
Chapter 71: Secre betrays her husband!?

Everyone was sleeping peacefully, Asta felt like he was in the middle of the softest and warmest place in the world, Secre and Noelle were on top of him, Secre to his left and Noelle to his right. Secre had her head on his chest just like Noelle, Mimosa and Mereoleona slept together in a completely carefree way, Lily was to Asta's left and Sylph was not far from his head.

Secre trembled a littly then slowly opened her eyes, looked at Noelle's naked body and moved her a bit. Then she crawled on top of Asta and got close to his ear.

''Love...'' Secre whispered with hoarse voice, she began to kiss his neck,face and lips until Asta woke up.

''Love'' Secre whispered with hoarse voice.

''Secre?'' Asta looked at Secre with a sleepy expression.

''Something happens?'' Asta hugged her.

''Nightmare'' Secre said as she hid her face on his chest.

''It was completely dark, and i was alone. There were shadows around me cutting my flesh as they laugh''

''Mmm, what else did you see?'' Asta caresses her hair as his eyes glowed dangerously.

''Only that...'' Secre putted her chin on his chest as she looked at his eyes.

''It was the demon?''


''Don't worry, as long i live no one can't hurt you.'' Asta said as he kissed her head.

''Mmm, What if you were in the hell?'' Secre said.

''I'd get out of hell and drag the person who hurt you''

''And if the devil don't let you get out of the hell?'' Secre asked with a small smile.

''I would sign a contract with him.''

''Hahahaha'' Secre let out a soft and happy laugh.

''You didn't have nightmares did you?'' Asta said as he caresses her cheek.

''No'' Secre shook her head and then said:

''It is impossible for me to have nightmares if I sleep with you'' Secre hugged his neck softly.

''Why?'' Asta asked as he flashed a smile.

''You know the answer'' Secre said as she kissed him.

Asta approached her ear and whispered with hoarse voice:

''Do you want your reward, Love?''

''What type of reward'' Secre said as she felt tickle in her ear.

''Everything you want''

''Hahahaha, you're a human not a god''

''A simple god can't compare with your husband'' Asta said as he hugged her waist.

''The antimagic make your mind crazy?'' Secre asked with a neutral expression.

''No, my wives make me crazy''

''Stop, there sweet talker.'' Secre said as her cheeks turned red, she approached his ear and said ''Let's go to the darkness, i want to do dirty things''

Asta's mouth opened a bit as he heard Secre.

In an instant Secre was in the darkness... She can see in the darkness, Asta was in front of her completely naked,He was looking at her with a naughty smile, his red eyes were glowing.

''Come here, Love''

''Mhmm'' Secre climbed on Asta, her legs wrapped around his waist and she hugged his neck, Asta holded her waist in a protective way. They began to kiss intensely, the moonlight came through the window revealing Secre's beautiful pale naked body, They continued kissing for minutes, Secre felt her mind go blank and her heart melt. She loved this and she wanted it to last for eternity, she couldn't help but feel happy that she met Asta and entered into a relationship with him. All those years of loneliness were beginning to seem all stupid to Secre. Asta began to slowly make her forget those years with her every action of him, his words, his touches and kisses from him, Everything!

''Hehehe~'' The happy laugh of Secre resounded in the darkness.

An hour later Secre finally decided to sleep, and just as Asta was going to bed. Magically Mimosa, Lily and Noelle got up and attacked him.

Secre put her hand to her forehead like a soldier, as she slowly watched her future husband being dragged into the bathroom. He even looked at her with an expression that he said:


The bathroom door slowly closed alllowing Asta saw the last expression of Secre, Secre flashed a naughty smile as the door closed.

A very hot scene was taking place in the bathroom, Noelle climbed on Asta's back, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, she grabbed his chin and kissed him vigorously. Mimosa took the Asta's shaft and put it between her mounds, Lily began to kiss Asta's neck, Asta felt like he was in paradise and at the same time like he was being attacked by three succubus.

''Darling~ II want eat you'' Noelle whispered in his ear and then continued kissing him.

''Very well...'' Asta flashed a wild smile and then he lifted Noelle easily, she looked at him confused.

''W-What are you going to do?'' Noelle said feeling embarassed, she inconsiously wrapped her legs around his neck.

