
Young Master: Impromptu Marriage – 1

Monica started to think of something. She rethinks the postponement of Emilio's marriage to Aza. But she didn't want the wedding to be delayed for so long. She will do something for the wedding to happen tomorrow. Because according to the book she had read if the marriage was to be delayed, there would be a catastrophe on earth.

Monica began to study the book in her hand. She reads that if the marriage does not happen it will be fatal. Many evil spirits will destroy the earth. he didn't want anything to happen because he just wanted some peace.

Monica calls Emilio and Aza to enter into an important extension. The two of them discussed in a special room about the wedding that would take place tomorrow.

Monica had already prepared for the wedding after she called Fani to immediately contact several people to be witnesses in Emilio and Aza's wedding.

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