
Chapter 65: Secre can't have enough.

Marx, Secre, and Fana watched the vision slowly fade. Returning to the room where Asta was waiting for them, it was already night but it seemed that he didn't move from his seat at any time.

Marx's face turned a little pale, what he saw was completely horrible and had also cost all his mana reserves. Marx looked at Secre who seemed completely calm and normal, The vision of Marx began slowly went dark as he fell onto the bed.

Asta took Marx's body and carry it out of the room handing it over to his subordinates, then they quickly left.

''What?'' Secre asked to Fana while tilting her head in confusion.

''Nothing'' Fana said.

Asta closed the door and sat down in front of Fana, Secre sat on his lap as she made herself comfortable. They both stared at Fana waiting for her to say something but she was completely lost in her thoughts processing everything she just saw.

''Forgive me, you had to watch that again just to help me.'' Asta left Fana alone and decided to talk to Secre.

''Asta, I told you I didn't care about it. It is something that I overcame 400 years ago, it had hurt me a lot but over time I began to stop feeling something.'' Secre said with soft voice, Asta had asked her if she was sure to do it before coming here.

Asta looked deep into Secre's eyes searching for a lie, Secre started to feel a little nervous with Asta's intense gaze and now she couldn't escape because his hands were around her slim waist as if they were glued with the most effective glue. of the planet.

''Won't you thank me?'' Secre said as she pouted.

''Thank you'' Asta suddenly said as he flashed a warm smile.

''...'' Secre stared at Asta while biting her lips, then looked at Fana who was still thinking. 'Mhmm I don't care about her!' Secre thought and kiss with love and desire Asta.

Fana came out of her thoughts hearing two lips making resounding sounds, Fana watched with a completely red face as the woman who seemed pure and innocent lovingly kissed Asta.

''W-What the heck!'' Fana said looking directly at Secre who had red cheeks, even though she heard Fana and knew that she was looking at them, she continued to enjoy Asta's lips and his hug.

''You two! S-Stop!'' Fana said.

Secre and Asta did not stop and started to become more aggressive, Secre gently caressed Asta's hair without separating the kiss and Asta held his cheek with one hand. Fana watched with storm-shaped eyes as two tongues began to merge with each other.

''L-Lewd!'' Fana said as she looked at the window, but his other eye watched out of the corner of her eye, as they kissed.

'She seems to enjoy it quite a lot.'

''Mhmm'' Secre let out a soft moan as she separated from Asta, her little mouth was open panting, her big eyes never left Asta's. Her heart was pounding, she wanted to continue but decided to stop because they would go out together after this.

''So Fana now what do you think?'' Asta asked.

''I want some too'' Fana muttered as she looked at the window, but then she returned her gaze to Asta and said:

''Give me time''

Asta nodded, Fana stared at him for a moment but felt an intense gaze from two big blood-red eyes. Secre had a face that said he belongs to me.

''Take your time Fana, See you later.'' Asta said as he carried Secre and leave the room.

Fana bit her lips in frustration, she understood many things now about the massacre of her race. But she herself was not interested in a problem that would be easily solved because of Asta. She was more interested in Asta's lips, the woman he kissed seemed to not have enough and wanted more and more as if she was tasting a the most delicious candy.

''I must admit, I am very attracted to this human.'' Fana muttered as she lay on the bed.


Asta and Secre were walking hand in hand, Secre had a happy smile and a reddish hue on her cheeks. Asta seemed completely calm but he looked at the people who were looking at them to see if they dared to try to do something or say something about Secre's appearance. Although he is doing this no one will say anything because the man who normally walks with that woman is the next King and the other reason was...

They were mesmerized by Secre's beautiful appearance, that happy smile and those big eyes that sparkled like stars added even more charm. Some looked at her feeling greedy but they don't know that the only one who can eat swan meat is Asta and that they are just toads.

Or well, they just looked at the man walking next to the beautiful woman and the first thing they did was turn around and go their own ways, If that man could lift a five hundred meter turtle doesn't that mean he can just crush them with one hand? that idea terrified them and they did not dare to do anything stupid.

''Hm'' Secre would occasionally stop Asta and kiss him quickly, she repeated these actions during various food stalls they visited to taste food.

