
Test 15

The night passed away freely because my tormentor didn't come to bed last night. Maybe he slept with his fiancé I don't know or no do I care. For all night, I anticipated him coming, but he didn't. So, my sleep wasn't sound last night. I hated him to catch me when I was indisposed, the result was a bad night. I only caught up to my sleep in the early hours of dawn. But to my chagrin, two guards came to fetch me. I was never an early riser. It was one of my major flaws. I dragged myself out of bed and put on some breathable gown. Today was going to be chaotic, I was confident.

When I reached the training area, everyone was busy working out. They were all fighting in human forms. Now that I think of it. I never saw any of them shift. What I knew about lycans is that they are deadly. But they were human all the time, I sometimes confuse them for humans. I saw a tense-looking guy giving direction to two boys. The prince was nowhere in sight. That means I have free rein. But the problem is that I have no idea what to do with my freedom. If I was in my place, I would have gone for a walk or maybe visit our local market. I had zero friends even then. When girls used to play and put on pretty dresses, I was busy putting food on our table.

My aunt tried to make me girly but bow down, swearing I was just like my mom. She, too, was a tomboy, not interested in makeup. She liked to practice sword fight and run in the woods. But I didn't like swords, they were messy and put myself in the focus of the enemy. I would rather like myself to be discreet. The enemies will only know me once my arrow struck him.

I walked to the man who was shouting orders to the men, which reminded me of my grandmother trying to straighten me. But this person was a little young, middle-aged. All the people were listening to his orders. The way they were talking to him was coupled with awe and loyalty. I could imagine him barking orders at the battlefield. He must be a general, like my dad. The thought moistened my eyes. Unlike my mom, I don't remember my father much. He was always fighting somewhere. I used to imagine us playing together. Instead of making me happy, it made me awful.

I greeted the man politely, only to be dismissed without a backward glance. I was put out at his lukewarm response. I tried to get his attention too many times only to be ignored. I understand that I was only here by the king's decree, they haven't welcomed me yet. Likewise, I looked around but there was no bow and arrow in my sight. But I saw some knives placed for target practice. I went there and held it up. I have used knives before, but I wasn't good at throwing knives like arrows. But the general is not giving a chance. The message was clear, I have to go home. The problem is that there is no home for me.

I started throwing knives like it's my new business. The majority went so far off the mark that I was embarrassed. I collected them back and again started throwing me. After three or four times of doing this, I was slightly getting better, the knives didn't fly far off the board. My hands were aching with the constant throwing. I focused myself and was intended on my task. Slowly there was a crowd growing people started getting interested in my activity, I guess it was their break, or they would have never left their practice. I was even getting some advice and even some light-hearted flirting.

Even continuing this many times, I still hadn't hit my target. This was getting me angry, causing me to lose focus and miss the target board altogether. The audience was now laughing and having fun at my expense.

"Can you take your practice elsewhere and stop distracting my trainees", said a voice beside me? I stiffened and looked around to see the person standing behind me. At least he is talking to me. "I'm asked to train here by your king. If you can train me, I would be indebted to you forever ", I told him. "I can't do it because I promised someone to not train you", he said. "Lucien "?, I asked, trying to restrain my anger. The man didn't say anything. I wanted to hit something, but I held it in check. "Can you not listen to him, he is only a prince, and I'm hereby king's order", I told him?

"The King has ordered you to train with us. He didn't ask me to train you. But the prince was apparent and specific about what he wants, so I will heed him", he said. I frowned at him, he looked so certain I had no idea how to persuade him. "Please train me, sir. I'm good. I promise not to waste your time", I told him pleadingly. I know he too was a lycan and I shouldn't beg in front of him. But I had no choice.

"Alright, if you hit that mark on the tree I will have you", he said. The said tree was a few feet away even with the close range I couldn't hit the target well, and he has given a shit target. I looked at him, impassive. I know he is on the prince's side and therefore my enemy by default.

"I will give you advice considering this is the last training I'm going to give you ever. Think about your worst enemy and assume the target to be him. Also a factor, this is the last chance that you will ever get", he said. I nodded my head, a little distracted.

I tried your picture Lucien, but it wasn't working for me. I wasn't getting focused, so instead, I imagined Igor. I closed my eyes for a second, imagined my knife to be an arrow. I put enough force and threw the knife, it went sailing past and hit the tree in the exact spot of the mark. I won. I smiled and raised my eyes towards the sky as a tribute to my dead parents. I faintly heard the round of applause, and I smiled at them.

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