
To A Fantasy World!?

Have you ever thought of what you want to say as a wish in case you get the chance to reincarnate in another world?

Huh? It's just me?

Well, okay.

Anyway. You see, I've always dreamed of going to a fantasy world so my wishes is of course about having a firm initial advantage in that world.

My wishes will be so useful in whichever fantasy world it is that I'll get thrown into. That's why I've always been so proud of myself for thinking about such an idea.


(First Person's POV)

I feel like, right now, I'm meeting my girlfriend's father for the first time — not like I had one. That's just how terrified I am.

Just imagine yourself waking up one day before meeting a very muscular dude that looks like a body builder scowling at you. With veins bulging and bloodshot eyes, he'll raise his voice like he wants to break some of your bones.

As I am thinking of how this dog-eared body building uncle is going to break, my bones, I suddenly heard him speak once again.

"You have such a wrong impression of me, kid. I'm not gonna break your bones. In fact, I'm here to apologize to you because you got involved with the mess that my son created…"

His apologetic tone definitely puzzled me as I don't remember ever meeting a dog-eared boy.

"Umm… Maybe you're just mistaken sir."

"No, I'm not. Anyway, let's just get this over with. Tell me your wishes and I'll reincarnate you to a random world."

"Heehh… You're going to reincarnate me huh. That's definitely a good deal—"

Before I could even finish my sentence, uncle dog-eared body builder cut me off abruptly.

"Just get on with the wish kid. For your information, I'm just a newly assigned World God so granting powers that are too strong are not within my capabilities as of yet."

His words definitely got me thinking. What wishes do I want to be granted?

There's definitely a lot in my list but almost all of them needs to be crossed out since they are too overpowered. He said that he's only a new World God or something, after all.

"How many wishes will you grant, World God sir?"

At my inquiry, uncle dog-eared body builder narrowed his eyes at me before replying in his deep and rough voice.

"You sure are polite even though you address me as 'uncle dog-eared body builder' inside your head."

"Eh? I-I'm sor—"

"It's fine kid. Anyway, you get to have three wishes. Now, get on with telling me your wishes or I'll throw you out this instant!" Gee… He sure is intimidating as heck.

Anyway, let's just get on with telling him my wishes. Hmm… He didn't tell me which world he'll reincarnate me but I'll just assume that it'll be in a fantasy world.

"I'd like to have high affinity to any energy, magic, or spell related systems, be it mana affinity, elemental affinity, magic affinity or whatever other energy system there is. Also, it would be much appreciated if I don't have any ceiling to my potential."

It seems like the World God was amused at my wish as he flashed a toothy grin at me.

"You chose a playing safe kind of wish, huh. I can certainly grant you that. For this wish to be granted, I'll have to create you a new body. As for the second part, it is something I could easily grant as, as I've said, I will be the one who will be creating your body, A God."

He paused for a second before continuing.

"…You're basically asking for a Celestial's constitution, huh. Well, as I said, I'll be the one creating your body later so this automatically grants your wish. Now, tell me your next wish!"

After that wish, as expected, I'd want an instant mastery kind of cheat. Eh, I'm sure it's gonna be rejected, so let's think of an alternative.

Also, I would not want such a cheat as well since I'm the kind of person who likes to feel some challenge, if that makes any sense at all.

"Can I wish for the enhancement of my reflex, instinct, and thinking speed while also allowing me to have the ability to retain, store, and learn knowledge faster? It would be good if I could also gain muscle memory faster…"

"Oh, so you basically want a degraded version of instant mastery but with a few more benefits to even the loss of not having it?"

"Not exactly. It's more of an upgrade to my trash specs rather than a wish of getting an ability to breeze through almost everything."

I want to feel the sensation of achieving something, after all. That sensation of achieving something that not many managed to do really stuck to me.

If I will just get everything delivered to me on a silver platter, I think that I would, sooner or later, feel empty inside.

There's just nothing fun about getting it all in an instant to me. If I could, I would even try to be like Yu Ilhan but that's just not plausible in my current situation.

Also, a man should learn to received whatever he can if it's necessary. Pride or whatever could just go to hell for all I care.

