
Jailbreak (1)

Leo closed his eyes for a minute in order to adjust to the darkness.

After his eyes were adjusted he started walking around the halls.

The walls were lightly armored, but not as much as a heavy containment zone would be.

Leo guessed that he was located in a light containment zone, and it kind of surprised him.

He assumed that he would at least be located in a heavy containment zone, however he had other things to worry about for now.

Leo first had to kill a scientist or a guard in order to get a clearance level and disguise.

The power wouldn't stay off forever and if he didn't get a disguise by the time it turned back on he would be severely fucked.

Problem was, most if not every researcher would already be in the breach shelter.

And the breach shelter was obviously heavily guarded, not to mention that Leo didn't have the slightest idea what the layout of the site was.

Leo walked to the end of the hallway and opened another door.

The doors in the hallways were easier to open than the door in the containment cell so it didn't sap his strength all too much.

The moment Leo opened the door he saw a shadow move in the next hallway.

"Who are you! Identify yourself!" yelled Leo.

A cowardly voice rang out.

"Don't shoot! I am junior researcher Garrett! I failed to get to the breach shelter in time and after the blackout I found myself unable to open the doors! I repeat, don't shoot!"

"Move slowly towards the direction of my voice with your hands up!" commanded Leo.

Footsteps could be heard and the shadow steadily approached Leo.

When the researcher was about ten meters away from Leo he stopped.

"Wait, you are a researcher as well? How did you manage to open that door just now?" asked the junior researcher.

The junior researcher also noticed that Leo wasn't holding any weapon.

Leo leisurely walked up to the junior researcher.

"Oh, I am no researcher. I am the last thing you will see before you die." spoke Leo in a calm tone.

The researcher tried to turn around and run away.

However, he did not get far.

When the researcher turned around Leo grabbed hold of the collar of his lab coat and slammed the researcher down on the ground.

"Please don't kill me! I don't want to die!" yelled out the researcher.

Leo didn't listen at all and simply stabbed the researcher in the neck.

Having mercy was no longer an option, the last time he had mercy on someone it came back to bite him in the ass, and he wanted to make sure that something like that didn't happen again.

The researcher made some gurgling sounds before dying a quick death.

Leo opened a door leading to what appeared to be an archive and dumped the researcher's body there.

Leo saved the researcher's body to a shapeshifting slot before stealing his clearance card.

"Level two clearance, Junior researcher Garrett Lester. Should be enough for now." thought Leo.

Leo didn't bother searching the archive since it would take too long, not to mention that if someone entered the archive and saw a body lying next to Leo he would be in quite a predicament.

Leo continued on with his search through the site, but this time with the identity of Garett Lester.

He opened a couple more doors but didn't find anything interesting except a couple of containment chambers.

he took the time to check a couple of them but quickly lost interest.

Leo was about to open another door to a containment chamber labeled SCP-1123 when he heard the sound of the door at the opposite side of the hallway creaking.

Leo stopped trying to open the door to the containment chamber and observed the door at the other side of the hallway.

The door was slowly pried open and a man in a combative uniform was seen.

He was first surprised to see Leo but quickly raised his gun and aimed at Leo.

"Identify yourself!" yelled out the guard.

"I am junior researcher Garett Lester! I failed to get to the breach shelter in time!" yelled out Leo while raising his hands in the air.

"I am security brigade captain Haiden Fuller! Move slowly towards me!"

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