
Creation of Groups

[ 08/07/499 17 h 25 ]

I can't say with complete certainty, but I don't think anyone suspects anything, and even if someone had noticed something, they wouldn't normally say it out loud, but rather keep it to themselves.

But anyway what matters most to me right now is to console Selstine to show her that her sister's choice also affected me, even though I think other people are much better at doing that than I am.

And I was right, as soon as Sonia left, Shiro came to her side crying too.

Me - "I'm really sorry Selstine, but she chose it on her own, I can't stand in the way of her choice in any way."

Selstine - "I know, but everything was fine here, we had a roof over our heads, food to eat and now we even had a dozen allies with whom we got along quite well."

Me - "Yes, but something must have made him change his mind."

I think that subconsciously I am a little bit angry with myself for having separated them so abruptly, it must be for this reason that I said this sentence, so that she has a clue to understand why.

Selstine - "Did she warn you before?"

Me - "Unfortunately not, I was also taken by surprise, like everyone else I think, I really expected her to accept my offer."

Selstine - "Well then, she must have a personal reason that she can't talk about. "

Me - "Yes, that must be why."

I then left for a few seconds without saying anything to give her time to compose herself and accept her sister's departure.

And surprisingly, I expected her to be more saddened than that, but she was able to show a strong degree of understanding in spite of this quite powerful emotional shock.

Me - "Well, despite these difficult separations, I am still obliged to tell you about the pre-war plan."

Angelo - "What do you mean? Wasn't what you just said part of it?"

Me - "Nah, everything I told you was just information to get you up to speed on all the rules and useful knowledge to know. Now, I'm going to move on to preparing for war."

Angelo - "And what are we going to have to prepare?"

Me - "So to begin with, you will all start by forming groups of two."

Nomiko - "Can we choose the groups ourselves?"

Me - "No, to avoid any possible problems and for the sake of simplicity for our plan, I had already formed groups beforehand."

Selstine - "Even if my sister is not present? "

Me - "Yes, I had planned for every eventuality, so your sister's decision doesn't interfere with the plan at all. So the first group will be Shanlen and Nomiko.

Shanlen - "That's fine with me, she seems to be pretty resourceful."

Nomiko - "You'll see, I'm pretty good for a girl."

Me - "Well, it's great that you two are getting along. Let's move on to the second group. It will be composed of Kana and Lysis."

Lysis - "That's good for me."

Kana - "You can't change a winning team."

Me - "The third team will be May and Isobe."

May - "Oh cool."

Isobe - "Okay, that's fine."

Me - "The fourth team is Angelo and Rujin."

Angelo - "Rujin, I don't know you, but I'm looking forward to teaming up with you."

Rujin - "Likewise Angelo."

Me - "Selstine, you'll be with Leona and you'll be Team 5."

Leona - "No problem."

Selstine - "Very good sir."

Me - "Chauk, you will form team 6 with Shiro."

Angelo - "What? You're leaving Shiro with him? Why don't you take her with you?"

Me - "I'm not taking her with me, because the task I have is not suitable for a child like her."

Angelo - "Then I'll take her with me. But why leave her with him? We don't even know him. "

Me - "Correction, you don't know him. And as I told you, each group has been thought out so that the plan goes as smoothly as possible, so Shiro will be with Chauk. And that's not changeable."

Angelo - "But..."

Shiro - "Don't worry dad, if Yùichi tells me to be with him, he knows what he's doing. And I'm fine with being with Chauk."

Chauk - "I hope I can do the best I can so that nothing happens to him.

Me - "Don't worry, you have nothing to fear.

Next group number 7 will be Zilfius and Ojoth.

Menelle - "Oh poor Zilfius, you've had the worst possible time."

Ojoth - "What are you implying, old man?"

Menelle - "Nothing at all."

Zilfius - "I hope we can get along."

Ojoth - "Yeah, we'll see."

Me - "Then group number 8 will be Vasoros and Menelle."

Menelle - "Great, thanks Yùichi."

Vasoros - "Very well, that's fine with me."

Me - "And the last group, group 0, will be Alia and myself.

Shanlen - "Why are you group 0 and not 9?

Me - "Because I wanted to be number 0 and because it's more stylish."

Lysis - "A real kid."

Me - "Anyway, let's move on to the roles you will all have to play during these six months. So first of all, something that will be common to all groups, you will all have to go to a point of information as quickly as possible. You will have the right to change your bodies as much as you want, but you will be forbidden to change your name, first name and voice, so that it will be easier to recognize you later. And second common information to all of you, you will all have to choose a specialization of fights and train as much as possible. "

Angelo - "Can't we change our name, our surname or our voice?

Me - "Yes you can, but only one of the three choices. Either you change your name, but your voice and your name remain intact, or you change your name, but your name and voice do not change or third option you change your voice, but your name and your name remain the same, is that understood?

Angelo - "Yeah, got it."

Shanlen - "And what about our combat specializations, do we do what we want?"

Me - "Yeah, while trying to think of the famous powers that could come. Because someone who can control fire will fight differently than someone who can control wires or someone who can improve their speed. You'll have to think about that before you specialize in one area."

Shanlen - "What about weapons, how will we get them?"

Alia - "Ah, that's where I come in handy."

Shanlen - "Oh, the lucky one from Team 0?"

Me - "That's right, I was expecting a situation like this so Alia and I went to get you enough weapons so we could all train."

Shanlen - "Oh, but that's great. And if not, when is the selection of our specializations?"

Me - "Now."

Next chapter