
Chapter 18

The moment Julius finished counting, he inmediately withdrew.

Yami bent down and rushed towards Asta breaking he floor in the form f a spider's web, in a second Yami was already swinging his katana diagonally towards Asta.


As if Asta came from a Samurai Anime, he unsheathed his sword from the grimoire with great dexterity and a simple movement stopped Yami's attack, the ground below them was shattered due to the force.

''What the hell did they fed you as child?'' Yami while smoking his cigarette

''A good nu-'' Asta was about to said but a strong breeze stopped him.


''W-what'' Nozel eyes widened, when he saw his sister...

Noelle with her Valkyrie Dress shot out at immense speed, her sword in her right hand grew with water magic, then she cuts towards Fuegoleon.

'What a speed!' Fuegoleon was impressed, he got a little nervous but he quickly created fire lions in front of him.

Charlotte looked at Fuegoleon out of the corner of her eye, as she walked towards Mimosa, who had locked herself in a plant cocoon.

'I need to finish this fast' Charlotte began to run towards the cocoon, from her rapier emerged several thorns forming a whip.

'''I wonder how those two became so strong'' Yami looked at Asta with curiosity.

Yami took two steps back and stroked his Katana causing a kind of dark fire cover his katana.

''Yamimatoi Kuroba'' Yami shortened the distance between Asta and himself, the dark fire danced around his katana, Asta stayed on the defensive swinging his sword just to defend himself.


A bang was heard, Charlotte shot backwards sliding down, below her, plants of thorns followed her as if they were her minions, Charlotte felt the arm in which she carried her rapier, a litte numb 'She is strong, but not very fast' Charlotte analyzed inmediately, her gaze turned to Mimosa in her druid dress.

William was acting a little strange, his gaze lingered on Mimosa and Noelle for a moment, the captains on the balcony and Julius don't notice this because they we're immersed in the battle.


Asta for the first time in the fight shot into the sky, Yami following him with an excited smile, just as he swung his Katana towards Asta, Asta's sword moved more faster than before blocking Yami's attack causing the katana move away, then the sword of Asta pointed at the sky and like a hammer he smashed into Yami's head.


In the center of the coliseum Yami plummeted to the ground in the form of a spider web, stroking his head in pain, as he watched Asta descend.

''I haven't felt a bit of mana from you since the moment we started fighting'' Yami was confused Asta has a grimoire, but where is his mana? Spells? None of that he had used, he just pulled out a sword from his grimoire.

''Ah, you were expecting that, i'll show you some'' Asta said with a small smile. His right fist was covered with a black substance, Yami looked at the black substance in confusion. 'What the hell is that?'

Julius frowned, he doesn't have the slightest idea what that black substance is.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The attention of the people on the balcony was directed towards Noelle who was hitting Fuegoleon consecutively, every time Fuegoleon tried to cast a fire spell or cast he couldn't do anything to her, Noelle's sword moved too fast at the same cast water spells putting out their flames.


Two bodies flew out at the same time, Fuegoleon and Yami a little stunned due to the sudden change, Charlotte took advantage of this to approach them.

''Hey! stop playing and get serious we are embarrassing ourselves'' Charlote spoke with a annoyed tone.

''If we don't get more serious they're going to beat us, Fuegoleon leave Noelle to me'' Charlotte said

Fuegoleon nodded and with a quick movement ran towards Mimosa, his arms lit up with fire.

''Well'' Yami took another cigarette from his pocket and start to smoking while walks calmly towards Asta.

''Tsk! This woman'' Noelle looked at Charlotte with an annoyed expression.

Before Fuegoleon reached Mimosa, Mimosa rose on a platform changing her fighting style, the plants began to shoot towards Fuegoleon like whips. Fuegoleon incinerated them instantly then around him fire began to emerge, his arm pointed from him towards Mimosa and a Fire Lion's head formed in front of him.

''Reo Ruzenasu'' An explosion of flames out of the lion's mouth straight towards Mimosa, She jumped off the plataform, dodging the flames, and began to propel herself towards Fuegoleon, creating small platforms of plants before falling.

Fuegoleon began to shot fireballs, burning the platforms, when Mimosa was close enough she pounced to Fuegoleon, her fist covered with plants shot into Fuegoleon's chest as if it were a cannon.

Fuegoleon covered his chest with his arms in flames but still ended up retreating 10 meters.

''I hate the fire...'' Mimosa said as she shook her hand.

'How does she have so much physical strenght?' Fuegoleon felt his arms numb

''That black substance isn't magic, what it's that?'' Yami frowned, looking at the Asta's black fist.

''It is something more interesting'' Asta flashed a small smile, while analyzing the situation, out of the corner of the eye, Noelle was fighting with Charlotte, Charlotte was so fast with her rapier stabbing with agilely, while stabbing several thorns emerged from her feet trying to catch Noelle, Noelle ocassionally looked at Asta while dodging, as if she was waiting for something. 'I need us to get together' Asta thought.

''Don't get distracted in the middle of the fight'' Yami said with an irritated tone, his right arm where he wielded his Katana glowed with a purple aura, the Katana descend towards Asta's chest with incredible force and speed, but as if Asta had eyes in his back he bloqued the attack with his sword and retreating a little.

''That reinforcement magic is very useful'' Asta said as he put more strenght, defining the veins in his arm, as he defended himself he made a sign behind his back.

´''You don't possess magic but you know what kind of skills i use?'' Yami frowned.

''I know someone who knows how to use it'' Asta exhibited a big smile, just after he spoke, Noelle's body glowed blue, she avoided Charlotte and shot towards Mimosa, Charlotte reacted quickly but it was too late.

Fuegoleon started to back away fast and was completely defensive, Charlotte and Yami quickly tried to help Fuegoleon but Asta suddenly appeared in front of them blocking the way.

''Yamimatoi Mumyogiri!'' Lots of dark magic slashes flew at Asta, then black bonds appeared under his feet. Behind Charlotte, trees of thorns emerged and moved toward him.

"It seems that you are in a hurry Hahaha" Asta's body flickered black and as if all the attacks had been air they vanished over him. Julius's eyes analyzed everything that happened, it was as if Asta's body became invulnerable to magic for a moment.


Fuegoleon stood alone for a long time before being knocked down by Noelle and Mimosa, Noelle quickly moved towards Asta just like Mimosa, Asta did the same actions heading towards the two, Yami picked up Fuegoleon and backed towards Charlotte's side.

Asta, Noelle and Mimosa moved in a coordinated way, Mimosa and Asta backed away a few meters behind Noelle who stayed in front, Mimosa hugged Asta and they locked themselves in a ball of plants.

Noelle crouched down and wings of water emerged from her back, then she flew off into the sky, all the captains looked at Noelle who pointed her finger towards the sky in the evening light, Noelle lifted her chin and looked straight at Nozel an then shouted.


A gigantic Dragon's head descended on the entire coliseum...

This is the first time i write a fight, sorry if the quality is bad.

Loh_creators' thoughts
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