout ''I know that you were going to do that''

''Hehe'' Asta just laugh as he stops close to the waterfall and sit down on a big rock.

''It's beautiful'' Secre said as they look the waterfall.

''Yes beautiful'' Asta flashed a mysterious smile, as he grab her by her hips.

''Amm Love, you're not going to do what i'm thinking?'' Secre looked at Asta with a ''dangerous'' expression... She doesn't know that she just look more cute trying to make a dangerous expression.

''Why? the bird doesn't want to bathe?''

''I took a bathe before this! Dare to throw me out and I'll punish you!''

''What kind of punish?''

''I will hang you with my thighs!'' Secre said as her eyes glowed red like if she is going to do something evil.

''...'' Asta was about to throw Secre when he heard that but he stopped and sat her on his lap.

''Heh, coward'' Secre flashed a sastified expression.

''What i can say, i don't want to die.'' Asta said.

''Good to you that you know your place''

''Yeah, in your crotch,ass,lips,tits-''

''W-What S-Shut up!'' Secre covered his mouth, her cheeks turned red.

Asta licked her hands making her take off from his mouth.

''Stop being lewd!'' Secre step away from Asta.

''You can run, you're alone with me'' Asta said making Secre stop abruptly and look at him with puppy eyes.

''It doesn't work little imp''

''Tsk!'' Secre said as she folded her arms, Asta suddenly reapeared close to her. He grabbed her by the hips as he approach the lake.

''A-Asta!'' Secre began to move like a worm trying to escape, her red eyes glowed with an a idea and she stopped, Asta looked at her with a naughty smile and he jump with her to the lake.

Secre turned into her bird form leaving Asta dive alone.


''Huh?'' Asta swim up, and he noticed that he doesn't have his wife in his arms.

''Hahahahaha!'' Secre turned into her human form floating close to the lake.

''Hahaha'' Asta was laughing but then his eyes turned red, and Secre immediately reappared inside the lake.

''...'' Secre blinked her eyes confused and she slowly moved her head in a tender way looking around the place, she was completely wet. Her gaze stopped at the face of her husband who has a happy smile.

''You!'' Secre tighten her fist.


''I will punish you!'' Secre pushed down him close to the edge of the lake.

Secre ''Immovilized'' him by crisscrossing her hands with his, she sat on his crotch and she brought her face close to his as she flashed a naughty smile.

''You're mine now.''

''B-Be gentle please'' Asta said waith ''nervious voice'' The roles suddenly change?

''Pfffffft! Hahahhahaha!'' Secre fall on him laughing loudly.

Secre put her chin on his chest, she flashed a beautiful warm smile as her cheeks turn red ''I love you so much...''

''I love you too'' Asta said as he hug her.

''I-I want to give the next step'' Secre said as her blush grow more.

''Huh? but the date is just starting''

''We can do those thing after do it..'' Secre said as she plays with her fingers.

''Well'' Asta flashed a warm smile as he stood up and hold her like a princess, Secre hid her face on his shoulder feeling nervous, her heart was pounding very fast.

'Finally i said it!' Secre thought as her face turned completely red.

There is a little imp for the dinner!

Loh_creators' thoughts
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