
Chapter 67: A Dual Magic user.

After a few moments the bathroom began to fill with voices talking among themselves, Asta simply laughed softly as Noelle said a thousand things, among them how the hell could she even go after a woman as pure and innocent as Secre.

Asta's eyes scanned all the girls enjoying their reactions and what they say.

''Do you think she is innocent and pure? She is addicted to my lips and although she doesn't understand the feeling very well, she is in love with me, the moment I hug her I can hear her heart beating fast.'' Asta let go of Noelle's waist and leaned his arms around the edge of the pool while looking at his wives with a calm expression. Secre slightly trembled for a moment as she listened to what Asta said.

His wives frowned, Secre isn't innocent and pure? Liar!

''Don't believe him, the moment he saw my human appearance he was completely hypnotized. He said sweet words in my ear, like stay with me and don't leave me. He said marry me and be the mother of my children, besides he is excessively possessive with me. I had no choice, he seemed to be desperate and I decided to give him a chance.'' Secre spoke with an unemotional expression, linking truths with lies.

''Mm, my husband is very possessive, while we were doing it he wanted me to get pregnant so that I can barely leave the house and no one has to see me.'' Noelle said as she nodded. Her expression turned loving while recording some things.

The other girls almost sank into the pool when they heard Noelle, they looked to Asta for answers but the man simply played dumb and spoke again.

''Let's not change the subject, Secre is not what you think she is. Just look at those horns, how can you trust a cunning young woman with horns?''

Secre opened her mouth slightly, pretending to feel distressed. As if Secre had thrown a certain reverse card, the girls looked at Asta with daggers in their eyes.''

''Hahaha, before you do anything let me ask her something.''

''Talk!'' Lily said.

''Secre Swallowtail, Do you love me?'' Asta asked, causing the girls to stare at Secre waiting for his response.

Secre bit her lips feeling cornered, how could she say no? she can't lie about her feelings. Then with a voice that sounded as low as the buzzing of a mosquito Secre said:

''Yes, i do''

Noelle's purple eyes sparkled as she looked at Secre, the other girls' mouths dropped open except for Mereoleona who was already expecting this.

''That's why almost every part of your body smelled like his scent.'' Mereoleona said as she pulled her wet hair back.

''Yes, It felt so good to be under his touch, it was as if he was treating me like the most delicate thing in the world.'' Secre said with a small smile, the other girls nodded, they also felt that way when Asta touched them.

"All of his touches are soft except when he touches with his shaft!" Sylph suddenly said like a melody.

''...'' The girls frowned at Sylph who looks at they with a silly smile.

Asta flashes a naughty smile as he looks at Sylph.

''Oh, let me tell you. This lovely spirit here took advantage of the fact that I've been doing some hard work and t-'' Asta was about to say but Sylph covered his mouth with her hands.

''I-It's nothing!'' Sylph said, she knew Asta was going to tell what happened in the Diamond Kingdom, she don't care about it, but the biggest problem was that her secret would be discovered.

Just as Salamander or Gnome are descendants of some race, Sylph and Undine have Nymph branches. Her feelings for Asta became more intense just because of her nature, Asta himself knew everything she liked and even though they had little time together has made her quite happy and is even reuniting her with her siblings, Sylph could not help but begin to feel feelings for Asta. Undine had told her thousands of years ago that the right man is the one who makes you very happy.

And he does it.

''Let's leave these conversations for later, they still have some work to do, right? let's go to sleep, it's too late.'' Secre said making everyone nod and they began to move from the pool.



''What the hell did you do you idiot!'' Letoile was on top of Yuno.

''Ehh, I was just testing.'' Yuno said.

''Testing? that was a fucking hurricane!'' Letoile pointed the destruction at the dessert.

''Well, if a certain green-haired woman hadn't had the crazy idea of empowering it with her compass magic, maybe this wouldn't have happened.'' Yuno said.

''I thought it was a great idea, just think how lethal we could be in war with this spell.''

''Of course we will be lethal, love. But only if we get back to the damn kingdom, but it looks complicated.'' Yuno said as he look the desert and the disaster.

''Come on we just have to fly in that direction, let's do the hurricane again!'' Letoile said with excitement.

''Definitely not, I want to survive to marry you and have a child. I am not going to kill us.''

''Awww, those are sweet words but you're getting boring Hmpf!'' Letoile said as she folded her arms.

''Maybe, but you seem to be the opposite, you look very happy and that makes you look even more beautiful.'' Yuno said as he caresses her cheek.

''...'' Letoile's cheeks turned red, she stared at Yuno, before kissing him an earthquake began to originate around them.

Yuno unlike before, reacted quite quickly. Immediately his hands embraced Letoile protectively and they shot off into the sky. The wind began to dance wildly around Yuno as his amber eyes gazed out at the desert. They encountered many supernatural places along the way, with an insane amount of concentrated mana. But the strangest thing was...

They found no more humans despite the long road they traveled...

''Wow, you look hot when you turn serious, and you look incredibly handsome with your hair in the way I cut it. Unlike that long hair that made you look emo'' Letoile said with a small smile.

''Woman why do you always do this at times that are wrong?'' Yuno asked.

''I felt I had to do it''



''...'' A silence that was not uncomfortable hung over the place, moments later Letoile decided to speak.

''Don't you think it's strange Yuno, even though we've traveled miles we haven't found humans. It's as if the only humans that exist in this world are only those from the four kingdoms.''

Yuno stopped abruptly as he thought about what Letoile said.

