
Chapter 83: Wives training.

Charlotte was sitting at the table, Asta was next to her with Sylph and Mimosa on his lap.

''So this icy princess fall in your claws Daddy?'' Sylph asked as she looked at Charlotte who looking her new rapier.

''Icy Princess?'' Charlotte turned her face to Sylph who flashed a silly smile.

''You looked like that'' Sylph looked to other side slowly avoiding the Charlotte's gaze 'Why this woman feel so different now? more stronger and more happy too? Ah, maybe my Daddy did something with her' Sylph bit her lips with frustation 'I want his baby' She looked at Asta's eyes trying to make him read her mind.

''Mmm?'' Asta began to heard the words, baby,baby,baby inside his mind. He looked at Sylph, she was with her eyes closed,her cheeks puffed like a squirrel and her face turned red.

Asta looked at Mimosa searching for a answer, but she just shook her head, then she lift a finger close to her lips and said.

''Maybe she want chocolates?'' Mimosa said as she lift a finger close to her lips.

Asta was almost to fall from his chair ''Wife why you just think about chocolate?'' Asta looked at Mimosa with a worried expression.

''E-Ehh...'' Mimosa looked at him with feeling embarassed. She doesn't want to say that she has some addiction with candies after she began to train and unlocked her new spells.

''We gonna talk later'' Asta said as he caresses her head.

'I don't think it is that i'm thinking about, Right?' Charlotte who was listening to they thought.

Tap Tap Tap

Steps began to be heard no far from they, and then the other girls appeared, Noelle reappeared with the Mana Zone, next to Charlotte. She began to examine her.

''Heh'' Noelle flashed a naughty smile.

''?'' Charlotte tilted her head feeling that there is something strange with Noelle.

''Welcome Charlotte'' Lily said as she look at Charlotte with her eyes in a crescent shape.

''T-Thank you...'' Charlotte began to feel nervous 'Why they are looking at me like that?'

''Welcome to the paradise, a paradise that you will never want to leave.'' Secre said with a ''pure'' smile.

''Paradise?'' Charlotte felt more confused now.

''Yeah, you can have a wonderful time, but it's not just that. You can battle with him everyday and do other things''

''...'' All the girls looked at Mereoleona who was flashing a wild smile, now they know why Asta and her dissapeared together sometimes.

''You girls... You were sleeping too much hours, right?'' Asta said suddenly making the girls feel a cold sweat. Mereoleona's excited smile turned into a silly smile like the girls.

''D-Darling what are you talking about? We just spend a lot of energy thinking about the baby... and you know we just do it and then fall on that king size bed and it was too hard to stood up again.'' Noelle explain as she moved her hands in a tender way.

''Okay'' Asta simply said but then.

''We are going to train today.''

''...'' The expression of all the girls except Mereoleona and Charlotte turned dark

''And then i'm going to have dates with you'' Asta said.

''...'' Immediately the smile in Noelle's face grew so much that it looked crazy, her cheeks turned red and her eyes looked like a swirl and her thoughts became wild.

''Husband where are my chocolates?'' Mimosa asked because she doesn't find her chocolates.

Munch Munch.

Mimosa slowly turned her gaze to Salamander who in some time appeared on Asta's head, he was eating her Chocolates...

''You.'' The voice of Mimosa sounded like of a demon, Salamander suddenly stopped and looked at the empty eyes of Mimosa.

''It's just helping you, they are going to grew so much that you can't carry them'' Salamander said, Asta lifted his fist and Salamander punched it with his.

''....'' Smoke began to leave the delicious mouth of Mimosa, Salamander began to felt a cold sweat.

''Bye bye'' Salamander made the peace sign with his claws and he just strangely dissapeared leaving an image of fire of him.

Mimosa was about to shout but Asta kissed her.

Mereoleona was acting strangely as she look at Mimosa 'Maybe it's inherited?

''Give me three seconds'' Asta said, his eyes turned red and he dissapeared. Two seconds later he appeared holding Fana like a princess, she was wearing a black dress and gray boots and her beautiful white long hair was wet.

''...'' Fana just looked at the girls with a lost look, She just bathed and dressed, and suddenly she was kidnapped.

''You will get used to it.'' Noelle said as she stood up, The others got up and went to look for their belongings before leaving.


3 Hours later.

Asta's wives were in the forest, they were fighting. Mimosa and Lily were on the ground gasping with their bodies covered in sweat, Charlotte was fighting against Sylph with an excited smile. Fana was fighting against Noelle and Mereoleona was biting her husband.

