
What the hell was this hard world? And earning money!

So this world was a mixture of many worlds... or a world where many stories were revealed... or a world where the authors of my ancient planet earth found inspiration for their works. I'm not sure about. But as far as I know, there are gods and half-bloods in this world (Percy Jackson maybe?); vampires of different origins (Twilight, The Vampire Diaries, etc); Various werewolves (Twilight with its shapeshifters and HP with Lupine as a reference), witches of different types such as druids, celts, shamans and many others. I theorize that wizard types vary from the various universes this world contains. The druids being the ones who frame the wizards in the Vampire Diaries and the Celts frame the majority of HDxD mages.

And then we have the angels, fallen angels and demons, which together form a pantheon. The Biblical Pantheon. Interestingly, there are also human god-killers who are called Campione. An anime that I loved watching in my past life. A lot in one world, isn't it?

But focusing more on my reality, the wizarding worlds and the devil world, I was pretty well provided for. My mother finally told me that we were descendants of King Solomon and that much of our family magic came from texts left by man from ancient times. So that was my human background. I was descended from Lucifer's best human friend and therefore had quite a high skill with summoning magic of all kinds. I could control demons thanks to the ancient magic I had in my blood and had the ability to create magical contracts just by speaking them.

My father, in turn, came from the main branch of the Astaroth clan, from the underworld. One of the 72 pillars. My demonic heritage was rich in many different types of magic, but it has a greater focus on controlling demonic energy and applying it to many different situations. During the devil civil war, my father became an important figure for his intelligence, power and general warlike ability. So much so that he won, along with his 3 friends, the title of Maou and inherited the title title Beelzebub. My father's greatest achievement was scientific. Or magic, actually, although he researches magic from a more scientific angle.

This explains how my father created the evil pieces. He was just such a genius. After all, an artifact capable of altering one's race (if only up to a point) was a sign of unprecedented genius.

Anyway, my dad said that I still couldn't become an actual heir and that it would be better to stay away for a while. Apparently, he wasn't ignorant of what goes on behind the scenes in the underworld and I was grateful for that. He also said that at age 10 he would bring the magical machine that would make my pieces of evil so that I could have my own nobility without being registered and I would be hidden until I had enough strength to fight for myself. I thanked him for that, of course, as I thought about who my servants would be... Hermione looks quite talented, but we'll see that in the future.

That said, schedules.

I was born in 1980... we were in 1981. I was 1 year old. But the DxD plot only takes place around 2007-2008. That meant I would be around 28-30 years old when I started. It wasn't bad for me at least. I think it would be a good 3 years older than Riser Phoenix. I would have more time to prepare myself before getting into this mess that was the DxD canon. Thinking about it now, the wizarding war in England was pretty pathetic in terms of general power. Most people underestimate DxD, but underneath all the ecchi comedy were beings capable of destroying the world.

Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity.

Big Red, The True Dragon, Dragon God of Dreams.

Trihexa, the Beast of the Apocalypse, 666.

Compared to them, Voldemort and his shit eaters are just bugs. Shit, it's a good thing I'm not of the devil's heirs generation of the Gremory and Sitri houses. Shit starts when they're around 18... So I'll be 10 when they're born and 11 when Issei is born. That said, even though I had time I couldn't waver.

Still I had a lot of good cards to play. In addition to my metaknowledge, intelligence, wealth, influence, noble heritage and beauty, I still had my own Sacred Gears. And a Longinus in it.

Lycaon Kennels.

It was originally supposed to be from Tobio Ikuse, but he hasn't been born yet, so I guess I shouldn't have survived Voldemort's attack originally. It seems that my early death allowed him to receive the Holy Gear in the future, unfortunately or fortunately (I never found out about it since he was one of those weird MCs who complain about their own power) to him, I was alive and well. Anyway, I was alive and the Gear was mine. I kind of woke him up during my coma and I think I was lucky to have my bloodline covering the Longinus signature in processto wake up. The good part was that I loved the little pet so much and he was very cute and obedient. Its body was similar to the canonical one, but it had more wolf characteristics than canine ones, which was a good thing. Blood red eyes and fluffy black fur slightly spiky...

Of course I would keep it a secret and just use my wolf dog as a familiar. Neither my father nor mother will know that my familiar is a Longinus until I am strong enough. I wonder if I could subdue Regulus Nemea as my partner and additional pet... I would be stronger than the boy Bael without the power of destruction. I am sure.

