

Percival was surprised by Leo's actions, he expected him to be hostile and to attempt to attack him.

"You surprised me, I expected you to attack me." Said Percival.

Leo simply smiled at Percival before responding,

"Oh please, do you think I am stupid? There is a reason that I did not attack you and that would be because you are easily able to overpower me, you are one of the owners of this organization and I am sure those guards would not have hesitated to shoot me." said Leo.

It remained silent for a couple of seconds.

"You really were a worthwhile investment, maybe even the best one I made in my lifetime." Said Percival suddenly.

Leo was flattered by the compliment, but he was in a tough position.

"Anyways, let's get down to the point, I will be straightforward in this, either you join Marshall, Carter & Dark or you will be killed." Said Percival while looking Leo in the eyes.

Leo already knew that there would be no way of getting out of the deal, but he tried to get as much information and advantages out of Percival before agreeing.

"I agree with it, but I want to lead my own squadron, have specialized gear and advanced training, I may appear to be strong but I mostly rely on brutality, and that does not truly fit me." Said Leo.

Percival looked at Leo dumbfounded before replying.

"You really have balls of steel, don't you? It has been a while since someone dared to make demands against me, I like you.

However, I cannot agree to all of your terms, letting you lead a squadron is far too risky so I will be placing you in an advanced one.

You will also be getting trained by your squad leader and you will be given special gear as well."

Leo looked conflicted for a while, but he agreed to the terms Percival set for him.

He was already lucky that he managed to get something out of the negotiations, Percival could simply say no and Leo would have to obey.

Percival smiled before speaking.

"Great! Please sign this contract, It does not mean much but it is used to give you missions to get an acquisition." said Percival.

Leo signed the contract and Percival grinned from ear to ear.

"Now, I assume you have some questions, and I am willing to answer them, so ask away." Said Percival.

It was like he could read Leo's mind, he was about to ask some questions.

"I have four questions, to start with how did you track me down, where am I, how do I contact you, and finally what will I get in return for offering my services to you?" asked Leo.

Percival was thinking for about three minutes before responding.

"To start with, we have agents over the entire world, one simply observed your fight in the village and reported it to headquarters, I personally sent a squadron to detain you since your services have unlimited potential. You are currently in London, at one of our bases across the world.

In return for offering your services to us, we will make sure you live a fulfilling life. We can offer you anything reaching from wealth, political power and powerful connections, we will also allow you to build your strength with us. Overall this would be a lucrative deal for both of us." said Percival.

"Bullshit." thought Leo to himself.

There was simply no way that they would allow Leo to build connections and gain power, they just wanted to keep him as an asset and use him, like the foundation.

He might be able to get some people to double-cross MC&D if Leo offered more opportunities and such, but there was no way that they would willingly get Leo connections and such.

Leo however was a bit surprised at the fact that he was in London.

Granted, keeping Leo in Canada would be dangerous since the foundation was already tracking him after their past interaction.

Percival clapped in his hands to get Leo's attention.

"I have already rostered you into a squad, and I think it is about time to meet them, they recently got an open slot," said Percival while smiling creepily.

Leo felt something was wrong, but he did not say anything.

In the next second, the door opened and Artemis entered the room.

"Leo, please meet your new squad leader Artemis."

"Separate me in half, So the Doctor can stitch me back up again"

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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