Wait what?

''Mereoleona'' Asta said as he feel Mereoleona biting his shoulder, she sat on his lap and didn't fight.

''What?'' Mereoleona looked at Asta with a silly smile that shows her canine tooth.

''It's strange that you don't want to fight or something.'' Asta said.

''Oh...'' Mereoleona looked down and she decide to be honest.

''I was thinking about sitting head, I'm the third older of your wives. But it's a hard decision'' Mereoleona said as she look at his eyes.

''That isn't what you want'' Asta said as he looked at her deeply.

''...'' Mereoleona looked to other side avoiding his gaze.

Asta brought his mouth close to her ear and he said something that make her show a excited smile. Asta holded her like a princess and then they went far from the place.


''...'' Noelle looked at Fana in shock as they fight, this woman feels different before the reincarnation spell. Noelle considered her a pervert time ago, but now she's so serious and sere. Noelle could not understand anything he thought or planned Fana she just looked at Noelle with a quiet expression.

''Kairyuu No Hoko'' Fana said, Noelle stayed in shock as she see Fana copying easily her spell.

A dragon head of 300 Meters formed in Fana's right arm, Noelle was frozen looking at Fana, her hair fluttered and her expression did not change. Fana slowly moved her arm and the dragon came out slowly.

Noelle shook her head and said:

''Mana Zone: Queen of the Dragons.'' The crown on Noelle's head turned as horns, her eyes became blue, her dress now looked like dragon scales and had long been coming to her calves and covering all her arms. The eyes of Noelle now more sharp, she looked at the gigantic head of fire dragon and then pointed her longsword to it.

''Kairyu No Hoko'' Noelle said, and her body was covered in a gigantic dragon head of water.


The attacks collided by spreading fire and water everywhere, Noelle slowly opened his sharp eyes but I did not see Fana anywhere, she began to feel that the place became pretty hot. Slowly her look headed up.

Fana's eyes had come back like two sun, her black dress did not look anywhere, it was now replaced by a light armor with skirt made of an intense fire.

''Fana?'' Noelle said suddenly.

Fana shook her head and replied.


''You are acting very different.''

''Oh, i'm lost in my thoughts sorry.'' Fana said as her cheeks turned red.

''Heh, are you thinking about him?'' Noelle said as she flashed a naughty smile, she reappeared in front of Fana, so close that she can feel her breath. Fana was overwhelmed by those swirl purple eyes.

''I know that you love him, but respect when we fight''


Fana's body oshot out crossing the clouds.

''What happen to they?'' Lily asked she was resting her head on Mimosa's lap.

''You know Lily, some time she's like our husband in fight. This fight gonna take too much time'' Mimosa said with a lazy expression.

''Noelle leave us completely behind'' Lily said feeling a little frustrated.

''Hahaha, don't think that Lily. Your progress when you started training with us, is simply amazing, and even if we aren't strong enough that will not make our husband's feelings change, he will always love us very much.''

''You have reason'' Lily said as she flashed a warm smile and then stood up, She combed her hair in a bun and looked at Mimosa with a decided expression.

''In spite of that, i want to be worthy of my future title of Queen. I don't want to have that title just because I'm the wife of Asta'' Lily said while her body was covered with a water armor.

''I also want to overcome, I will stop eating chocolates!'' Mimosa said as she stood up and use her dryad dress spell.

''...'' Lily was almost to fall when she heard Mimosa, she regained her composture and said:

''Why eat chocolates when you can eat Asta?'' Lily said as she dissapear and appear behind Mimosa.


''What is that speed!?'' Mimosa said as she slide 10 meters.

''I'm not just speed'' Lily snap the fingers, magical circles appeared above her and swords began to rain on Mimosa.

''Slam!'' Mimosa made a Hammer of plants and slammed the swords, then she leaned her body down and shot out towards Lily making a crater in the process.


A Hammer and a Short sword collide.

''To think that a nun would leave that title alone to fall into the arms of man who loves.'' Mimosa suddenly said making Lily blush.

''He is worth it'' Lily said as she swing the sword.

''Oh, for sure he is worth'' Mimosa said as she flashed a naughty smile.

''Mimosa!'' Lily said feeling embarassed.

While on Earth fighting Mimosa and Lily, in the sky giant explosions of water and fire occurred. Sylph was fighting against Charlotte.

