
Chapter 36: The Lioness is back.

It was a beautiful night in the jungle, on the top of the trees there was a large wooden house that seemed to have been made by hand, a beautiful mature woman was sitting on the roof, her long hair looked wild and that vermilion color contrasted with those sharp beautiful blue eyes.

The woman's nose twitched slightly, then as if she had detected her prey she disappeared from the ceiling and reappeared amidst large panthers.

''My kittens are back!'' The panthers were alarmed to see the woman suddenly reappear in their midst, so they immediately pounced on her and it was a big mistake.

The woman's leg erupted with wildly dancing flames, then she kicked round temporarily creating a tornado of fire.


The panthers were instantly defeated, The woman looked at the panthers with a wild smile, causing them to start running away.


''It's been a while since I had a good fight...'' The woman sighed as she watch the beautiful night filled with stars.

''Huhuhuhu'' Three gorillas appeared on the trees.

''Oh? It seems that they have grown balls'' The woman looked at the gorillas with a smile.

''Huhuhu'' The biggest gorilla came down from the tree, while beating his chest as if he was provoking the woman in front of him.

''You are the Alpha now, right?'' The woman said.

As if the gorilla understood what the woman said he nodded.

''Let's see if you have learned something after the years'' The woman shortened the distance between the gorilla instantly, he attacked as if he were a wild animal, to which the gorilla responded the same.


The gorilla caught the woman's fist, but the woman landed a knee to his chin quickly making the gorilla back, the woman tilts her body slightly and spreads her hands in the form of a fist, then as if the gorilla was assaulted by an endless combo hundreds of punches rained down on his whole body.


The gorilla crashed into the tree, the other gorillas got down to check on their leader.

''Nothing bad for a ex-beta'' The woman said exhibiting a small smile.


The woman was instantly swept away as a stiff breeze swept over the jungle, some trees were even peeling off.

''What the hell is going on!?'' The woman said, she couldn't see much because her long hair fluttered in the strong breeze.


The woman's soft pink lips parted showing her canine tooth, her house had just flown through the sky...

''MY HOUSE!'' The woman let out a guttural scream, after all, she built that house herself, and she quite liked it. her days were calm with a beautiful sight there.

Several minutes later, the wind died down. If the woman's hair was wild before, now it seemed completely crazy, her generous breasts rose and fell, her brows were completely furrowed, and even a bit of fire came out of her nose.

The woman took a deep breath calming down, then said to herself.

''There is no other, I will not build another fucking house, it's time to visit my family'' The woman said, her legs were completely covered with fire,The woman leaned forward and then shot out at an amazing speed.

''Woahhh!'' The woman swung through the trees and moved with great skill, each step she took advanced several meters, at this point it would not take long to reach the kingdom.

Moments later...

''Why are there so many traces of mana on this area?'' The woman slowed down, just leaving the jungle she found a completely flat place and in the center the ground was cut as if a fierce tornado had passed through here.

'Maybe there was a battle? but this can be even at a level higher than that of a captain' The woman though and advance.

Moments later she came across the view of a large castle, she looked at it from above the tree it looked like a great place to live, and even in the distance she could see an arena, her brow furrowed as she felt several mana in the area, when she directed her gaze towards a large balcony she felt two familiar mana, she frowned, his instincts screamed that there was a strong person in that castle. After all, she has lived in the jungle for quite some time and her instincts are at their peak.

She sensed several people approaching, but they stopped immediately when they felt the wild aura this woman exuded, it was as if they were cornered prey and the predator was right in front of them.

''Good decision, you are well trained'' The woman said and jumped from the tree leaving, she was not going to cause any problems today for an obvious reason, She will cause them tomorrow!


''Was there a war while I was gone?'' Mereoleona said looking at the craters in the forest, further she advanced he couldn't help but be more impressed, these attacks were at the level of a captain or higher.

''Tsk! Fuegoleon did you dared not to invite me to the party?'' The woman's wild aura grew larger and shot out like a comet towards the Kingdom.


Vermillion House

Fuegoleon and Leopold were sleeping peacefully until a certain woman that only she would dare to enter at this hour, came to the house.

''Mereoleona What are you doing at this time of night?'' Fuegoleon looked at Mereoleona who was sitting on his desk.

