
Something Bad

"Are you okay?" there was movement in the living room, and finally August focused on a shape resting on one of the sofas.

"Oh, Sam, you scared me," she let out a breathy laugh and set the glass down.

"I'm sorry," he said, shifting to a sitting position on the sofa. "You can't sleep?" he asked in a raspy voice.

"No. I'm sorry. I-I didn't expect you to be down here," she explained. "I just came for water."

There was silence until Sam finally spoke again. "He will be okay, August. He is the strongest lycan I know."

August smiled in the dark. "Okay. Thank you. It's just… harder than I thought," she said quietly.

"Trust me, it's hard for him too," he replied, and August could hear the empathy in his voice—that there were times when he had been separated from Greta. He understood this feeling.

August let out a deep sigh. It shouldn't give her comfort that Graeme was somewhere struggling with this feeling just like she was, but for some reason it did.

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