

Leo opened the door to the car for Valentina, letting her get in first.

"What a gentleman you are." said Valentina as she stepped in.

Leo shrugged

"Figured you would cuss me out if I didn't open the door for you."

"Well, you'd probably be right."

Leo shrugged as he closed the door and got in himself.

The driver quickly drove off as Valentina sparked up another conversation.

"Aren't you excited to be meeting up with your little lover again Leo?" asked Valentina

Leo pinched his nose in annoyance as he responded.

"Why are you like this Valentina..."

Valentina couldn't help but laugh while responding.

"Awww, he isn't excited at all!"

"Oh trust me, I'm excited alright, I wouldn't have to deal with your shit for a little while!"

Valentina looked offended.

"Oi! What do you mean with that!?"

Leo turned away and didn't respond.

Valentina continued to harass Leo during the remainder of the car ride, but Leo simply ignored her.

After listening to Valentina's shenanigans for a while, they arrived at the warehouse.

Leo quickly got out of the car as Valentina continued ranting.

Leo opened the door for Valentina when he turned to face the driver.

The driver looked at Leo with a look of sympathy.

As Valentina got out of the car she looked at Leo before turning her head away.

"Hmph! I can't believe you would treat a lady of my standards so cruelly!"

Leo really wanted to fire another remark at Valentina, but he held back.

A handful of armed guards could be seen outside the warehouse, roughly five of them in total.

Valentina noticed Leo was looking at the guards and she decided to comment on it.

"Nothing to worry about, basic insurgency armed forces here to guard the warehouse from any attacks."

"You really think this handful of guards is able to guard the warehouse from the attack of the foundation?"

"Of course not, they're mostly here to be a distraction so we can stall and destroy or move the anomalies, sacrificial pawns to keep it simple."

"I see." said Leo as he continued walking.

Valentina and Leo quickly entered the warehouse before closing the door behind them.

There were a good amount of crates in the warehouse alongside some other things.

There was still a good amount of room left, which most likely was there to receive the upcoming shipment.

There was still a good amount of time left, so Leo decided to look around the warehouse.

One advantage of being Valentina's bodyguard was that he could pretty much go anywhere and do whatever since no one really dared to object him.

Leo went around and opened a handful of crates around the warehouse since he was quite curious about their contents.

The first crate he opened was filled with rifles, ranging from Kalashnikov automatic rifles to state of the art M4A1 rifles.

Leo wondered who supplied these to the insurgency due to the big difference in origin of both the rifles, one was western and hard to come by while the others were eastern.

The next crate Leo opened was filled with heavy machine, some ranging from world war two and some that were currently still being used in the army, such as the M249 SAW.

The last crate Leo opened contained some kind of artifact.

He didn't touch it since it was most likely an anomaly if it was in the warehouse, and he didn't want to deal with any kind of weird after-effects.

In the meantime, Valentina was discussing some stuff with the operational manager of the warehouse, it mostly was about logistics and the shipment that Noah would be bringing along.

There was about ten minutes left until Noah would arrive, so Leo went back over to Valentina.

Valentina was sitting in a small office section drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette when Leo entered.

"And? Had a good look around?"

Leo nodded.

"Excellent, your little lovebird will be arriving in a handful of minutes so prepare yourself."

Leo took a seat as he was already prepared, he had scouted out the warehouse and his weapon was ready so there really was nothing else left to do.

And in the meantime, they waited.

Next chapter