I named the cub Lupi Garou, also known as Lupi, it was a French name for werewolf and I thought it was appropriate. Lupi had the appearance of an ordinary black wolf, with glowing red eyes. He was really cute in that childish form and it wasn't hard to convince his mother to let me keep him. He also had his badass mode at 20 feet long and 3 feet tall. Hell, my 1-year-old body was barely bigger than its smallest claw. Dad had already gone back to the underworld, he's a Maou, after all , but he promised to come see me once a month, for two or three days. I didn't complain as I knew he had responsibilities to his people but I still felt a little upset.

"You must bring me presents every month then. Books, toys and weapons." I demanded when I heard the news. Surprisingly he agreed to my preposterous request. But that only made me like him even more.

Ajuka was smart.

That and the fact that he didn't treat me like a child made me like him a lot, evidenced by my not displeasure at calling him Daddy. We also had a lot in common, always talking about academic things that I didn't quite understand but fascinated me. Interestingly, the man started acting like Mommy and hugged and kissed me whenever he could.

Again, I didn't reject that, but I hope he's not one of those perverts like his red-haired Maou friend. I sighed. So much to study and do. Maybe I need a vacation.

Yes, vacation in a library full of books on diabolical and mundane magic. It would be too much.

I also wanted a lot of rare materials for rituals. The bastard Voldemort used rituals like drinking water and turned out to be a bald, disgusting freak, so I had to seriously think about what rituals would be suitable and beneficial for my cute self now and my pretty self in the future. I was actually thinking about getting Tiamat scales since my dad had a friendly relationship with her it shouldn't be hard to get. Maybe she'll even get me a drop of blood. Come to think of it, Harry Potter's dragons were pretty weak... I don't think they were really dragons in this case. More like wiverns…well, I would use much better materials than any wizarding material ever used in rituals. Hehehe.

Years passed quickly and I was 5 years old. Mom and Dad spoiled me enormously and I loved it. Add in the fact that I'm heir to a noble thoroughbred family and already wear my heir ring, and it was no surprise that it made me a little spoiled. Still, I kept the pampered demands to a minimum because I didn't want to be a bother to my parents.

"Can you tell me the reason you want to take an inheritance test?" Mom asked when we got to Gringotts to get my von Benno heir ring.

"I want to know if I have a chance of becoming Lord Black in the future."

"And why do you want to be Lord Black?

"Because I know the Malfoys want to take the landlady of Black House and I don't want to let that happen."

"How did you… forget it. You spend so much time reading it, I'm not surprised you discovered a few things."

"Yes. In fact, I think the accusation made by the previous Black heir... Sirius Black, was a plot by cousin Lucius to end the competition in the race for the Black vault. The attack on our family being one more guarantee. Now I'm going to show you why trying too hard caused Oedipus' father to fall."

"I don't think I understand..." Mom sounded confused.

"In Greek legend, the father of Oedipus, someone whose name is unimportant, visited the oracle of Delphos and received a prophecy saying that his newborn son would kill him and take over his kingdom... interestingly enough, the boy was the crown prince and he wouldn't have to kill his father to be the future king... other than that the old man wouldn't live forever... Well, out of his paranoia, his father tried to kill the child just so that one of his servants would secretly take the young prince to be raised like a commoner. Years later, the kingdom, tired of the king's tyranny, with the prince's help, fought against the old man and killed him... before taking the throne..."

"Are you suggesting that the prophecy came about because the king tried to stop it?"

"Not necessarily…in history the prophecy could have been interpreted in many ways…you see, children often bury theirparents, then kills the king can be interpreted as simply attending the funeral. Oedipus was the crown prince and he would inherit the throne so taking the throne for himself could be interpreted as 'Being appointed king'...you must have understood."

"I think so... But how do you relate to Lucius?" Mom asked curiously.

"Well... he's an idiot king who fears that other people will inherit what belongs, and what doesn't, so I'm going to make his fears come true to him." I spoke coldly and surprised the mother. "He tried to hurt you and caused the death of my family. I'm going to make his life harder and harder until he despairs...if he has time, of course. Lots to do to focus on revenge."

We walked over to our family's account manager and I placed my order. The Goblin just glared at me before charging for the service. I knew they didn't like to waste their time, but if there's one thing I know, it's that magic was my ally. Even though I wasn't Black heir by blood…at least not directly, I was still family heir by magic. The Black family magic had already accepted me by the time I started doing rituals commemorating the magically strongest days like Yule.

