

"There is a cave somewhere close by. We will get there before it gets too dark hopefully," Aurora said tired of trying to persuade her maid to go back and not die for a not too good reason when she was still young.

"Okay," Helen agreed immediately. She was very hungry and the last thing she wanted to do was sleep in the open.

"We have to go in as fast as we can or we won't get there early enough," Aurora told her and they accelerated. The wind blew on their hoods and they seemed to go one with the wind.


Aurora looked at map she held and sighed. They were approaching a village. One of the things she hated in the journey so far had been meeting people.

She wanted to avoid people as much as she can but it was mandatory she comes in contact with them occasionally.

"We could go through the forest close by," Helen suggested when she noticed the complex expression her master wore. "We don't have to go through the village."

Aurora nodded in agreement as she glanced at the village from the hill top and the forest on either side of the village. "I feel the village is very weird," she said shaking her head at the uneasy feeling she felt as she looked at the village.

It gave her a very bad feeling but it did a good job of causing her to feel drawn to it. It felt inviting in a very creepy way but she did not feel fear but she felt caution.

"If you feel it is strange, how about we go through another route?" Helen asked.

"I don't think we will get to the place we are supposed to be before our two weeks is up," Aurora replied.

They have used five days out of the fourteen days they were given to the perfect day to kill the alpha.

They had a long way ahead of them, they had not even left their kingdom yet and it was very long journey from their kingdom to the land of the inhuman.

From the gate of the land of the inhuman, it will take a few days before they get to the land occupied by the werewolves.

As they neared the forest part to pass by the village, the uneasy feeling Aurora felt increased that her hand holding the reins shook visibly. She kept telling herself that what she felt was not fear as she got closer.

The village looked normal with activities going on in it. There were adults moving around.

The village was large with most of the house built with stones possibly gotten from the very rocky area the village was situated in.

She kept looking around cautiously as she passed by them. As they got close to the part through the forest, the people around that saw them stopped what they were doing and began looking at them.

"Why do you think they are staring?" Helen asked as she could help but feel goose bumps on her skin when she noticed the strange gaze they were giving them.

"There is something wrong. I really don't want anything to delay our journey," Aurora murmured displeased by everything.

She did not know what the feeling she felt was trying to warn her against. It was one of the worse feelings she has felt in a long while.

"Hey!!!" a loud male voice called out to them making them stop since Aurora was very alert.

She looked back at the middle aged man with long beards who stopped them. Looking at him now, she became unsure if it was the right for her to have stopped.

"You should not go through the forest," the man said loud enough for them to hear as he began walking towards them with hurried steps.

"Do you think we should listen to him," Helen asked observing the man. He looked neat and well fed but she was not sure if they will do the right thing by listening to him.

"We will have to go through the forest at the end of the day. When we leave this village, the forest is extended to the east close to the border," Aurora replied seriously. She was told that there was a cave in the forest where she could rest by the map she was given.

The map she now held is a copy of the most detailed map in the kingdom and all the important marked spots were done only a month ago by a map her uncle sent to survey the part she was going to go through.

It was not indicated in the map that the forest or this village was dangerous so she found herself in a very confused state.

"Why do you say we should not go through the forest," Helen asked the man intentionally deepening her voice to make it match the male's attire she now wore.

The few people working on a field all stopped their work as they watched them closely like they were a forbidden part.

"Thank you for that. We will continue our journey," Aurora replied what the man said.

She might have seen her teacher do a lot of things which were totally out of ordinary and even experienced some of them herself but she chose not to believe in any of the many gods.

She shook her head and galloped off followed by Helen into the forest. She paused when she felt the warmth of the canopy of the tall trees. She smiled and inhaled.

The air was fresh and luckily, the part was wide enough. It seems a lot of people use the part. She could even notice that a lot of carriages must have used the part often.

She continued down the part fast her hood flying along the wind. The part was a straight ahead. She suddenly stopped and looked back.

They should get to a clearing soon but she was only seeing endless rows of trees. She looked back and Helen was not with her anymore.

"Helen," she called out as she turned her horse and moved back down the part she came from.

Helen was clearly with her even after they entered the woods. Where did she disappear to all of a sudden? Did she stop to pick some fruits.

Next chapter