
Chapter 50: War Part II

''Hahahahaha'' The Wind Dragon started to laugh making every soldier of the Diamond Kingdom tremble, the eyes of the Wind Dragon were curved like a crescent. The soldiers in that moment realized, that they choose the wrong Kingdom to Attack...


The moment the dragon's body descended the soldiers' bodies exploded and began to turn into mincemeat due to various wind shears shooting out, the ground was covered in blood about 800 meters away.

The magic knights and Asta appeared at the center...

''Let's go!'' Asta said with a wild smile and then started to walk slow to the giant turtle, the Magic Knights were on the verge of vomiting when they saw the carnage caused by their commander but they controlled themselves and remembered his words, yes or if they must win this war.

''Luck let's move!'' A Magic Knight with a criminal-look touched his friend who was looking at the Asta's back with his eyes trembling.

''Y-Yes'' Luck said and thunders began to dance around him, then he started to run with the other Magic Knights.

''You are Gnome Right?'' Asta approached the turtle his neon green eyes shining.

''Grrrrrrrrr'' Peaks of Rock began to appear around the turtle.

''Sylph, I'm going to be a little soft with him right?'' Asta said.

'...' Sylph don't said anything.

''I take that like a yes'' Asta flexed his body in a martial pose, the turtle opened his big mouth full of sharp-tooths before the turtle can bite Asta, a punch covered by wind hit his jaw.


Everyone who was fighting in the area slowly turned to look at the place where the thunderous sound came from, the sight of a turtle of more than 500 meters being sent flying by a punch from a man received them.

''Asta!'' Sylph emerged a little from the body of Asta.

''Don't be worried i'm just recovering your friend Sylph, just stay with me'' Asta said and began to fly with a monstruous speed at the flying turtle...

''W-Who are you!?'' The man on the turtle head asked looking at Asta who was in front of him.

''Your worst nightmare'' As Asta said that, fired thousand wind punches to the turtle.


''GRRR!!!'' The turtle sank into the ground.

The man on the turtle head was very dizzy, his vision blured feeling like the world just exploded.

''I'm not going to use my Axe, i have something especial for you'' Asta said, and grabbed the blondie man by his neck, then his right arm grabbed the right arm of the man, and what had to happen happened.

''AHHHHHHHHHH!'' The man's arm was slowly tearing away splashing blood and showing its bones.

''I know what you did'' Asta looked at the man with a cold expression.

''You take control of him?'' Asta said showing a wild smile.

''...'' The man don't said anything he is just feeling a awful pain...

''Answer!'' Asta tear the other man's arm apart.


''Sylph, you don't have to get your hands dirty by this shit, leave that to me'' Asta said looking at the Sylph face emerging from his neck, the expression of Sylph was completely empty as if she had no life as she looked at the man.

''Asta our feelings are connected and multiplied in this state, i can't just bear it. I want to kill this man right now!'' Sylph said.

''Then go ahead'' Asta stood up and said, his body began to turn green traslucent.

''You... You!!!!!'' Sylph's face was totally twisted with hatred, the body of the man in front of her began fly slowly, the wind began to dance aggressively around the man's body, his body began to twist and split, small wounds became bigger and bigger as if they wanted to make the man's life hell.



Loud screams were heard around the battlefield sending chills down both Asta's enemies and allies.



Luck was moving in the battlefield slashing heads easily with his magic, his body was covered by an electric armor that made him look like a god of war, this is the first time he killed and his mind was in total conflict. He liked fights but this... It's a merciless massacre.

'This is right? it's for my Kingdom, for survive?' Luck thought and his eyes were slowly becoming empty, 'If they had the power to do this, they were doing the same or even worse, if this is wrong I don't give a shit! i just care about my people' Luck thought remembering the Black Bulls.

''Magna?'' Luck looked at Magna, who ran like a wild demon towards a man.

''JACKKKKKK!!!!!!'' Magna shouted, two daggers of fire were created on his hands.

''Oh? it's the little guy'' Jack looked at Magna with a sadistic expression.


Jack fired slashes to Magna cutting his clothes and making him retreat.

''Hahaha too weak-'' Jack was about to said, but luck apparead behind him, an electric hand pierced his chest instantly.

''H-How are you so fast?''Jack couldn't even see the boy behind him and went on to the next life...


The Jack's body fell completely inerted, on Luck's hand were his heart.

Luck slowly approached his friend and support him to stood up, Magna couldn't see Luck's expression because of his hair covering it but he knew it was completely empty unlike the excited one he showed in combats, before they saved people, but now they are killing in cold blood...

''Don't think much about this Magna... this is just the reality, we can't change the mentality of our enemies, we can't wait for them to make a move and destroy our lives right?'' Luck said with a cold tone.

''You are right, but I became a magic knight to save lives not to take them'' Magna said with a sad expression.

''And what were you going to do with Jack then?'' Luck said making Magna's eyes wide, and then close trembling.

''You were going to kill him right? he put the lives of our comrades in danger he put the life of Vienna in danger'' Luck said as he started to shoot thunders to the enemies who approached they.

''That's something unforgivable, I can't forgive anyone who has nefarious intentions like this Kingdom'' Luck said, on his face began to form a mask of electricity similar to the face of a beast.

The Magna's eyes became a little empty knowing that Luck was right, this is not a game, it was the real war and the only thing that is expected is deaths, whether civilians or warriors.

''Stay behind if you want, but I will move forward because I already have my goal clear. Not even one of these bastards can touch the damn Kingdom'' Luck said as his body leaned forwar, he dissapeared leaving little thunders then in the battlefield the heads of the enemies began to fly by Luck's own hands.


''Come here bastards!'' Finral said walking slowly, the soldiers approached him but a portal created in front of they, then they fall into it. At the moment they disappeared, several bodies began to fall behind Finral while sounds of breaking were heard.

''Everything it's fine Finral?'' Luck appeared next to Finral, Finral looked at him impressed. Luck looked too different and more strong.

''I would be grateful to have your help'' Finral said looking at the Battlefield.

''Take my hand'' Luck said.

''...'' Finral looked at Luck with a strange expression.

''It's the technique, i like the girls too!'' Luck said with a vein growing on his forehead.

''Ah i forgot, my bad.'' Finral said and grabbed Luck's hand, Finral's hand glowed white and Luck's azure blue, both pointing forward where a portal was created.

''Thunderous Storm!'' Finral and Luck said in unision.


Dozens of portals opened and deafening thunder began to fly like missiles on the battlefield.

''I will definity come back Finesse'' Finral muttered looking at the corpses.

''Heh'' Luck looked at Finral with with pride, he knows how much he has changed, to the point that they left him as the head of the family and even got to commit to the woman he loves, without further ado Luck decided to press harder the more he kills the safer they will be.

''Thunder Explosion!'' Luck's body filled with thunder as he jumped onto the battlefield, then as he flexed lightning bolts shot out at amazing speed towards his enemies. More corpses began to fall from the sky by the portals of Finral, Luck looked at Finral rolling his eyes.

''Your way to get rid of them is very simple-''

A shadow that took up most of the battlefield loomed, causing everyone to raise their gazes to the sky, they met a sight that made no sense again.

The man who punched the turtle, now was carrying the turtle at the sky...

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