
Sleepy Man

'The Progenitor was alive when she drank his blood? Is that even possible?' Liberi asked.

'It is. I saw it all.' Dreamer answered.

'Then.. the Progenitor didn't try to stop her?'

'Well she was twelve years old at that time. The Progenitor couldn't have expected that little girl to attack him. So he was caught off guard and Veronica stabbed his eyes and mouth and began drinking his blood right away.' Dreamer revealed.

'And no one else saw her doing that? I mean, the Progenitor must have had some guards, right?'

'No. He was alone in his room. She stabbed his mouth so he wasn't able to shout either. He died miserably.'

'That he did.' Liberi agreed.

'After drinking every drop of Blue Blood, the Progenitor became a husk and she left him. She instantly became an Evolved Ghoul, getting great strength but she wanted more. She knew it won't be enough to stop Gods and Demons.'

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