
Teaching a Lesson

Too caught up in the confrontation between the 'Shadow Kings' and the Student Elite Society, everyone has briefly forgotten about Ms. Verosica's presence. 

Some of them eventually noticed the mood she's currently in, though – she's downright seething. They figured it out only when she stood up from her seat at the back and paced towards the members of the technical team. She demanded them to cut off the broadcast, and from there, she started asking for other unreasonable things. 

"We're not sure what she really wants, Ms. Belle. First, she wants us to stop recording in the middle of the interview, then she wants to go in there and take the SES's place..." said the club officer who reported to Belle.

"Her tantrum is making our empty stomachs feel worse."

"Ughhh… How bothersome…" Belle groaned before handing over the box of popcorn to the club officer.

"You may have that. Eat some. I'm afraid her tantrum's just gonna get worse."

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