

Every guest brings you happiness. Some when they arrive, and some when they are leaving.

Right now, in front of a small cave, a boy is facing such a situation.

The boy who is going through something like this is none other than Dreamer.

In front of him, more than 10 beasts are standing and staring at him.

Seeing this scene, made Dreamer scared and he decided to call Liberi outside too.

'Liberi! Get up! It's no time to rest!' said Dreamer again through his mind as Liberi was still resting inside the cave.

Dreamer was talking through his mind because he was afraid that if he made a sound then the beasts in front of him would attack him.

'Why, my lord!? What happened? And what do you mean by guests?' asked Liberi through his mind as he was still unable to understand what was happening.

'Liberi! There's no time to explain! Just get up fast and slowly come towards me! We are in danger, dammit!' ordered Dreamer in an angry tone as Liberi's questions were starting to annoy him.

On the other hand, as soon as Liberi heard that Dreamer was in danger, he got up instantly as if he was never tired in the first place.

'My lord! I am coming!' said Liberi as he got ready to go where Dreamer was.

'Yeah! But come without making any loud noise!' ordered Dreamer as he didn't want Liberi to make some noise that would make the beasts start attacking Dreamer.

'As you wish, my lord.' agreed Liberi and started walking outside the cave in a tip-toe manner just like Dreamer told him to do.

After a few minutes Liberi came outside the cave and stood beside Dreamer and when he looked in front of him he had the same expression as Dreamer.

'My lord! This is bad!' said Liberi as he was also feeling scared after seeing the beasts in front of him.

'I know that too! But why do these many beasts come here?' asked Dreamer as he was unable to understand the reason why more than 10 beasts came outside a small cave.

If it would've been only 1 or 2 beasts then Dreamer could find that reasonable as it is a beast forest after all. But more than 10 beasts coming here was too unreasonable for him to understand.

'My lord! I know why these many beasts came here!' answered Liberi.

'Huh? Then what are you waiting for? Tell me!' spoke Dreamer in an anxious manner as he urged Liberi to tell the cause of this gathering of beasts.

'My lord, I was just about to tell you but you asked me before I can even tell you.' said Liberi as he continued telling the reason for why this many beasts gathered around them.

'My lord, you remember the time when I was trying to take down the barrier?' asked Liberi.

'Yeah! Now, hurry up and tell me!' urged Dreamer again as he was getting impatient because he was afraid that the beasts could attack them anytime.

'Yes, my lord. So, when I was taking down the barrier my sword was making too much noise and that too a loud one. So, these beasts must have heard that noise and came here to see what is happening.' revealed Liberi.

And after hearing the reason, Dreamer cursed himself as it was his idea of making Liberi take down the barrier with his sword being in its normal state.

But he soon dismissed this thought as it was not the time to worry about such things and after dismissing this thought he focused on the situation ahead.

'I am sorry for that, Liberi. But there's one more thing and that is, why aren't they doing something? I mean they are just standing there staring at us. Is there a reason for that?' asked Dreamer as he was confused about this matter too.

'My lord, beasts are very cautious type creatures, so they are probably gauging our strength before doing something.' replied Liberi as he told this from his experience.

But after hearing Liberi's reply Dreamer again cursed himself and called himself stupid. He was acting like someone who forgot to do the most basic thing.

'Thanks for telling me, Liberi! I almost forgot that they aren't the only ones who can gauge someone's strength.' said Dreamer with a smile as he decided to use his skill, God's Eye, on all the beasts that were present in front of him.

He was so tense about all this that he forgot to use this skill, but Liberi's reply reminded him of this skill and he decided to use it.

He started from his left side and started using God's Eye.

[ Name : Amazon Nymph ]

[ Race : Nymph ]

[ Level : 5 (Early Beginner) ]

[ Soul Level : 1 ]

[ Traits : Nymphs are a personification of nature and they are typically tied to a forest. They are very fast and can communicate with other nymphs no matter how far they are. ]

'It is only one level weaker than me but still it's dangerous.' commented Dreamer in his mind as he moved on to the next one.

[ Mithril Unicorn ]

[ Race : Centaur ]

[ Level : 7 (Early Beginner) ]

[ Soul Level : 1 ]

[ Traits : It's a variant of centaurs and it's horn is made of mithril that is very tough and they are very fast on their legs. ]

'It is stronger than me! And probably fast too. If only the first two beasts are like this then how strong are the other beasts! How many are there in total anyway.' said Dreamer inside his mind as he decided to count the number of the beasts that were present in front of him.

