

Leo smiled upon hearing that Hawk figured out that he wasn't human in the end.

Leo didn't respond as he was taking a mental note.

"Operatives one and three are dead, two is injured and Four is injured. Only Eleven and Doc are capable of fighting me properly." thought Leo as he retreated further.

He planned on jumping Eleven from another angle, killing him quickly.

Leo backed up and came in from another angle, aiming at the spot Eleven was supposed to be.

However, Leo was stunned when he didn't see him and instead was greeted with a bullet flying past his head.

He could quite literally hear the bullet cutting the air as he backed up again.

Leo didn't dare to peak that angle again and retreated again.

All the villagers had fled either to their homes or into the forest, looking for safety.

Leo once again attempted to flank Eleven just to get caught out again.

Leo was wondering how he kept getting caught but found out after taking a closer look around.

Operative Four was laying in the mud, paging Leo's movement to Eleven.

Leo didn't hesitate for a second as he rapidly closed the distance between him and Four, preparing to finish him off and killing him.

"No stop!" Yelled Eleven as he started shooting at Leo, but it was already too late.

Leo shapeshifted his arm into a blade and stabbed it through Four's head with a gnarly crunch.

Leo shapeshifted his arm back into its normal form as he hid again.

As Leo stood around the corner of a house he heard footsteps approaching him.

Leo didn't hesitate for a second as he shapeshifted his arm into a blade, slashing it around the corner.

He managed to hit Eleven with it who was trying to hunt him down in a blind fit of rage.

He witnessed all but two of his comrades being murdered, with one being severely injured.

All he wanted was revenge, a concept that Leo was all too familiar with.

However, sadly for him his prayers wouldn't be answered as Leo slashed him across the chest, severely injuring him.

Eleven tried to raise his gun to shoot Leo, but Leo quickly shapeshifted his other arm into a dull blade, slashing hard at Eleven's arms.

Instead of chopping them off, Leo broke his arms and severely mangled them before kicking Eleven to the ground.

Leo didn't hesitate a second and quickly hit Eleven on the head with the blade, crushing his skull.

Leo sighed as he looked at the mangled corpse of Eleven in disgust.

"Two more to go."


Doc was taking care of the injured Two, trying to keep him quiet and to stop him from giving away their location.

"Please... Just shut up..." whispered Doc as Two let out a groan of pain.

Doc had already given him two shots of morphine but they hadn't started working yet.

She continued stitching up Two's wound as he kept groaning in pain from the stitches.

She witnessed Leo kill two of her comrades and Eleven and Four went radio silent, so she feared the worse.

And the worse had indeed had happened.

She quickly finished stitching up Two's wound as she heard footsteps approaching their hiding location.

Doc put her bloodied hand on Two's mouth, making sure he wouldn't make any sounds.

She saw Leo passing by and aimed her gun at his chest, but by the time she was ready to pull the trigger he had already passed.

Doc's hands were trembling in fear, this was all supposed to be a simple retrieval mission, after this she would have the qualifications to return to the foundation to work as a physician, it all went so horribly wrong.

Doc removed her hand from Two's mouth, who was barely conscious.

He let out another groan of pain and doc heard Leo's footsteps stopping.

"Looks like I have found what I am looking for." said Leo in a sadistic tone.

Doc panicked upon hearing Leo, she knew that if she didn't run she would die.

Leo hadn't seen her yet, so there was still a chance.

She looked at Two's helpless body who was on the brink of death as tears began rolling from her cheek.

"I am so sorry for abandoning you Two, but it is my only chance. Please forgive me."

"Kids... If you REALLY want to piss off your parents

buy real estate in an Imaginary Place... Oh yes!"

lazylizardcreators' thoughts
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