
Chapter 29

The pink-haired woman turned to Yami, then began to walk slowly. Her expression was terrifying, as if she had lived her whole life full of hatred and thirst for revenge, and her eyes were empty, just like Licht's ones.

A small salamander on her shoulder swelled his small mouth, then with an immense amount of mana he launched a huge fireball directly towards Yami.

Yami took a stance as he bowed as well as the red cat on his shoulder, both were ready to face the 3 together but just before that huge fireball collided with them, a large portal opened.

''Rashinban Maho: Anaza Atorasu'' A cold voice was heard from the portal, a magic compass emerged right in front of the fireball, then as if the fireball was a joke, it dispersed...

Letoile stepped out of the portal, looking at the group of three with a hateful expression, it was very difficult for her to be upset as she is always a calm woman, but the harm done to Yuno caused her blood to boil with anger.

''Y-You...''Licht unlike his group had a dumbfounded expression, when Lich appeared here he didn't even bother to look at the faces of these humans. He simply wanted to get rid of whatever got in his way, but when he could clearly see the face of the woman in front of him, it was as if another well known face appeared in his mind, a face he knew well...

''It's something wrong Licht?'' The beast man Asked.

''Finish off Yami, but don't lay a finger on that woman'' Licht said.

Licht's orders were definitive for this group, the black-haired man rushed towards Letoile to try to prevent him from getting into the crossfire but Yami was already at Letoile's side.

''Yami Kosoku Maho: Yami No Kinbaku'' Dark bindings shot out of Yami's grimoire, and bound the black-haired man before he could reach Letoile, Yami's body flexed and his fist was covered with a purple aura then he connected a strong punch in the man's abdomen, who bent like a doll and shot several meters until he collided with a wall.


''What about Yuno?'' Yami asked to Letoile.

''When we came out of the gate there were some hooded people, Finral said he knew them and that they could attend to Yuno'' Letoile said without taking her eyes off the group in front of her.

''Again that people?'' Yami frowned, his katana ignited with a dark fire and began to slash wildly, the beastman and the pink-haired woman began to dodge.

''Do you know them?'' Letoile asked, she got closer to Yami, she noticed that people started to act differently when she appeared.

''This is not a good time to talk about them, but I think Yuno is in very good hands'' Yami said as he slowly moved forward, Letoile followed his footsteps.

A dark red aura emerged from the beastman's body and like a cannon it shot out, shortening the distance between him and Yami instantly, the black-haired man blinked leaving a small light behind and then appeared instantly in front of Letoile.

Letoile took a step back as a portal created behind her disappeared, the black-haired man missed his grip and threads snaked out of the portal cutting his body quickly.

Slash! Slash!

The black-haired man's body was filled with cuts, the beastman held him and they retreated to the side and then a ball of fire descended on the place they were standing.

A dark sphere appeared after the passing of the fire, the sphere slowly broke apart showing Yami gasping, his eyes were closed, Yami could only see particles of light as he closed his eyes, his posture changed completely again, and his Katana began to burst with dark fire.

The black-haired man appeared on Yami's back, but Yami's reaction became much faster than before, he threw a spinning kick towards the man's head making him retreat, the beastman attacked Yami with his claw-like hand.


Yami's katana moved faster and defended himself instantly, he threw a knee towards the beastman but the beastman caught it easily then tried to connect a fist against Yami's head but strangely failed.


A cat's meow was heard on the beastman's shoulder, Yami cut the beastman's chest quickly away from him, the red cat jumped at the same time as Yami's cut.

Yami retreated several steps, a gigantic fireball appeared in his field of vision,Yami turned his back to the fireball and bowed his body completely, the moment that he turned around, a portal was created behind his back.

''Rashinban Maho:Uirifuru Konpasu''A large magic compass formed in front of the fireball, the arrow on the compass pointed directly towards the group, the moment the fireball touched the compass it turned quickly towards the group.

The fireball was absorbed by the Salamander, just after it disappeared Yami appeared in front of the group, his katana bursting with dark fire, Yami's eyes were closed and the veins on his body stood out.

''Yami Maho: Yamimatoi Mumyo Midaregiri'' Yami began to throw cuts wildly and in rapid succession, before they hit, Letoile cast a spell.

''Rashinban Maho: Uirifuru Konpasu'' A large compass was created below the group, Yami's slashes began to spin around them at the same speed as the compass arrow, the slashes ended up turning into a tornado and exploding against the group.


The dust settled, you couldn't see the group for a moment, but then it disappeared revealing the beastman and all the others behind him, his body was completely intact...

''Licht I'm starting to get annoyed, that woman is a pain in the ass. How can I call myself desperate if I don't even make them feel a hint of desperation?''The beastman said, exuding a savage aura then shot towards Yami attacking like a wild beast.

''Vetto Don't ignore the Licht orders!'' The pink-haired woman said.

''He is acting recklessly again'' The black-haired man said, and then shot towards.

Yami backed away from the beastman's attacks, the black-haired man appeared behind his back, pressing Yami even harder.


Yami was thrown backwards, he stopped sliding but then got down on his knees completely exhausted, Letoile helped him stand up and then said.

''It is better for us to retreat-''


Like a blue comet, a beautiful blonde woman descended right next to the beast man and the black-haired man, her beautiful rapier glowing blue, the woman's body flexed as if it were made of rubber then launched several thrusts in rapid succession.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Both men's bodies filled with several holes, then thorns coiled around them, immobilizing them, Charlotte leaned toward the pink-haired woman and in two seconds closed the distance, her rapier piercing the woman's abdomen.

''Fana!'' The magical power of Vetto increased drastically, and he shot towards Charlotte, Charlotte looked at him with a cold look, before the beastman could lay a finger on her, he received a kick in the chest and stepped back a little, then Charlotte quickly cut his neck and retreated towards Licht.

Before Charlotte could stab Licht, the black-haired man stepped in front of him and stabbed him in the shoulder.

Charlotte felt Vetto approaching her quickly, but she ignored it when she felt a familiar mana approaching.


Before Nozel landed his fist was covered with steel magic, hitting Vetto's head hard, Veto stayed in the same place demonstrating his resistance, he threw a strong punch at Nozel's chest, knocking him back several meters.

''Tsk!''Charlotte retreated to Nozel, seeing that he was easily pushed aside, noticing that this man was completely different from the way he appeared before, as if he didn't even have any courage.

''We must retreat, if more come we will be in trouble'' Fana said approaching the group his abdomen wound had healed as if it had never been there...

Vetto looked at the group in front of him intently, but still approached Fana and the others then as if they had never been there a dark rift swallowed them all.

Charlotte gave Nozel an annoyed look, causing him to turn and look away, then she slowly walked over to Letoile and Yami.

Two portals opened, Finral and Vanessa came out of them, Vanessa quickly approached Yami checking his wounds, the red cat jumped towards Vanessa's grimoire.

''You could have fought too, woman'' Yami said.

''Hey but you say you don't want me to meddle in your fights after all you want to overcome your limits don't you?'' Vanessa said with a slight smile.

''Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take the kids home, I don't feel right leaving them with Luck and Magna...''

''Then where did Charmy go?'' Yami asked.

''She covered Yuno's wounds with her cotton wool magic and also accompanied him'' Finral said causing Yami to look at him with a stoic expression.

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