
Chapter 21 Mu bai lost his future wife and Betrayal of tang clan to Tang hao

Chapter 21:

The spirit hall on the advice of the huo yuhao and bibi dong, also investigate the condition of the star luo empire aka evil eye tiger and black cat clan. The second in line prince, which currently run away from his palace, scared away from his elder brother and her fiancé. The star luo empire, it is the nation which admires individual strength and heroism, the evil eye mubai becomes the laughing stock. He, in the empire becomes the best example of scarred pussy-cat running away with his tail between his legs. The mu bai nowadays spending his times running behind the skirts to escape from the future possibility of his butt being handled to him by his elder brother.

The fiancé of mu bai try to reach him at shriek but she was always being interrupted by forces of her elder sister. She in original time line always retreated backs to her family house, in the wounded form and once at the age of 11 year, her successful escape towards shriek academy leads her to disappointed meeting with the mu bai. Due to the rescue team from the spirit hall under black cloaks and face mask, she succeded in running away from her empire at the age of 6 and half. Later on under kind guidance and subtle mental manipulation by caring, soft facial featured elder sisters, who were actually the officials from the spirit hall she reach city where shriek academy situated. Under soft brain washing by group of kind hearted elder sisters the image of man like mu bai is equal to coward, dirty pig. When she silently observes the mu bai for few days, instead of cultivation he is time and money running around the various skirts, she feels totally dishearten. With cold treatment from her clan and family since birth and non-caring future husband, she broke crying in the arms of her new loving and caring elder sisters. Later on she breaks her relations from empire and happily leaves towards the spirit city with her loving sisters.

For the matter of Tang clan, the spirit hall under permission of pope bibi dong and qian angel douluo sends their envoy with the message that if they take oath of loyalty seal to the spirit hall they will be forgiven and given special vip status in all departments of the spirit hall. This message also supported by the fake king and crown prince (qian renxue). After three to six month of negotiation under umbrella of heaven duo royal family they decided to join the spirit hall. After that incident of Tang clan joining the spirit hall, the blue dragon tyrant clan also corresponds with the spirit hall through yu xiogang. After blue dragon clan and tang clan, seven treasure also start thinking about the option, to join the spirit hall.

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