
2nd Gym battle Part 1

The next morning, Rex made his way out of the Hotel and went to the nearest cafe for breakfast before heading to the gym. Daisy, Violet, and Lily were the gym leaders and also performers which he found interesting. He hoped that they weren't performing since that day they wouldn't take challenges. Sadly that seemed to be the case as a multitude of people swarmed to the gym. This was due to the fact that the gym also served as a performance stage.

Rex made his way over anyway since he wanted to make sure. If there wasn't a performance today then he would challenge them. If there was then he would watch it, look around the city and challenge the gym the next day before leaving. Walking towards the line of people Rex asked the nearest person for information. It turned out that there was indeed a performance today and Rex would have to wait till tomorrow. He was upset since he was excited about the battle but he still waited in line and bought a ticket to see the show nonetheless. He walked in and found his spot in the stands on the second floor overlooking the stage. As there was no battle here today there was now a much more decorated and presentable platform that was going to be used for performances.

20 minutes later three stunning beauties walked in from the side doors in their colourful outfits that showed off their curves. They chucked out their pokemon and walked to the centre of the stage before pulling out a microphone.

Daisy "Hello everyone! today is our weekly performance. We hope you enjoy it!" she said cheerfully before putting the microphone to the side. Violet and Lily spread out to different corners with Daisy. Daisy performed rain dance with Seaking and began to do tricks and flips while using moves in a stunning performance. Lily performed ice beam on the stage with Seel and started to slide around and do spins and jumps as if it was ice skating. Violet got Shellder to use bubble so that the light would be refracted into different directions seemingly like several disco balls suspended in the air. Rex was impressed by their performance and after several routines, the performance ended an hour later.

Rex walked out satisfied with what he saw and left with a smile as he walked around the city before going to a massage place to treat his pokemon. They had been training hard and they needed rest and relaxation every now and then in order to be in the best fighting condition possible. Soon Rex walked back to his hotel after eating dinner at some local restaurant and slept early.

The next morning he walked towards the Gym and found that it was taking on challenges. Rex walked in and found a receptionist doing her own thing on a computer. She lifted her head as she noticed Rex walk in.

Rex " hello, I'm here to challenge the gym can you please inform the gym leaders?" he asked calmly. The receptionist nodded and walked away before coming back soon after.

Receptionist "you may enter, the gym leaders are ready to face you," she said as she pointed her hand towards the doors that lead to the battlefield. Rex nodded and walked in through the sliding doors and found himself facing the same three beauties from before. They were wearing bikini's that showed a ton of skin. Seeing a handsome man walk in attracted the attention of the three beauties.

Violet "look here sisters, we have a good looking stud here," she said with a slight grin as she looked at Rex. Rex didn't seem to mind and just stood there with his hands in his pockets.

Violet "not much of a talker are you? bummer," she said disappointedly before proceeding to explain the rules. It was a one on one battle and Rex would have to verse all three of them back to back. He was surprised but happy since he could get to fight stronger trainers.

Daisy "do you agree to the rules?" she asked. Rex nodded and moved towards the edge of the pool where the battlefield was. It had a small platform in the middle of the pool in case the challenger used land pokemon. Rex took out a Pokeball and grinned before throwing it out. The Pokeball landed on the small platform and exploded into a bright light before a 1.8-meter Machoke came out. Violet who was up first was stunned mid-throw as she looked at the monstrously tall machoke in front of her. He was black and gold and look vastly different to machoke's she had seen before.

She soon snapped out of it and sent out Shellder who landed in the water and started to swim around at a fast speed. What was intriguing was the way it moved in the water. It swam backwards and opened and closed its shell in order to accelerate. Rex was surprised by its movement but didn't really care much for it. What he wanted to know was If Shellder with its shell closed could effectively resist any attack. According to the Professor, Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is vulnerable only when its shell is open. He wanted to experiment on the Shellder as it could serve as a good punching bag for Machoke. That is- if it can defend in the first place. Rex told Machoke about Shellder to which Machoke grinned evilly at the little clam.

Violet was disturbed by Machoke's grin and began to get wary.

Violet " Shellder, keep your distance for now and use water gun," she said decisively. It would be suicide to take Machoke head-on. Shellder, who was swimming around stopped, aimed at Machoke and sent a quick beam of water at him. Rex smiled at this and so did Machoke.

Rex "Machoke use ice punch to freeze the water stream," he said calmly. Machoke waited for the stream of water to come into attacking range before he punched it head-on. The result was surprising to Violet, Machoke's punch was so cold that it instantly froze the water making it look like an ice spike.

Rex "Machoke, grab it and throw it at Shellder," he said. Machoke picked up the beam of ice in one hand and winded his arm back as much as possible. Machoke looked like a bow that was fully drawn. Machoke's arm flashed forward and in an instant, a boom was heard as the piece of ice was thrown like a javelin at incredible speed. Violet who was seeing this freaked out.

Violet " Shellder quickly close your shell!" she yelled hurriedly.

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