
Scarlet - The Beast

This had to be a nightmare. It could never be my afterlife experience. This had to be a hidden joke. Any minute now, someone was going to jump out of the shadows. We were going to have a good laugh. They scared the villainess Scarlet. The notorious savage queen frightened. It would be hilarious.

But when an electrical current zapped through my back, the hopeful thought died. I jumped forward. The large beast in front of me was still changing. The cage was too small. It couldn't contain him. The light in the ceiling flickered on and off. Fire gashed from the cell.

Saliva abandoned my mouth. My gaze flickered from the single, wooden door to the changing beast. No one was coming to help me. I wondered if it would help to scream. Maybe if they were at a distance someone would hear.

The rage in the beast's beautiful eyes pierced through me. What could I have done to deserve this? No, this had to be Deanna's doing. She and her stupid ideas of eliminating the High Council have got me in this mess. Oh, that was one woman I would get pleasure from haunting. Mother or not, she was a horrible woman. She should be the one this man was attacking, not me.

"Wait!" I tried to talk out the beast from what he was about to do. "Look, I'm sorry, but maybe you've got the wrong person. You see, I was possessed by my mother. It caused me to do a lot of bad things. If it involved harming you in any way, I apologize."

This seemed to anger the beast even more. His transformation finished, causing the spell around the cage to go haywire. The light flickered off. A loud snap numbed my eardrums. Simultaneous bangs of collision followed.

My ears rang from the explosion. My vision blurred. I didn't have time to summon my powers before the large animal was on me. Bars pierced into my back. A large claw squeezed into my chest.

The wolf was huge. Two fangs were among sharp teeth. A growl crinkled his face. A gold wolf. A weird color for such a creature. It sank its front foot into my chest. My abdomen hurt.

I whimpered.

Crying wouldn't help. This was it. No amount of pleading was going to stop this creature. It was rumored that if a spirit got damaged in the spiritual plane, it would be lost forever. No way to pass on to heaven or hell. It was a lonely route.

Did I give up my life only to be sent to a horrible faith by some wolf? I had plans for my afterlife. I would relax and enjoy the rest of eternity. But, no, this had to happen to me.

Annoyance ignited magic in my body.

This was all because my mother couldn't just freaking move on! Darn her!

My fangs lengthened.

"Get off of me!" I gritted out.

The animal dug his claws into my skin. The sharp pain shot through my body. My ribs cried out from the pressure. The beast leaned down. Its face inches from mine.

A challenge.

He could hurt me before I completed a spell. Still, I couldn't allow this. If I wasn't getting a chance to pass on, he shouldn't either. Loneliness for loneliness. The right way.

Instead of speaking it aloud, I chanted in my mind. This way, it would catch the beast off guard.

'I call for the strength. I beg for the power. Help me to take out my enemy.'

I turned my palm, aiming it at his side. It wouldn't cause a lot of damage, but it would do something.

"Now!" I bellowed.

An electric ball shot into the shoulder of the beast. The weapon knocked the foot on my chest off. I groaned at the gashes it left behind. Using the opportunity, I rolled out of the way and jumped to my feet.

The beast turned to me. The room became too small for him. He blocked the door. There was no escaping him. He cocked his head to the side, observing me. I held up my fist, ready to fight. I could have sworn he smirked. The anger in his eyes subsided to replace excitement.

Damn it, was this amusing to him?

"You bastard!" I yelled at him.

He lowered on his front legs getting ready to pounce at me. I searched for places to run when he did. If he came at me, it would allow me to zigzag up to the door. He was big so maneuvering in such a small space would be difficult. This was an advantage for me. It would help me to flee this horrible scene. I would have to face whatever was on the other end of the door. It would just have to be.

I set to run. He challenged me. Just as he was about to leap, the wooden door flew open. Pieces of wood flew about the room, hitting the beast. I used the opportunity to run. However, the beast still had its eyes on me. A whip of its tail and I was on my back. All the wind knocked out of my lungs.

"What the hell is going on here?" a small voice demanded. "Sabastian Anderson? I didn't bring you two here to kill each other. Damn it! Look what you did to the place. How am I going to explain this to the Goddess?"

I dusted off myself and stood, crouching at the pain from my body. The beast transformed back into his human form.

"Who the fuck are you? And where the hell is Lucifer?" He tossed his hair out of his face. "I demand to speak with him."

Kyleon. This Sabastian guy was the spitting image of my ex-lover. It couldn't be him. Kyleon was too much of a kind-hearted man to attack me. Even after the pain I put him through, he continued to protect me. His love did die, but his care remained the same. Centuries passed where I saw the affection he had for me grew weaker and weaker. Until one day, it belonged to another. My younger sister.

I couldn't be upset. This meant they both could be happy. After all they have been through, they deserved happiness.

"Who the heck is Lucifer?" the small woman barked in frustration. "Did you hit your head or something?"

A halo floated above her head. There were no wings but the white knee-length dress paired with the white flats gave away what creature she was. Angels had the ability to hide their wings inside their bodies. No, it was kept in a pouch in their backs. The skill helped them to travel around in the world of the living among humans without being detected.

However, she wasn't just any angel. Common angels didn't have halos this bright. She had to be a Guardian Angel. This was an angel, who was assigned to a God. They were expected to protect and carry out any given request of their God. Most times people referred to them as the right-hand man to Gods. Since they lived, breathed, ate for their God. Nothing else mattered. It caused drastic damage to their physical and mental health if their God died. Most didn't live after.

The Sabastian guy crossed his arms across his chest, advertising muscular biceps. "What you mean, little thing? Aren't I in hell? I did die, right?"

The angel pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why would you think you're dead?" The small female slapped the man on his hand. "Does that not hurt, you big dummy?"

So, we weren't dead. Well, that was a relief. Wait, why were we here?

The nude man groaned. "Damn! I had this whole speech planned in my head for Lucifer. I was going to persuade him I was the best fit to be the new grim reaper. It sounds like a pretty cool gig. I would have relaxed by being a substitute grim reaper."

The little female rolled her eyes. "Oh, good Lord. I almost wished I summoned your brother."

That got the man's attention. I must admit, it caught mine too.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

The Guardian Angel flashed me a smile. "Great question. At least, someone in this room is acting in their right mind. I'll fill you in on that detail when you both get dressed."

She waved her hand twice. Clothes appeared out of nowhere, hanging over her hand. While I watched her, the Sabastian guy observed me. His eyes trailed down my body. The look warmed my cheeks. My hands flew to my face to hide my embarrassment. The spiteful man smirked at me.

Damn him.

With a snap of the angel's fingers, the room changed to something similar to a living room. The cells were gone and replaced with a couch, coffee table, a bookshelf aligned with books, another smaller shelf with liquor. Two large windows and two doors on either end of the room became visible. A changing room appeared around me with my clothes hung over it.

I folded fists at my sides.

Yep, she had caught my reaction to that Sabastian guy. He was going to pay for this. I just had to change first.

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