'...' Sylph looked at Charlotte.

Charlotte bowed her body, her arms glowed with a blue mana. Her eyes slowly opened looking at Sylph who was taking stance.

''Come here, i want to see the skills of the woman that my Daddy loves'' Sylph said with a naughty smile as her Katana glow with a green light.

Charlotte didn't said anything, under the surprised eyes of Sylph she just dissapeared and reapeared in front of her, Charlotte's arm were glowing with blue mana and her feet too.

''Take me seriously Sylph.'' Charlotte said with a proud smile.


''I can't take seriously an icy princess like you'' Sylph said as she swing her katana against Charlotte's rapier.

''I'm not an Icy princess'' Charlotte threw a kick like a whip hitting a wind barrier.

''Ugh.. Annoying'' Charlotte looked at Sylph's barrier.

''Don't dist-'' Sylph was about to said but her feet were wrapped by the Charlotte's briar magic.

''1000 Pound Fists'' Charlotte's right fist glowed intensely and she punched the barrrier.


Sylph shot out towards the sky, she was spinning. But the strange thing in ther was that she had a funny smile in her delicious lips. She recovered her composture and pointed her Katana towards Charlotte.

Charlotte felt a soft breeze moving her hair and then taken totally by surprise, Sylph appeared in front of her but this time wearing two katans in her hand and one made of green light in her mouth, her naughty expression did not see anywhere just a serene expression.

''Santoryu'' Sylph eyes glowed as she swing her three Katanas.


Sylph put Charlotte to the defensive instantly, the sparks flew up every time the rapier and the Katanas collided, the feet of Sylph move quickly and in a perfect way. A slight smoke began to get out of Charlotte's lips as the fight continued.

'What the heck?' Sylph was confused the more the fight advanced she felt that Charlotte was stronger in terms of physical strength, she looked at her reinforcement spell with interest.

Charlotte closed her eyes remembering the night that she fight against Asta and she unconsciously exhibited a smile, then her eyes opened with an intense blue shine leaving traces as she moved around the field.

Charlotte suddenly stopped, her right foot flooring forward sinking into the ground and causing a 50M crater, then she swayed her rapier that shone with an intense blue light hitting Sylph's Katana with which she protected herself.


Sylph was sent to fly by Charlotte, Sylph looked at her with a funny smile as she returned as if nothing had happened.

''Tsk, trickster.'' Charlotte said as she slowly approach her.

''Trickster? You're the trickster here, you make my Daddy love you so much'' Sylph said as she approach Charlotte.

''Are you jealous?'' Charlotte asked with a big smile, she take stance and her eyes began to glow again.

''No, i'm not. Soon-'' Sylph stopped and shook her head, Charlotte looked at her confused, Sylph has her cheeks red and she doesn't look serious but her mana is growing and growing.

''Here i go Charlotte'' Sylph run towards Charlotte.

Charlotte swung her rapier forward, Sylph swung her three Katanas making a tornado the two attacks collide leaving a shock wave in the area.

'She is holding back'' Charlotte's eyes glowed dangerously. The ground beneath her exploded, her body tense gaining more strength and her attacks began to push Sylph back.

'How can this woman improve like that?' Sylph thought.

Charlotte began to increase her speed and this time she became a blur of such speed, the mana in her feet and arms each time began to change.


''My Daddy has awesome women with him.'' Sylph said as she sighed.

''Stop holding back Sylph'' Charlotte said, she dissapeared and reapeared behind Sylph.


Sylph catch her punch and looked at Charlotte's eyes deeply.

''Sorry Charlotte but i can't.'' Sylph said making Charlotte give her and angry expression.

'What the heck!?' Sylph looked at the right arm of Charlotte that was changing.

While the girls continued fighting, Secre was on a tree in her human form. Her body was completely sweat. She was looking at her grimoire.

''Mhmm, i will need the help of my husband'' Secre thought as she put a hand on her chin, her cheeks turned red thinking about something can happen, smoke came out from her head as she thought.

After long moments Asta appeared next to Secre suddenly surprising her, Mereoleona was in his arm with her eyes narrowed as she put her face on his chest.

''Asta!'' Secre approached her and kissed him.

''It seems that they are taking this to another level'' Asta said as he look at Fana and Noelle fighting.

''Yes, Fana is different now... And her mana don't have any sense!'' Secre said.

''Yes'' Asta said as he look the sky with his green eyes glowing.

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