
Trouble at the Pokemall (Part 1)

After entering the city, Rex was shocked at the difference between being here in real life and what he saw in the anime and games. sure the games were not really a good thing to be basing your logic of the size of a city on, but still, he marvelled at the grandeur of the biggest city in the Kanto region, or at least the highest tier one. but that's beside the point, what made it so fabulous was surprisingly its nightlife, compared to what Rex expected, the roads were still full and restaurants were fully booked for the night. it was like walking through new york's time square during rush hour, that's how busy it was. Rex wanted to enjoy the night since he had been cooped up in a lab for 4 months and in the woods for the past day so he was really missing society.

Rex first went to a good hotel with a 4-star rating and booked himself a room until the day after tomorrow since he planned to tour the city to experience it during the day as well. After finally booking his room he made his way out to enjoy the nightlife. he went through the biggest street where stalls were set up just like a carnival and all sorts of different things were being sold, from candies and sweets to rare rocks and antiques, it was all there. he slowly made his way through while enjoying a good bucket of fairy floss since he kind of had a massive sweet tooth. he made his way through the stalls with food and headed towards the stalls with rocks and antiques since he might find something worth buying. He soon caught a glimpse of two Metal coats being sold at a price of $3,000 each which was really expensive to him but thinking of the team he was going to build he grit his teeth and spent the money. Professor Oak was generous and paid him a basic wage any assistant would get which help since it added to the $20,000 he received from the system gift pack. after receiving the Metal coats from the happy vendor smiling from ear to ear he chucked them into his inventory when no one was looking.

Moving away from the stall he continued to observe but didn't find anything else of interest, he was disappointed but he did find two good items and satisfied his sweet tooth so he couldn't complain too much. He soon found himself in front of a Pokemart but it was much bigger, the size fit with the huge city it was placed in so it was more accurate to call it a Pokemall really. as he made his way in and looked around he bought all the food necessary for a good 2 weeks and then made his way to the potion section when suddenly a massive explosion destroyed the peaceful atmosphere inside the mall. From the smoke people dressed in black with a big red R on their chest made their way in with pokeballs in their hands. Rex seeing them couldn't help but curse at them in his mind for ruining his good mood.

Rex "am I as unlucky as ash?" he seriously asked himself. when he thought about it maybe he was, first a Rattata wave interrupted him and now team Rocket. he really started to doubt himself. shaking the useless thought out of his head he decided to see what they were up to before deciding whether to interfere or not.

as he watched the team rocket grunts make their way in and started to catch the people running away and binding them up to stop them from moving or screaming in order to buy them enough time to get what they needed and get out. After all, the police probably heard the explosion and would be on the way soon. sadly Rex knew how useless the authorities were and couldn't be relied on so he had to find a way to do this himself. he suddenly overheard a couple of grunts talking and hid behind one of the shelves.

Grunt 1 "damn I'm so tired why are we doing this now, I mean can't we do it during the day? I doubt stealing a bunch of evolution stones requires us to do it at night right? it's not like they're going anywhere," he said complaining while he picked up the stones.

Grunt 2 "shut up and don't complain, I don't want to get dragged down with you if someone hears us and snitches to the admins." he said unhappily before also starting to pick up stones.

Grunt 1 "yeah yeah stop being so pessimistic its people like you who go and jinx it. anyway why do we need all these stones for?" he asked curiously since he didn't really know why they needed them for.

Grunt 2 " I really question your IQ sometimes why the FUCK else do we need them, it's obviously to E-V-O-L-V-E certain pokemon team rocket has you dumbass. what do you think they're for? decorating the base?" he asked sarcastically.

Rex "PFFFT" he tried to hold the laugh in but couldn't.

Rex "HAHAHAHAHA" he laughed so hard the grunts almost shit themselves in fright, startled. they dropped the stones and grabbed their pokeballs ready to throw them out.

Grunt 2 "w-who's there come out slowly with your hands behind your head or else," he said threateningly.

Rex " why do you sound like the police? You two clowns are really funny, I haven't laughed so hard in a while. since I'm in a good mood I'll spare you this time and let you walk away, just return the stones, say nothing about meeting me and we won't have a problem ok?" he said with a warm smile on his face seeming very genuine and nice.

The grunt was stunned for a second before bursting into a laughter of his own.

Grunt 1 "ahahaha look at this little guy, he's calling us the clowns when he's acting so magnanimous by letting us leave," he said while pointing at rex as he laughed.

Rex's smile slowly turned cold as he gave one last warning

Rex "you really should reconsider and take my offer, otherwise, you won't be walking out of here," he said as he released his murderous aura that had been cultivated for many years on the battlefield.

The two grunts looked at each other with a serious look before nodding at the same time. suddenly they looked towards Rex again and threw their Pokeball's.

Next chapter