

The woman remembered the rumors circulating the palace among some of the king's women about how they did not care of Aurora's position as the king's official wife or mate and how she was a murderer and will always deserve their hate.

The king's wife must be using this as an opportunity to proof to them that no matter how long they have stayed in the palace before her arrival, they will never get that seat beside the king for any reason. 

She shook her head and sighed softly. It seems she was over thinking. The princess might also as naïve as a newborn baby.

"I hate her," she heard the young woman beside her complain in obvious hatred.

"You don't need to hate her. She is after all our king's official wife," she whispered a warning to the agitated woman. "My son is finally out," she whispered with pride as her eyes sparkled with love.

"Oh that is my boy over there too," the woman behind her whispered while robbing her hands together in excitement.

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