''Hmm'' Second Kiss.

''Hmmm'' Third Kiss..

''Muak!'' Fourth Kiss...

''Hmm!'' Secre kissed Asta again, and returned to his side and held his hand.

''Secre?'' Asta said her name.

''Yes Asta?'' Secre tilted her head as she flashed a warm smile that melted Asta's heart.

''Why don't you call me husband?'' Asta whispered in her ear.

''H-Husband?'' Secre face turned red, she knew that Asta wanted to marry her but calling him that somehow made her a bit embarrassed.

Secre bowed her head and her mind began to work like a gaming computer with RTX 4000 and a latest generation Intel processor, of course RGB should never be forgotten for more FPS and quality, and last but not least 69GB of ram for more pleasure. Secre raised her hand slowly as she counted, she seemed to be thinking about how many children they would have, how many things they would do and many things in the future, how many lewd things they would do and how many positions of mating they would test.

Secre's head smoked, his face covered by the bangs of his hair. But Asta could tell that her face was very red.

Apparently the latest generation intel processor, despite being so expensive, overheated very quickly...

''N-Not now, another time maybe'' Secre hugged Asta arm as she keep her head down.

''Just a child, and I hope if it comes out a girl she won't covet my future husband, i have to raise well she or he'' Secre muttered, one child was fine so they wouldn't take so much of her husband's time and she could do a lot of things with him. What she was not taking into account was the genetics that they would inherit from their parents... They would definitely spend hours trying to put them to sleep...

''How do you get along with the girls?'' Asta asked as they walked.

''Mhmm very well'' Secre said with a smile.

''Mereoleona sometimes acts weird and starts to smell my body like she's looking for something, and even invites me to train. My body was so stiff that when I tried to squat all my bones cracked!''

''Pfft, Hahahaha I'll make sure we get plenty of exercise in the future so they don't crack as much.'' Asta said.

''No! I already have enough with Mereoleona's training now you?''

''Oh, you're misunderstanding me. The exercise we will do is very different, it will be very pleasant and once you try it you will never have enough''

''Hah!?'' Secre realized what Asta was talking about.

''B-But that is too Lewd''

''How do you know it? do you watch me?''

Secre almost tripped when she heard Asta, but quickly regained her composure and said

''Books, Boooks! Asta, it's something that a man who only knows to think about battles and do lewd things, don't know''

''I am a warrior but, you know, i'm something of a science myself'' Asta said with a serious expression.

''Hah? Impossible, you? Hahaha'' Secre let out a soft laugh.

''Of course listen when I was little...''

Secre was immersed in the conversation with Asta who didn't even notice that they were already in another place, to be more specific on a roof. Under the beautiful moonlight they both looked like a very happy beautiful couple who could never bear to be apart for even a second.

Secre noticed that they were somewhere else and that she was on his lap.

''Why did you bring me here?'' Secre asked, making Asta flash a naughty smile.

Secre looked at Asta's face and noticed that he was looking at her as if planning something.

''Asta?'' Secre tilted her head tenderly.

Asta held her chin and pulled her towards him for a passionate kiss, Secre started to feel dizzy for some reason Asta was more intense than ever, completely overwhelming her, she felt like her heart was going to jump out of her ribcage for a moment. The feeling of Asta's warm embrace and her passionate kisses filled her with complete happiness, as if he was slowly erasing all that loneliness she had for 500 years.

Secre closed her eyes slowly and began to enjoy a great moment with her future husband.

She could never get enough of him...


In a faraway place in this world, which looked like a cave, was a man sitting on a throne of rocks, he has long snow-white hair and pointy ears. His golden but empty eyes looked directly at certain gigantic abominable and terrifying beasts, containing an immense amount of magic as if a wizard king released his mana by exerting pressure.

''Tsk, still a long way to go'' The cold voice of the man resounded at the cave.His empty eyes turned towards something that should simply be described as a monstrosity, the three large sharp eyes of the monstrosity gleaming within the darkness. If the previous beasts caused terror, this one would cause nightmares for life...

''Thank you for your sacrifice Vetto.'' The man flashed a mad, maniacal grin. Inside the cave it began to hear his laugh resound as if his goal had already been accomplished.

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