
Chapter 56: Mutants

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patréon.com/SlyOW


With the passing minutes, Edward felt the Spacetime Aura in the surroundings strengthen. And as it did, Edward had the idea to try to understand his surroundings.

Ever since he reached the Unity Realm, he started seeing the world in a different light, it was hardly explainable through words, but it allowed him to gather the latent power of the world and use it through his sword.

However, ever since then he found that whenever he tried to comprehend the world, although he could feel there was something, a wall seemed to isolate him from the world.

But today, as he felt the strange aura, he finally felt some progress. This time, the understanding wasn't related to the sword, but spacetime.

Barely a few minutes elapsed though before he once again felt the wall. It was frustrating, he could feel there was something else, he could feel that if he managed to understand the aura then great things awaited him, but just like with the sword, he was stuck.

Letting out a sigh, Edward left his meditation as he focused on what he gained. Although he was once again stopped by the wall, he still managed to understand a few things, even though it wasn't that great.

Closing his eyes, he extended his hand in front of him, and with a slight twitch blue energy started forming a portal. After two seconds, a complete portal leading to the Himalayas was opened.

Thanks to his understanding of space, he had managed to emulate the Sling Ring, and create a portal made only of space itself. In appearance, the only difference was the edges of the portal were no longer a fiery, flickering orange, but a steady dark blue outline.

After a couple of seconds though, the portal crumbled onto itself. Edward let out a small sigh seeing this, it seemed his understanding of space wasn't enough.

Making this portal was much more demanding in concentration, and not as stable. It had even taken some of his Spiritual Energy to form it and maintain it.

Frustrated, Edward extended his hand toward the nearby grass next, and a green energy gathered above the grass. The strands of grass under the green energy started growing, but Edward quickly had to stop as his Spiritual Energy was quickly depleting.

The second power his understanding of spacetime granted him was time manipulation, to slow down or quicken time in a certain area. But just like with space, it took a lot of his Spiritual Energy and concentration.

The effects were severely limited, but the possibilities if he managed to get past the wall could be incredible. It seems he would have to make more research, and find a way to get past this wall.

That would have to wait though, as it seemed the guests from another time were coming.

Edward got up from the ground, and watched in fascination and frustration a giant green and blue portal open up in the air, rupturing both time and space to form a passage.

Several presences were thrown out of this portal, all of whom were humans without a doubt. Then, as all the travellers arrived, the portal closed itself, leaving visitors from another time into this exact place and moment.

Edward watched as the people awoke from their daze, and as they looked at each other, Edward felt a mix of relief and anger coming from the group.

Barely any of them even noticed him as they got up and separated into two groups, glaring at the other side with great animosity. One group wore a kind of uniform, it was yellow and blue, and they looked a little silly. The only exception was the one who seemed to be their leader, a bald man in a wheelchair.

On the other side, there was no uniform, but they also had a leader, who had a purple and red costume, including a cape and a helmet.

As the two sides looked ready to brawl it out, Edward lightly coughed, "Hello there."

Everyone's attention was immediately drawn to him as they finally registered the presence of someone else. At the same time, Edward felt someone probe his mind, it came from a red haired young woman.

Edward swiftly crushed it with a small burst of Royal Will, which also extended to all those present. Edward had learned to control it better, and so he had controlled the intensity so he wouldn't knock them out but pressure them.

The young woman who tried entering his mind grunted in pain, and the others visibly faltered at the Royal Will. Now that he had their attention, Edward said, "You are intruding upon this time, and as a guardian of this Earth, I demand of you to decline your identity."

They looked at one another, shock evident on their faces, and the bald man in a wheelchair was the first to step out as he asked "We are in another time? Are we still on Earth? What year is this?"

Edward grunted, "Yes, we are still on Earth. We are in 2011. Now, answer my question."

The bald man was about to answer when the opposite leader sneered, "I've had enough, we re leaving."

He actually started floating off the ground as his men followed him, ready to leave. Edward clicked his tongue at that, and countless tendrils of Eldritch Magic appeared around them and trapped them.

Much to Edward's shock though, one of them actually managed to escape from the ropes, disappearing from sight with mere speed. Edward clearly felt him rush to him with his Chi Sense, but he knew he wouldn't have the time to move away.

So, Edward gathered his Chi to where the speedster was about to hit, reinforcing it. And as the punch hit him, Edward barely had his head move, while the speedster was forced to a stop as he held his fist in pain.