And after a few seconds he finished the counting and found out the total number of beasts present there.

'15! 15 beasts! If they started to attack us we would be crushed instantly! There must be a beast weaker than us, let's see.' iterated Dreamer in his mind and again started using God's Eye on every beast present there.

This time he was only looking at the level of the beasts as he wants to do everything fast.

'Level 6. Fine but still not what I want'

Dreamer looked at 14 beasts continuously but no one was weaker than him. Some beasts were in the same level as him, some were stronger and some were just one level lower than him.

And now only one beast remained and without wasting any time, Dreamer used God's Eye on the last beast.

[ Name : Tracking Gryphon ]

[ Race : Griffin ]

[ Level : 3 (Early Beginner) ]

[ Soul Level : 0 ]

[ Traits : Griffins have an excellent eye-sight, they can fly and when they rise in strength they undergo an evolution and become even more strong. ]

After seeing this information, Dreamer's eyes lit up.

'Liberi! See that beast on the far right. It is weaker than us.' said Dreamer in a serious manner.

'Yes, my lord. I see him. But what about it?' asked Liberi as he didn't understand what Dreamer wanted to say.

'Just remember its appearance. And now tell me, do you have Vrama's space bracelet with you?' asked Dreamer.

And after hearing this question, Liberi became even more confused as he wasn't able to understand what Dreamer wanted to do with the beast's appearance.

But Liberi still replied Dreamer's question in a respectful manner as he thought that Dreamer must have made some plan in his mind to get out of here.

'Yes my lord. I have it.'

'Good! Now listen. Give me that bracelet, turn your sword in its awake state and after doing these two things I will run to the right side and you will just stand here while holding your sword in its awake state. Understood!?' explained Dreamer as he explained his plan to Liberi.

And Liberi on the other hand didn't get this plan at all.

When Dreamer said that he will run and Liberi will just have to stand here, he thought that his lord was sacrificing him to save his own life.

But as Liberi already pledged his loyalty towards Dreamer, he gladly accepted his lord's order with full trust.

'Yes, my lord. Understood.' replied Liberi like a brave soldier and in a more resolute tone than ever because he was thinking that he is going to die today.

Liberi then took out Vrama's bracelet from his robe's pocket and gave it to Dreamer. He gave the bracelet in a way that the beasts were unable to see.

Although Dreamer was confused about the sudden change in Liberi's tone, still he didn't pay that much attention to it as he was thinking about the plan.

After Dreamer got Vrama's bracelet he nodded towards Liberi to which, Liberi nodded back and closed his eyes.

Liberi was concentrating his mana to turn his sword into its awake state and then something happened that surprised Dreamer.

'Are…are you crying!? Why?' asked Dreamer in an amazed tone as he didn't get the reason why Liberi was crying and that too at a time like this.

'My lord…It was an honour to serve you! Thankyou for giving me another chance! I greatly appreciate it.' said Liberi in a sad manner as he activated his sword and the sword erupted a more ominous aura than before and that was because Liberi was uncontrollably pouring his mana on the sword.

And after the sword turned red, the beasts that were surrounding them started screaming like crazy.

But, on the other hand Liberi's words made Dreamer very confused so to clear his confusion he decided to speak with Liberi.

"Liberi! What happened? Why are you talking like that? Why did you say 'it was an honour' instead of saying 'it is an honour'?" asked Dreamer in a confused manner and this time he didn't speak through his mind as it was a part of his plan too.

"My lord! I know and I am not feeling bad about this. I am even happy to be able to die for you. I gladly accept to act as bait in order to buy you some time to escape.' answered Liberi with a smile as he was genuinely ready to die for Dreamer.

But after hearing Liberi's answer Dreamer started laughing and he laughed for a few good seconds too.

"Ha ha! Liberi! What are you talking about! You didn't get my plan at all..." spoke Dreamer as he wore Vrama's space bracelet in his right hand and after making eye contact with all 15 beasts that were present there, he started running as fast as he could.

And while running, he continued with a smile and through his mind he told Liberi the rest of his plan.

'The one who is acting as a bait here, is…me!'

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