So it wasn't a surprise when I linked 7 drops of blood on a scroll and received the following feedback:

Name: Vitra Astaroth Von Benno (Sorcerer);

Father: Ajuka Astaroth (unregistered);

Mother: Alice Von Benno (head of the Von Benno house – registered);

Age: 5 years;


Black (By blood and by magic)

Von Benno (By blood and by magic),

Peverel (By blood and by magic);

Safes to claim:


Von Benno,


Properties: ...

Galleons: Peverel safe – 9,000,000; Von Benno – 13,000,000; Black – 34,000,000.

"Congratulations, Black-Von Benno-Peverel heir, you are the future lord of three noblest and oldest houses." Said the manager smiling horribly.

"Like this? There are other heirs, aren't there?" I questioned. Draco was still outside. Sirius Black too. Not to mention Harry Potter who was supposed to be Sirius' own heir as he was godfather to the boy who lived, being himself descended from one of the three Peverel brothers. So admitting that I was the future lord confused me.

"See, it would be the case if you were heir only by magic or only by blood…but the law of magic Brittany admits that magic accepts a witcher as heir in addition to his own blood and makes him directly next in the line of succession. Unless the old man named the next boss... Which didn't happen, or our bank would be notified. The oldest and most noble house of Black was the head of the Arcturus Black family, who died last year without naming a successor. In these cases, the house goes to the closest lineage. Arcturus had a son and two grandchildren. His son died before himself and his grandchildren, one died directly supporting the Dark lord and the other is in Azkaban, which is no different from being dead." The Goblin explained succinctly. "In this case, the house passes to the offspring of Arcturus' second brother, his grandfather, married to the Von Benno family. Even without the magic recognizing him, his claim would be the most supported, but the magic recognized so that's it."

"That makes sense. But there must be people with the same conditions as me, being accepted by both magic and blood... But I'm at the front in the line of succession anyway... what about the Peverel house?" I continued.

"There are no known living heirs of the Peverel family other than the Potters who had a distant relationship with them, and now you, young Lord." Hearing that made me very happy and more clear about the reasons for being targeted by Cousin Luci...oh, but I'm going to love breaking you and your sissy son.

"So magic can change your blessing to someone else if you want, right?"

"That's true, but…it's not true either. Magic is very selective and does not choose two possible heir members of the same house. Magic is sentient, young wizard, so you don't have to worry about people invalidating your claim in the future." The Goblin explained.

"Well… So from now on, you will be responsible for my accounts. All of them. I don't want to have a manager for each one. As I don't have access to the main vault at the Black house, take all the money from my trust vaults and invest in the companies noted here." I gave them a piece of parchment with a list of companies that will give out massive books for years to come. "I'm also accepting all the rings now. Send someone to restore my properties and I would like to ask how much it would cost to keep my status a secret for a few years."

The Goblin smiled. I was direct and efficient in my requests and also showed more insight than he expected. It helped that Mom hadn't come in with me at my request, or she would have been surprised at my efficiency. Well, I'll just ignore these petty concerns.

"I think we'll get along really well,Wizard."

"I hope so, Goblin. I have a lot to do and gain. So please answer my question."

"An additional 1% of the future earnings your account makes and we have a deal..."

"1% of the profit is too much. I'm willing to give one-thousandth of the total profit from my accounts annually."

"That's too low, young sir..."

"I just asked you to keep my secret for a few years, you can always sell this information in 5 years or more and still have a hundredth of gross profit for life. This deal is already more than profitable for you Goblin."

That shut him up for a few odd minutes before smiling at me with his ugly, scary face. Damn, those teeth remind me of Pennywise. Bloody hell, I'm going to have nightmares.

"So it's a deal, young wizard."

"Great…merges the accounts into one too. I don't want to pay for 3 different safes. Also help me to collect gems from the muggle world, preferably transparent stones like diamonds and crystals. I need large quantities."

"Consider done."

"Great, so that's all. I'll leave you to continue your work, Goblin... Though maybe I should know your name as we'll be long-term business partners."

"Rawclaw, young sir."

"Okay, Rawclaw, I expect monthly notifications about more ongoing assets and a list of profitable businesses sent to me. Goodbye."

"Goodbye, wizard."

And that's how I became friends with a Goblin and started to change some aspects of the plot.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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