''Let me eat you'' Asta lift her more showing everything of her.

''A-Asta W-Wait!''


Slurrp! Slurrrp! Slurp!

Several different sounds began to play, but more moans were heard than anything else.



Asta woke up feeling quite well, he looked with a proud smile at the state of Noelle, Mimosa and Lily on his left. Asta had the nymph and the little devil on top of him, carefully getting out of their strong hug and hold of both of them. He realized that Mereoleona was nowhere to be found so he assumed that she had gone out somewhere, as he was hungry he decided to go directly to the kitchen ''forgetting'' that he was completely naked and with a morning wood.

Asta entered the kitchen, and his two maids stiffened completely when they saw their master enter the kitchen, completely naked.

''WWWW-What? MM-Master?'' Edith face turned completely red.

''Is this a declaration Master!?'' Heloise looked at Asta intensely.

''No, I'm just hungry.''

Asta destroyed the illusions of Heloise in one instant.

''L-Let me cook for you.'' Heloise said as she moved.

''M-Master put some cloths on you...'' Edith said as she covered her face with her hands, she leave a bit of space to see the body of his master, See a bit won't hurt right?

''Now the Maids give orders to their Masters?'' Asta asked with smile.

''N-No Master if you don't w-'' Edith was about to said but Asta approached her, her heart began to pound faster, but Asta just grabbed a big box with a nice design that was on the table.

''What is this?'' Asta asked.

''Your shaf- I mean a gift, it is a gift of Vienna for you...'' Edith said.

''Oh?'' Asta began to open the box, his eyes widened when he saw the sword inside the box.

Asta take the note from the box and read it.

''I made this with my Blood Magic, if you don't use it i will bother with you!''

Asta grabbed tightly the sword and touched it.

''She managed to do this just by learning the basics?'' Asta looked the Blood Sword with impression.

While Asta seemed to be in awe of Vienna's talent, Edith and Heloise gave him several cheeky glances and couldn't help but be amazed.

Asta continued to examine the blood sword, putting it to the test while also enjoying the reaction of his maids. After a few moments Heloise finished fixing his breakfast.

''Master the breakfast is don-'' Heloise froze when she saw Asta behind her.

''Breakfast this is a dinner, Hahaha'' Asta said as he taste the food.

''M-Master your...'' Heloise wanted to tell him that it was poking her big butt, but she stopped.

''It tastes good, well done Heloise'' Asta said and sat at the table. Leaving Heloise sank in her wild thoughts.

Asta had a leisurely breakfast while enjoying his maids' reactions, then decided to go take a bath. A woman with light green hair and a woman with black hair in a bob style enter in the bathroom with silent steps, then they assaulted him making him late to leave.

Asta left the castle after so many interventions, now he is free. He was dressed with a white shirt, black pants and brown boots, on his waist there was a strap to wield the sword Vienna gave him. On his head were a little and adorable Dragon.

''Well, Salamander what do you say if we try again what i'm trying to create'' Asta said as he began to walk.

''I know you're very strong, but if we manage to complete that thing... Everyone will fear you.'' Salamander said, although he is in his little dragon form, but his voice it's still mature.

''That's the point Salamander'' Asta said as he flashed a big smile, making some girls in the way get excited thinking he was smiling at them.

''I must say, that is a skill fit for a King, no. Probably something much bigger.''

''Yeah, but you will be surprised when i finally get Undine'' Asta said.

''...'' Salamander didn't say anything he was sank in his thoughts.

''Why do you want so much power?'' Salamander asked suddenly.

''Oh, i just want to make a secure place''

''Secure place?''

''Yes, for my wives and future children''

''Wait, are you accepting the burden of becoming King and trying to unify the Kingdoms, just for make a secure place for your wives?'' Salamander asked with impression.

''Hahahaha'' Asta don't replied and just laughed. Salamander was right, but Asta had more in mind.

''...'' Salamander began to feel even more respect for Asta, unifying kingdoms is not an easy task due to the large number of differences. He after all has lived many years and he never saw that the kingdoms could be unified, but if he demonstrates such a level of power, the only option that people will have is to kneel and accept the change...

I'm going to take free this weekend.

Loh_creators' thoughts
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