
Chapter 52: The fall of Augustus.

A/N: Read Author Thoughts.

On the roof of a house, Asta's wives were watching the incredible sight of how her husband was going down a mountain while holding a gigantic turtle.

''...'' Mereoleona looked at Asta with various thought, next to her was Fana tied up with magic fire, her turquoise eyes trembled looking at the sight before her, is that the man her boss has to face? At this moment her fear and despair invaded her. That man is a monster! and he also has her like a hostage and every damn night she has to listen to her wives moan and then be interrogated at times. What confused her even more is that despite being a beautiful woman since she is an elf the man didn't show much interest in her, Fana assumed that it was because he was busy after all she is a beautiful elf and no man would resist to her charm right?

'Wait why am I thinking about the reason why I don't attract him!? it's just a dirty,lewd and handsome human' Fana thought.

''All went well'' Mimosa sighed relieved.

''Yeah, but what is he going to do with that turtle?'' Lily asked making Noelle flash a big smile.

''He is going to give a gift to the Clover King'' Noelle said her beautiful purple eyes glowing with excitement.

''Heh~'' Mereoleona flashed a wild smile showing her canine tooth, her body was burning with emotion when she saw the next actions of her future husband, this man was making this damn boring kingdom much more fun and what he would do next would be even more fun.

''...'' Mimosa looked at Mereoleona out of the corner of her eye and swallowed loudly, if her husband continued to excite her cousin so much at some point she herself is going to bring him down knowing her personality.



The captains looked at Asta with a dumbfounded expression, not far from them was Julius who looked at this without words to say, the only thing that came to his mind was that if this man became King he would be completely sure that he would not even need a wizard king in this Kingdom.

''...'' The rapier in Charlotte's hand trembled due to her strong grip, is this the man she wanted to duel? For a moment she doubt, but the emotion assaulted her body! this man would definitely make her reach a state of frustration in a duel, she is a calm and cold woman but in battles she gets very emotional and she knew that she would erupt like a volcano if she faced that man, she definitely has to do it!

Until soon he begins to approach, all the people made way for him to enter the kingdom, his eyes looked at Asta with great admiration.

''Your revenge was far Yuno'' Letoile said, she was next to Yuno hugging his arm, they were both looking in awe as Asta carried this turtle,

''I don't know what revenge you're talking about'' Yuno said looking sideways, Letoille rolled her eyes watching Yuno play dumb.

"King Clover, I know you're hiding, I have a present for you!" Asta said, Sylph came out of Asta's body, showing her appearance and leaving everyone in the area dumbfounded, but a certain girl didn't fall in love with her. charm because she was already expecting her to be incredibly beautiful, her big black eyes narrowed as she watched the spirit's actions, actions that no one noticed due to the shock. Sylph had quickly found some pants and put it on Asta.

'The King Clover dare to return!?' The citizens thought, hearing Asta's words. Did that man really have the nerve to come back here? After the stupidity he committed, do you think the kingdom will play blind and forgive him? He is completely wrong! because at this moment the citizens were more alive than ever because a certain man lit the spark in his hearts only with his actions.

''A gift?'' The King Clover stepped out onto the balcony only to be greeted by a sight that turned his face completely pale.

''W-What is that!!''

''This is your gift! I call it coup!'' Asta shouted with excitement, The moment Asta's body slowly flexed backwards it was as if time passed unbelievably slowly, then he lowered everyone's shocked eyes. Asta did the most audacious actions worthy of balls that not even the earth itself could bear to carry them.

Launched the turtle towards the castle of King Clover himself...

The eyes of the citizens shone like the night full of stars when they saw a sight that they always wanted to see in their lives, the fall of King Clover, the destruction of that damn castle where he relaxed while everyone solved problems and he didn't even show the slightest interest.


Sylph had taken the innocent people out of the castle and covered the place with a barrier so that no one would get hurt, leaving only King Clover as if he were a VIP guest.

Dust settled on the spot, castle pieces were everywhere on the floor in the middle of the area a cold voice could be heard.

''Who dares to do this?'' A man with pale skin and black hair said as he held the King completely unharmed, he stood over the tortoise with haughtiness as if he were royalty itself and all the others were commoners.

'Damnatio Kira...' Julius frowned, and approached the place.

''King? can that thing be called a King?'' Asta said as he point the 'King.' making everybody at the place uncociously laugh.

''Being a commander in a war doesn't give you the right to disrespect him, Who do you think you are?'' Kira asked while a strong aura emanated from his body.

''Me? Hahaha'' Asta let out a softly laugh.

''What do you find funny?''

''You are in front of the future King, get on your knees!'' Asta's eyes turned red and began to glow.

Kira frowned as he saw Asta's red.

''Winning a war has made you cra-'' Kira was about to say but what happened next was the biggest humiliation of his life.

Crack Crack Crack..

''I said, kneel down!'' Asta grab his shoulder and sink him into the ground as if nothing.

The people in the area at this point felt dizzy from so many impressions and emotions they were receiving, Asta had just humiliated the man who always appears to condemn people he considers evil, Damnatio Kira, the very president of the magic parliament who prosecuted his own father, had just been completely humiliated under the gaze of many important people.

Even though asta was not wearing a crown on his head or a cape on his shoulders, it was as if the person in front of them was a legend with thousands of stories to tell. That domineering aura from which he exudes is as if he had been a King who fell at some point and returned to recover what is his.

Augustus saw that things were getting out of control, and began to crawl trying to escape. But a blue-haired man he knows very well stopped him along with several other citizens.

The second hand of the King Clover...

The man in front of Augustus no longer looked at him with respect, in fact he looked at him coldly and disappointedly as if Augustus was something worse than scum.

Augustus's eyes lost their sparkle, in that moment he realized that this was the end of him. His entire reign fell apart in just a few days, even his Mars was rebelling against him and among the citizens he could see his great-niece looking at him with eyes as cold as the north pole.

The man who was hugging his granddaughter, looked at Augustus with disappointment and walked away as if they couldn't bear to have Augustus in their sight.

Soon loud punches began to be heard, the citizens began to beat Augustus mercilessly, Finesse closed her eyes tightly and Finral hugged her tighter. She knew that the man being beaten was her great-uncle, but that same great-uncle abandoned his Kingdom along with her to her fate and came back when things calmed down.

Kira came out of her daze and started to fly in front of Asta his expression was completely dark, he looked at Asta and then said.

''You damned demon, do you think that you can hide?'' Kira said, shocking everyone.


People, am I planning for Asta to say his real name along with his last name when he is announced as king, or do you prefer that he continue to be called Asta and have the last name from his previous life? Respond quickly it's important.

Loh_creators' thoughts
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