
Chapter 18 : The Difficulties and Successes of hua yuhao 

Chapter 18 Difficulties and Successes of hua yuhao

Huo yuhao, although bit satisfied with the progress, but for the genius and the hard working person, there are different types of problem and dilemma they faced. Once his meridians filled with the spirit power, there is change in his body under the blessings of the planetary lord. His body becomes the magnet for heavenly energies. He becomes like walking black hole to attract natural energies and with body physique of level 85 there is no restrictions in progress of his spirit power. Huo yuhao get break through to level 26 within one month and this might continue to be doing so.

Although it never weakens his cultivation base because of level 85 body physiques but he is just the 7 years four month old. At this crucial time his golden space comes in to play, it absorbed and store excessive spirit power in the form of shiny bluish white snow-like particles. He decided to restrict his level boost and decides to break through every four month up to level 30 and later on every three month up to level 40.

Another problem which arises at this time is, his unsatisfied hunger urges, which are not satiate by herbs and soul beast meat provided by the spirit hall. At this time the silk-worm brother ask him to utilize his body, which was stored by huo yuhao in his golden space.

It was bit awkward to eat someone's body in front of him but silk-worm brother assured him that he prefers his divine body which he experience in the memories of huo yuhao. Silk-worm brother also insist him to develop well as soon he becomes stronger sooner he will ascend with him in god realm again with his scorpion sister, his love crush. The pea size meat of from the hill size body, satiate huo yuhao's hunger for the three days.

-----------------TIME SKIP 2 YEARS----------------

In two years many things were changed.

1. Change of the spirit level of huo yuhao from level 26 to 33. At the age of 9 he looks like 12 – 13 year old.

2. The spirit hall takes over the future Heaven Duo and Star Luo continents, those empires are of course not going to form after 20,000 years later as in original history. (Author is going to keep the names of these continents as original time line for feasibility. They all are parts of future spirit federation under the spirit hall)

3. The Sun-Moon Empire also being infiltrated by spies of the spirit hall, many nobles, merchants and academies take side with spirit hall. Those all peoples gets secrecy and loyalty seals.

4. The four clans of Heaven Duo Empire fully integrate and take side with the spirit hall. There junior of the later generations of these clans are taking educations and various courses under the spirit hall academies built in all four cities of spirit hall and named as North, South, East and West spirit academy, respectively. These academies have primary and secondary education system free of cost to residents of these cities and central spirit academy in original spirit city work as advance spirit academy.

5. The spirit hall secures the dragon god dimension in star luo continent. It is the special dimension in which spirit masters under level 49 gone to hunt dragon type beast. The hunting of beast leads to portion of beast essence to be absorbed by spirit masters to enhance their physical attributes to decrease their future hindrances. But the golden space of huo yuhao also provides it supportive functions by absorbing all beast essence which huo yuhao hunts in the dimension. The dimension opened for one month every year. In the original future history it is the place where Tang wulin absorbed the golden dragon core.(Correction: it is dragon god core)

6. Joining of the members from power and defence clans along with many talented blacksmiths leads to high number talented blacksmith which are busy refining metals for one named battle armor for spirit hall forces. Those all forces are under secrecy and loyalty seals

7. Poison clan were joined in hospital, potions and pills department, regarding poison expert they joined the poison research department of the spirit hall.

8. The speed clan gets there worth in mecha engineering. They produce geniuses in mecha and armor circuts designing. They are not worthless speed clan of past anymore. Very strange thing that the Ma xie meet his future wife in speed clan, whom he can't save from death, because he don't have any god seat to make her ascend to god realm, they immediately becomes each other best friend after first meeting in East spirit academy.

9. Douluo continent virtual world becomes main stream for teaching and practice of fighting between spirit masters and with virtual spirit beasts.

10. The appearance of artificial white and yellow rings drastically imrove the profit and image of the spirit hall. Peoples prefers to gets tailor made beast ring of their choice instead of taking risks in forest. This also decreases the incident of accidental deaths of young and old spirit masters by spirit beasts and evil spirit masters. Even poor family prefers artificial rings as spirit hall provides free first ring of their juniors if they take loyalty seal and settle down in one of spirit hall city.

11. The ascension platform also increases the fame of spirit hall as through this method people's increase the age of their spirit rings. Even person with first white ring has the chance to increase there first two rings from white to yellow rings.

12. There is major positive change in the behavior of the heaven duo empire towards the spirit hall. The cause of this change is joining of huo yuhao in the planning and proceedings to take over the heaven duo empire. First with help of the golden space he easily replaces first king with qian renxue and later on he also kidnapped and replaces king of heaven Duo Empire. With fake king and first prince it was easier to taking care of the previous king's loyal and anti-spirit hall factions. To prevent the doubts by family members towards replaced king and prince, other prince and princes are ordered for education tour in east spirit academy and admitted there for further studies. The younger brother of king is imprisoned by fake scandal and evidences that he is trying to dethrone the king, all his family were kicked out from heaven Duo Empire and currently living on scholarship aid to living as life of commoners without any luxuries in north spirit city.

13. The qian renxue as fake prince shows her talents in sword play style and gets the master disciple relations with the seven douluo of seven pagoda clan. As there are three phases of sword, spear, fist and many other weapons etc expertise. Which are according to 30,000 years later in original time line are INTENT, WILL and SOUL REALMS. Qian renxue's sword expertise is at sword will realm, it is stage higher than sword douluo but she needs experience of different sword techniques as recommended by huo yuhao.

14. The herbs planted in golden space are maturing quickly compared to yin-yang well. He implants all herbs inside golden space and put their seeds in yin-yang garden for later generation.

15. As previous all three herbs fire apricot, ice grass and purple dew cleared from his system. He utilizes chrysanthemum stalk that result in absorption of only 5 to 6 percent efficacy by body of huo yuhao. He stored remaining efficacy of herb in his golden space. When he start directing chrysanthemum efficacy in ye ling ling, her body greatly absorbed these efficacies. Due to her knowledge and experiences regarding life energies, by absorbing 30 percent efficacies her martial spirit went to evolve. Now she is one of genius in civil and military health facilities especially her self-made skills to regenerate any body organs in disabled military and civilians.

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