

Leo sighed aswell, he knew that Noah was right.

It was not like they could ambush and eliminate the squad as they had no idea where they were.

Well, Leo had some idea.

He already knew that the site raid would soon be linked to the SCP file about him, and by then the squadron would probably be at the site in Belarus.

However, this information was not of much use to Leo due to security being at an all-time high then.

Leo's biggest fear would be that the MC&D database could get leaked and he could get hired by a double agent.

Leo was deep in thoughts but after a while Noah interrupted him.

"Alright, let's discuss payment now, shall we?" said Noah.

"About that Noah, I have a favor to ask you."

"And what may that be?"

"I want you to buy a house for me here in Russia, preferably pretty close to this place.

Make sure to put the ownership of the house on someone else's name since obviously I do not have any ways to identify myself."

Noah seemed to be in thought for a while before responding.

"Alright, I should be able to do that. Just remember that you will owe me a small favor from now on."

Leo nodded.

Noah took a sip of his drink before speaking again.

"Would you wish for me to arrange an escort to bring you back to HQ, Leo?" questioned Noah.

Leo thought for a while, at first he wanted to deny it, however slowly but surely he started trusting Noah a bit more.

"Well, if you insist. The escort must be arial though, travelling by car poses too much of a risk due to the task force currently hunting me." spoke Leo.

"I am on it right now, expect to be able to depart within two hours." said Noah.

He continued.

"For now, Alyona will escort you to the guest room. Feel free to have a bath."

Alyona and Leo both stood up and Leo followed her once again.

He was once again led to the guest room, bringing back some memories to Leo.

He quickly took a warm bath before checking the closet once again.

There were some casual clothes in it and Leo quickly took out a pair before laying down on the bed.

He decided to rest for a while since everything had been tiring so far.

After laying in bed for an hour and a half Alyona returned.

"Your escort has been prepared sir Leo, however, sir Noah wishes to speak to you one last time before you leave.

Leo got up from the bed and followed Alyona downstairs.

Noah was already waiting outside, ready to see Leo off.

Leo was about to step into the helicopter before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Noah facing him, handing him a note.

When Leo took a closer look at the note he could see that a number was scribbled on it.

"This is one of my own personal phone numbers, only call it with reason, once you call it you are expected to say a password, your password will be mortuis luna. Don't forget it.

Leo nodded and shook Noah's hand before stepping into the helicopter.

He was surprised to see Alyona getting in as well, but he soon found out why.

Alyona took a seat in the pilot's seat and prepared to take off.

Leo was truly surprised by the capabilities of this girl, but he felt that something was off with her.

This is mostly due to her always having a cold, dead tone.

They quickly took off and Leo radioed into HQ.

"Special agent Nightmare to HQ, the mission was completed successfully, enroute to HQ. ETA 5 hours."

"This is HQ to Nightmare, next time request a official escort. Once you arrive back at HQ you will be debriefed by Iris Dark."

"Copy HQ, special agent Nightmare logging off."

Leo turned off his radio and took a look out of the window.

It had been a while since he had such a view, Russia truly looked like a winter wonderland.

Leo sat in the helicopter contemplating the choices he had made so far, he would've done some things different, but most not.

"Guess I will re-unite with my squadmates soon."

Might slow down uploading a bit, going to be revamping some earlier chapters since I feel like the writing quality there is pretty shit in my opinion.

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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