"Great great! It seems like you've slightly changed after experiencing that event! [Adaptable Body] it is. It comes with some extra perks but nothing too crazy. Next wish!"

I just ignored what uncle dog-eared body builder said and focused on thinking of what I could have for my last wish. Hmm… maybe something that could give me more benefits in the future, preferably something that will give me some more cheats or something…

I wanted something like a Dimensional Chat Group but wouldn't it be beyond his power right now? God just ascended into becoming a World God, after all.

As I was thinking of alternatives, uncle dog-eared body builder suddenly interrupted my train of thought. I feel like he's been doing this for a while now.

"I can grant you that Dimensional Whatever Group but you won't be able to travel to just anywhere at first. Your group will be assigned with some missions to complete in order to power up that group chat thing. In return, you'll get rewards for completing them. Ku-hum!"

He cleared his throat for a second before continuing.

"…This basically meant that you can't go to any place with Gods or powerful magical beings at the first without completing a mandatory mission of sorts to power up the Dimensional Travel aspect of it. Neat, isn't it?"

"That sounds like a good idea. However, won't you be losing out in this, God?"

I mean, he will have a hard time granting this wish since he is still a newbie World God and all. If I'm not wrong, power comes with age when it comes to Gods like them.

"I won't be losing out on it. This wish will purely be running on its own and will depend on your power so it's safe to say that I will have no involvement in it whatsoever."

"Hee… Is that so? And here I thought you're going to be the last boss or something."

"What!? Who do you think I am!? I'm a previous Dog God of War and Justice! I will never do such a despicable thing in order to gain some measly power!"

It seems like uncle dog-eared body builder was slightly offended by my words. I have to apologize.

"I apologize, sir. It's just that it has become some sort of staple in the books and mangas I've seen so…"

After calming himself down, uncle dog-eared body builder continued our previous conversation as if nothing happened.

"Anyway, after personally asking the Creator God to supply this thing with some stock of the items or whatever of every world after either you or one of the members of the group chat visited it, my job will be over."

After he said that, God suddenly waved his hands and then I felt like my body is sinking into a viscus pool of water.

When I once again woke up, I was faced by a lithograph kind of thing that asks me what features do I want in my next life.

Oh, I would like to keep my black hair! Hmm… would red be cooler?

Ahh whatever! Just plain black then! I want it to be slightly wavy, too!

As for the color of my irises, I would like to have sky blue colored irises!

A definite no to having a unibrow… just normal arching eyebrows is fine. No to big and round eyes as well. Slightly sharp-looking Japanese eyes is fine by me.

It took me a long time before I finished with my settings. Gee, I feel like I've been here forever.

"Hmm? Do I need to click yes to confirm?"

I reached out to click yes and then I, for what feels like the nth time, lost consciousness once again. Before I lost consciousness though, I still managed to read the text that says,

"You will be reincarnated to a modern Earth version of the dimension named Only Sense Online…"

The heck's Only Sense Online? I've never seen that anime before!

Wait… don't tell me it's on a light novel? Or did I just miss it?

I've recently just been watching animes so… I'll be screwed over if every world I'll go to from here on out is from light novels of manga…


(Third Person POV)

At the previous room where the man just got ejected from, the dog-eared body building uncle who introduced himself as a World God is sitting down while playing with his son.

"Dad, why did you lie to him? Wasn't he a previous assa—"

"Shhh! Son, it's his wish, after all. He wanted to start anew. Why should I refuse his request?"

"Hee… He sure is such a strange human. What's wrong with killing people so that he could eat? He wasted a wish just to alter his own memories, so weird…"

"As a previous War God, I also think so, son. However, in their current society, it is considered bad."

"Humans are stupid. There's nothing wrong with it as long as the ones you weed out are the bad guys, right, Dad?"

"Ahahaha! You will be a great God of Destruction or God of War, son!"

"I want to be like Dad!"

"Ohoho! Is that so? Is that so?"

As the two individuals conversed, the man who they are talking about previously is already on his way to reincarnation.


※~To be continued~※

Author's Remarks:

※ Hope you enjoyed the chapter my dudes.

※ By the way, do give me some reviews once we reach somewhere like the end of the first Arc of something. I want to get more feedback in order to improve.

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