To the speedster's credit though, this had forced Edward to lose focus for a moment, and freed his fellows from the binds.

The only woman among them, dressed in a red costume, extended her hand toward Edward, and Edward actually felt his control over the array disappear.

He was shocked by the occurrence, but still took out his sword and slashed at the woman. The flying slash was sent flying her way, and she couldn't defend against it. However, as it reached her the speedster from earlier saved her.

Edward grunted in annoyance, and stomped the ground with power as the array was reactivated, and numerous Eldritch Constructs were sent toward the group, which was now standing close to each other.

But before they could reach them, they were all bounced off by an invisible shield, erected by their leader. Edward was about to engage them in close quarter when they suddenly disappeared.

Edward frowned, but let go. They had teleported away, there wasn't much he could do at that.

Edward turned to the remaining people, and he didn't have to ask for the wheelchair man to explain, "We are mutants from 1972… Is this Breakstone Lake?"

Edward nodded, "It is. Familiar with the area?"

"Yes, I actually lead a school at the other end of the lake. I house mutants. You could come if you want."

"I'm not a mutant."

The group was obviously stunned by his statement, but Edward didn't explain further and instead asked, "When do you plan to go back to your time?"

The bald man shook his head, "We don't even know how we came here."

Edward frowned, "I see… Do you even want to go back to your time?"

The mutants looked at each other, and they didn't need to answer for Edward to understand their intentions. Edward sighed, "There isn't really any harm in letting you live here, but you better not make any trouble, or I WILL come after you."

The bald man nodded, but behind him one of the youngsters snorted and whispered something to the red haired girl who assaulted Edward's mind before.

Edward shook his head, "You don't seem to understand."

The array was reactivated as they immediately bound all the remaining mutants, and this time none of them managed to escape. The bounds tightened enough to pain them but not kill them, and Edward clarified, "If you don't curb your hubris, then I will hunt you."

The bounds disappeared, freeing them, and Edward gave one last warning stare before opening a portal and leaving.

Of the mutants left, one of them, who looked like he was made of ice and snow, asked the bald man, "What do we do Professor? That man looked dangerous, he almost defeated the Brotherhood by himself."

The Professor shook his head and said, "We should head back to the school. Jean, next time, don't scan someone's mind without their approval."

The red haired young woman nodded, and they too left toward the school on the other side of the lake.

As for Edward, he immediately headed to Kamar-Taj, and told the Ancient One of his encounter. When the old man finished hearing what he had to say, he actually smiled, "I have been waiting for them, actually. You met Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, they both started gathering and protecting mutants in the 70's, but mysteriously disappeared in time. They are both very important, I am glad they came to our time."

Edward couldn't help but ask, "Why are they important?"

Yao lightly stroked his chair as he replied, "Mutants have been repressed for too long, and I can see their rise with those two. But never forget to never let down your guard in front of those two, be it Charles or Erik. The former is an incredible telepath, and the later controls Magnetism. The terrain was in your favour today."

Edward nodded, taking their threats seriously.

"What should we do about them then?"

"Nothing, let them integrate into society. I think you could feel they were lying to you when they said they didn't know how they got here. Actually, they were chased out of their time by an entity, and they are more than glad to be here."

Edward felt confused as the Ancient One was obviously withholding some important information, but he wouldn't put him on the spot and ask, he knew that wouldn't lead anywhere. So he simply nodded and decided to wait and see what the future held.

Edward then returned home, and as he did he saw a note left on the table.

'I don't know when you will be back so I left Donna at her friend Lisa's house. They are having a sleepover, so you can fetch her tomorrow at 4 pm.

PS: Luv U.'

Edward smiled slightly, and took out a book as he went into his Astral Form to read. Today' s matter made him realize that even though he had grown a lot stronger, it still wasn't enough, and he couldn't falter in his training.

Other than learning Eldritch Magic, Edward had also learned two spells, Shield of the Seraphim, which was a protective spell, and Ruby Rings of Raggadorr, which were used to seal someone's power.

The Shield of the Seraphim took more concentration and time to set up than a simple Eldritch Shield, but it was much more powerful, and even he would have to use several blows to destroy it.

As for the Ruby Rings of Raggadorr, it was a very situational power, and he might never even use it. But he would rather learn it and never use it than not learn it and come across a situation where he needs it.

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