''Hi sister'' Leopold greeted his sister with a sleepy expression.

''Wow you grew up again'' Mereoleona flashed a small smile and patted the head of her brother.

''For your answer Fuegoleon, A strong wind blew my house away'' Mereoleona simply said.

''!!!'' Fuegoleon's eyes widened if her house flew away then she probably came running quickly, so she probably saw that forest... What Fuegoleon didn't know is that she even found Asta's castle too.

''Heh~'' Mereoleona's eyes sparkled slighty, obviously she notice the sudden change in Fuegoleon.

''T-there is something important that i have to tell you'' Fuegoleon said.

''I'm listening'' Mereoleona sits on the desk and flashed a smile.

''Mimosa has Married'' When Fuegoleon finished saying these words, Mereoleona almost fell of the desk, but she held and a wild aura filled the room.

''F-'' Mereoleona was about to talk, but her eyes widened remembering the familiar Mana in that castle.

''...'' Fuegoleon and Leopold looked at mereoleona with a cold sweat on the back.

''She also moved with the man, Right?'' Mereoleona asked.

Fuegoleon and Leopold nodded aggressively.

''...'' Mereoleona stared at them, what really bothered her was that her cousin had found a man first than her, with whom she could enjoy a happy life, have their own family and not live a lonely life like her. She is a dominant woman and that great personality is not a very attractive for nobles, they prefer submissive,shy and of course beautiful women who will help them to continue their offspring.

Being a strong and independent woman got her where she is, but it also got her alone.

'I'm 32 years old, but she is already married at the 16' Mereoleona stared at the window a little thoughtfully, but she isn't a woman who gives things so much thought. If she had to live a lonely life, she would live it.

Fuegoleon looked at his sister, he knew she preferred to live in the jungle because she didn't like the kingdom, making her decide to live a solitary life in the jungle.

''She told me where she lives, why don't you go visit her tomorrow?, maybe you'll find out something interesting'' Fuegoleon said trying to encourage his sister but inside he apologized for the bomb he is throwing at Asta and Mimosa.

''Huh? That's the first thing I'll do'' Mereoleona flashed a wild smile showing her canine tooth.


Asta's Castle (Dawn)

Asta and his wives were taking a bath together, the atmosphere was calm and happy, Sylph was sitting on the edge of the pool, she was singing a soft melody while enjoying the atmosphere.

Noelle,Mimosa and Lily felt that they might have fallen into a deep sleep when they heard Sylph's soft voice.

''I like this a lot but we have work to do'' Asta said as he came out of the embrace of his wives, when he stood up something else had also risen.

All the women in the room looked at Asta's body without shame,Sylph had lived for many years but had never seen a body so well trained and sculpted as if the gods themselves had designed it.

Asta said goodbye to his wives and left the castle with Sylph.

''So when i want you to come back i only have to think of you?'' Asta asked to Sylph, who was flying with him.

''Yes! Think about me alot! I leave a mark inside you, When you want me to come back just think about me'' Sylph said exhibiting a smile.

''Hmm'' Asta nodded he knew something was wrong, since the mark didn't necessarily have to be in his insides and he didn't have to think much about her to bring her back.

''You seem very excited Sylphie'' Asta said softly.

''Y-yeah'' Sylph shuddered as she listened to Asta, then she said ''If you help me collect like yesterday i can return to my full form''

''Full form?'' Asta looks curiously at Sylph.

''You will be surprised just wait'' Sylph said.

''I'll wait for it''


While Asta and Sylph were on their way to the Kingdom, Mereoleona arrived the Asta's castle.

Noelle,Mimosa and Lily were eating until the sound of explosions was heard outside the castle.

''What it's hapenning now?'' Noelle said irritated yesterday was a tornado today what is? a fire tornado?

''...'' Mimosa narrowed her eyes at the familiar sound, she got up from her chair and ran out into the arena.

''Mimosa? Wait?'' Noelle said and followed her, Lily and Sekre then followed them.

''ORYAAAAA!'' A shout could be heard from the arena.

Mimosa arrive at the arena, only to be met with the sight of Asta's subodinates being wiped by her Cousin.

''Mereoleona?'' Mimosa said.

"You finally show up-" Mereoleona was surprised when she saw Mimosa, but more surprised when she saw Noelle.


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