''You're right, it's a bit scary. The world is very big but apparently the number of humans that live in it is very small compared to how big it is.'' Yuno said.

''We should go back'' Letoile said as she look the night.

''Okay'' Yuno began to fly more faster.

''Can we do it in sky someday?'' Letoile suddenly asked.

''Woman, I haven't even proposed marriage to you or come this far and you want to do that!?'' Yuno said with a blush on his face.

''Tch, virgin.'' Letoile clicked her tongue as she said.

''You're Virgin too!''

''But not a pussy''


''Tell me, love'' Letoile said in a soft tone as she looks at Yuno with a loving expression.

''...'' Yuno's looked at Letoile's eyes purple eyes, she looked at him with a silly smile. Since they entered a relationship, she has more and more confidence in him as well as him. To the point that she doesn't shut up and likes to make jokes.

But it wasn't something that bothered Yuno, he loved listening to her and talking to her.

''Don't bother yourself, i was joking, i love you'' Letoile said as she kiss his cheeks.

''Let us get to the kingdom, I'll tell you if I'm a pussy''

''Hahaha I'll be waiting for it, but try not to get me pregnant. I want my children to live in a good and safer time. Well I think it is safe, after all we have that man as the future king right?''

''Man? He is not a man, he is a monster.''

''You too have the ability to be, just look at the disaster the hurricane made! By the way, what if we launch with him again!?'' Letoile said with excitement.

''Very well you asked for it damn woman!'' Yuno said.


Moments later, a couple was flying faster with a gigantic hurricane. The woman had an excited and lively smile, while the man had a pale face and seemed a little regretful...


''Mhmm'' Heloise tried to move, but Edith was holding her tightly.

''Don't go Acier...'' Edith muttered, she seemed to be dreaming.

Heloise looked at Edith with a complicated expression, and slowly slipped out of her embrace. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that she was a complete mess. Her maid uniform was almost completely open, and her hair was a mess.

''The master seemed to have a lot of fun'' Heloise said with a warm smile as she stood up and fix her hair.

Toc Toc

Someone knocked on the door as if it were a code, Heloise's expression instantly turned serious.


''The base of the black bulls had problems, many people were seriously injured. Among them our people who went to help them, but the most shocking thing is that the cause of this. She is a girl who possesses the magic of Blood Magic and Dark Magic.''

''Send more people, you have to make sure that girl is okay.'' Heloise said with a cold voice.

''Yes Mistress''

'Blood magic and Dark Magic... What the hell, i need to talk about this with my Master' Heloise thought as she leave the room.

Thoughts invaded her mind, that girl was very dangerous. She can practically manipulate any blood and even generate it in addition to possessing dangerous dark magic. With blood magic the girl could simply make people explode by manipulating the large amount of blood in their bodies, and even with dark magic she can cause great destruction.

And probably this girl is one of the very few people who are lucky enough to be a Dual Magic user.

Heloise walked with silent steps, reaching the room of Asta and his Wives. The door was a little open, allowing Heloise to see if they were awake. But everyone were sleeping, Heloise flashed a soft smile as she saw Noelle happily sleeping on top of her husband. She always tried to come over and help her when she was kid, but she was very stubborn and she always said that she was fine.

''Acier would be very happy to know how happy her daughter is, if only she had lived... Wait if she had lived she would probably fall into my Master's hands too, doesn't that mean the three of them would do that!?'' Heloise muttered as her face turned completely red, thinking about wild thoughts.

All of Asta's wives could sense the mana far away and they had seen Heloise long ago, even long before she got close. Since that day, Asta's wives began to think that this Maid is so in love with theirhusband that she even dares to spy on them at night.

Heloise slowly closed the door, rays of light began to pass through the windows. Apparently it was already dawn, she slept pleasantly and for many hours all thanks to his Master. With a big smile Heloise went down to the kitchen to have breakfast and work much more.


While they had a calm and happy life, the magic knights and captains were more tense than ever. At any moment a bloody elf with a mana that just doesn't make sense could attack them with an army.

''Haaa~'' Dorothy sighed, she had dark circles in her eyes. Beside her, some of her captains looked at her with shock, including Julius who also had dark circles under his eyes, they were shocked that Dorothy kept her guard up a lot without sleeping!

''Why do you hardly return to your castle julius? You don't have to worry too much, we can stand guard.'' Charlotte said.

''Believe me, I made a serious mistake. Now I have to wait for a damn castle to finish being created as fast as possible! my dream is at stake and my heart too...''

''Your heart?'' Dorothy tilted her head tenderly.

''Yes, you don't know what it's like to have to listen to couples' cries of happiness when you're still a 40-year-old virgin.''

''Wait, are you still a virgin at 40 years old??'' Every captain said.

''...'' Julius' face turned dark, Lack of sleep just made him reveal something he wanted to bury his entire life.

''Hahaha, Not even me, a few days ago I woke up in an inn with a woman!'' Nozel who was drunk and looked in a horrible mood said.

''Wait Nozel, doesn't that mean you're probably going to be a father?'' Fuegoleon said with a worried expression.

''Ah!'' Nozel realized that he screwed himself.

''Pray that she's not pregnant'' Charlotte said with a cold expression as she looks at Nozel making him tremble.

Something told him that if the woman he was with, turned out to get pregnant, Charlotte would make sure he couldn't do any stupidity with the hopeful woman.

''It was at this moment he knew... that literally he just fucked up.'' Dorothy said, making Julius and the other captains nod.

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