

"So, recently I got to choose a sub-class thanks to the system, I had three options and I closed my eyes, after a while a door appeared and I entered it. The system kept warning me not to enter the door but yet I did. When I looked around I found a individual with what appeared to be three horns on his head, he was holding a wand made out of flesh with a eye at the top, he also had a mouth on his chest. The area around us looked just like this void, but red."

Sogrith looked towards Leo, signalling him to continue.

"I called out to it with your name because I thought it was your true form, and the creature took a step towards me. The void started bending and I could see alot of eldritch creatures killing eachother, yet all of them avoided the thing that was approaching me.

When it was close enough to me it extended his hand and touched my chin, I got hit by a headache and a sudden flash of memories, the memories appeared to be from the creature.

He had created alot of the monsters that were in the void, the final memory was of him losing a war and being banished to the void."

Sogrith raised his head upon hearing Leo's final exclamation.

"Don't tell me..."

"What is it, Sogrith?"

"Nothing, please continue."

Leo continued his story.

"After that the creature told me that I was worthy or something and in the next second I felt a pain on my forehead, I took a small mirror out of my pocket and saw that a symbol was carved into my forehead. When I woke up I checked my sub-class and the system freaked out, not telling me what it was."

Sogrith manifested a piece of paper and a pen.

"Please draw the symbol to your best extend."

Leo nodded and started drawing the symbol on the paper.

After about ten minutes he was done, he wanted it to look as close as the real thing as possible.

He gave the paper to Sogrith and he sighed.

"Well Leo, you have really outdone yourself on this one."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what this symbol exactly is, but it has something to do with sarkicism, that much I know for sure."

Leo was surprised upon hearing this as a bell started ringing in his head.

Back when he still worked for the foundation, a retired agent once told him about some of his experiences.

One of his missions was to secure a piece of anomalous ground for the foundation, and there he found a cloaked man.

When he approached him, the man turned into a flesh monster and attacked him.

It took the agent everything he had to kill the monster, losing his arm in the progress.

In the end, it turned out that the man was a sarkist, a cult that worships flesh and diseases.

Leo remained silent for a second before speaking to Sogrith.

"So, what do I do now?"

Sogrith responded quickly.

"Whatever creature interacted with you is quite powerful, it has entered your mind space and bonded with you, explaining the reason why this area is affected by it. You can't do alot for now, best you can do is find some sarkists in order to get some answers." spoke Sogrith.

"And where can I find them?" asked Leo.

"Well, that will be quite hard. They hide themselves quite cleverly so finding them will be hard. The best you can hope for is to find some information on ones whereabouts, but even this would be hard. Your best bet would probably be the foundations archives."

Leo was sad upon hearing this since obtaining information on them would be quite hard.

"Anyways, it's about time for you to leave, you are about to wake up. I will look a little bit more into the symbol, but I can't promise anything. I will see you soon." spoke Sogrith.

Leo wanted to respond, but in the next second he had already opened his eyes.

"Ah, you are finally awake." spoke someone.

Leo turned his head to the side to see Alyona.

"We are almost at our first vehicle transfer location, you were asleep for two hours in total."

Next chapter