
Saffron city

All of Rex's Pokémon looked at him solemnly. There was a suffocating silence the permeated the forest. Then, suddenly, they all pounced on him with massive smiles on their faces. The silence was no more as laughter reign supreme.

Machamp was looking on from the side with a smile.

{Rex is right, legacy is simply a head start. Just because your species doesn't have one doesn't mean you cannot make one. After all, legacies must have started somewhere, right?} he said. All the Pokémon thought about his words before nodding in acknowledgement.

"Good, now that this discussion is over, you all know what you need to do. You must all train harder than ever before in order to stay close with the others. Never stay silent when you are struggling, sometimes the weight gets too heavy, that is what family is for." He said emotionally. All of his Pokémon roared joyfully. Even Machamp was dragged into the middle of it. there was just a ball of Pokémon hugging each other with Rex in the middle.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later that they all parted and went back to their poke balls to rest. Only Rex and Machamp were left.

"The time for battle is approaching. We are far from ready. We must train harder." Rex said solemnly as he started at the silvery moon.

{yes, time waits for no man. But rest assured, victory is at hand.} Machamp said confidently.

"Oh? what gives you such confidence?" Asked Rex with raised eyebrows.

{As you said, when the weight gets too heavy, we must rely on family. I believe that together, we can bridge the disparity in individual strength.} said Machamp. Rex nodded at his words and pulled him into a hug.

"You will never be alone; we will face this together till the end." He said with a smile. Machamp smiled warmly and hugged him back before they separated. Yet before Machamp could react, Rex sent him blasting into a tree, breaking it cleanly. Machamp was confused and looked back. He wasn't harmed in the least but Rex was laughing.

"I win hahahaha. I win! Suck it!" he said before bolting into the forest at full speed. Machamp stood there dazed for a moment before getting incensed.

{THAT'S CHEATING! GET BACK HERE. I WILL BREAK YOUR LEGS!} he bellowed. The entire forest shook from his scream. But all that could be heard was Rex's mocking laughter in the now silent forest. This continued for hours.


The sun came up the next day and shone on Rex's face. He tried to get up but couldn't. he suddenly realised Machamp was snoring loudly with two of his arms over him. They weighed as much as a truck. He suddenly thought about the Pokedex entry. Able to punch 500 times a second. With this weight behind it, he began to shudder heavily.

He tried to get up but couldn't and soon began to get frustrated. "Get up you fat ass!" he yelled. Machamp woke up due to the yelling.

{Who's calling me fat!} he yelled back incensed. When he saw it was Rex he bonked him on the head with his fist which half-buried him.

"What was that for?" Rex argued angrily.

{you called me fat!} Machamp answered back, equally as angry.

"That's because you were sleeping on me! Do you know how much you weigh?" he said angrily.

{Its muscle, MUSCLE!} he yelled.

"Whatever, get off of me," Rex said while attempting to push him away to no avail.

{Say you're sorry and that its muscle not fat} said Machamp with his chin held high.

"No, get off of me"

{nope, not until you say you're sorry}

one hour later...

"I can't feel my legs. I'm sorry, now get off of me." Rex said begrudgingly. Machamp pouted but got off in the end.

"You big baby," he grumbled. When he tried to stand, he failed and fell on his face.

{Who's the baby here? At least I can walk.} Machamp said with a smug look.

"You- Never mind." After feeding his Pokémon and getting everything packed, Rex got on Arcanine and headed towards Saffron city where his next Gym battle would be held. He estimated he would get there by 2 pm since Arcanine was simply monstrously fast.

When he noticed that the road was beginning to become asphalt, he took out the Ducati from his inventory and road on that. His decision was wise as two Pokémon trainers soon came into view coming from the opposite way. Rex didn't mind them and sped past. He soon saw the outline of the city and where he would be challenging his next gym battle.

He remembered what Blaine had said. The gym leader was strong due to her raw power. Well, more accurately, she was being carried by her Pokémon. Alakazam was a strong Pokémon but without strategy or planning, he wouldn't even count as a warmup. This was probably the only gym he didn't like.

Ash should have already fixed the little girl's issue by now. So maybe it would pose more of a challenge, but he would have to wait and see. He soon arrived at the gates of the city and swiftly made his way in. the architecture was slightly different. big wide houses with multiple floors lines neatly forming multiple streets. yet they felt… lonesome. Like there was something missing.

There weren't that many people on the street, no children playing at the park. He wondered what the problem was. He, therefore, turned back and met with Officer Jenny that was at the gate.

"Excuse me," he said calmly while approaching her. Officer Jenny hearing someone behind her turned around to see Rex there.

"Yes, what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you could tell me why the city feels so… empty." He asked curiously. Officer Jenny's face brightened when she heard that.

"Oh, that's simple. There is a fair going on right now. I suggest you go and take a look. Everyone is probably there, hence the empty streets." She said with a smile. Rex nodded and walked away.

'Fairgrounds huh? Why not. I was planning on challenging the gym today but I guess it wouldn't hurt to postpone it for tomorrow. I'll go have some fun.' He thought. Making his mind up he headed towards the event right away.

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