
It really is such a bad habit

They spent the next half an hour getting to know each other. The twins were getting increasingly excited the more they got to know about Rex. They turned to their sister and gave her a secret thumbs-up.

'You caught a massive fish sister. Maybe you used up all your luck.' They thought at the same time.

"Alright, how about we go for a walk around the city and enjoy the scenery?" Rex proposed as he looked at the three ladies. Elesa nodded happily and the twins were also happy to tag along. She had already handed back steelix since it was of no use with her.

As they headed out, Rex and Elesa were holding hands while the twins were running in front looking around curiously. Rex had to tell them not to run off too far since the city was packed full of people. Getting lost was easy. Although Gaia could track them in an instant it was better to be careful anyway.

Elesa giggled as she glanced at Rex's side profile as he talked to the twins. She smiled sweetly.

They went by the sweets store and Rex instantly regretted his decision. The twins were like 5-year-olds, they wanted to buy one of everything. But looking at their happy faces and remembering what they had just gone through, he didn't hesitate to buy them a bit of everything. He had already tasked Gaia with creating a tonic for a tummy ache since they would 100% get one after this.

They then went to the amusement park and went on the rides. Rex would make fun of them when they couldn't get on due to their small stature which made them stomp their feet furiously as their cheeks inflated. Elesa was giggling off to the side which earned her a pinch on her butt by both sisters.

'We can't harm Rex, but we won't let you off sister.' They thought as they grinned at Elesa who was rubbing her butt. Rex chuckled off to the side which earned him a kick in the shin by Elesa. The twins nodded in satisfaction while Rex was left grimacing as he rubbed his shin.

As they walked down the busy streets looking at all the trinkets, items, foods and clothing around Rex spotted some Rocket grunts following behind him. About 50 meters away. Gaia had warned him the moment it caught sight on the cameras.

Rex wasn't too surprised; he wasn't really trying to hide anyway. He was having a good time with his girlfriend and her sisters. But he wasn't about to let them ruin his great time.

"Mordred, you know what to do." He whispered softly. His shadow flickered slightly as a pair of golden eyes materialised. Then a smile showing white teeth appeared. The next instant, it disappeared with no one noticing.

The twins were too busy looking at the matching bracelets Rex bought for them. One was white and the other was black. Elesa was continuously staring at the beautiful necklace that had a diamond flower on it. The only reason she didn't trip was that Rex was grabbing her waist softly.


"Boss, we spotted the brat, Rex. He's in the city." Said one of the grunts tailing him.

[don't lose sight of him. I want to know where he goes. Don't approach him and alert him. He is too powerful by now for you two. Continue to tail him. If there is anything new, call me.]

"Don't worry boss. You can trust us."

Click Beeeeep.

"You heard him, let's continue to tail the kid. I wonder how strong his Pokémon are. How much would the fetch for on the black market?" asked the grunt who held the phone.

"Doesn't matter does it. since we won't see a single dollar even if we were the ones who got them. I really don't know why we signed up for team rocket. Shitty wages, shitty Pokémon and everyone looks down on us like scum. If only I had decent Pokémon, I might be able to actually produce results." The second grunt complained.

"Don't complain, you had nowhere else to go. Nobody was hiring and you were dirt poor. Team Rocket gave you what you were desperate for. Sure, we don't get the best there is, but its better than having nothing right?"


"…Right?" the grunt noticed here was no response and turned around only to see nothing there. But before he could even understand what was going on, he disappeared.

Several minutes later, they awoke in a deserted alleyway on the other side of the city. In the corner, a figure was sitting on a trash can swinging his legs playfully.

The two looked at each other and then back at the child like presence in the corner.

"Who are you! We're with Team Rocket. You don't want to mess with us." Said the first grunt.

[Oh? damn, I'm really scared now. Look-look, I'm shaking from fear.] Mordred said as he extended a hand and pretended to be shaking.

"Don't mock us boy, we'll beat you to a pulp." Said the second grunt as he stood up.



The grunt felt immense pressure and fell back on his ass. Mordred hopped off the trash can and walked towards them. Green smoke rising from his body as he grew to 2 meters. His long white hair began to turn black, and his red body slowly faded into a deep black. His golden crown elongated as a sense of dread and death seeped out of his body freezing the two grunts in place.

[I haven't been able to kill anything in a while.] he said as he cracked his neck.

[ You know, I have this really bad habit I recently developed. I tend to lose my temper when anyone messes with my family. So, I'll be ripping your spine out of your body, and I'll shove it up your ass and turn you into a fucking effigy.] He spoke in a casual and playful tone that contrasted to his dark and disturbing words as he stretched his hand out towards them. their vision was soon covered by his hand. That was the last thing they saw.

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