

"Hans is still fast asleep, apparently. I will prepare all his needs first, then I will wake him up," Aleysa thought in her heart.

Aleysa was about to go to the bathroom in her room. Aleysa who passed by Hans who was sleeping on the sofa suddenly heard the voice of Hans who was delirious.

"No. There's no way I could do all that. No."

Hans continued to say no. He seemed scared. Aleysa who could not bear to see Hans like that immediately woke him up.

"Hans, what's the dream? It looks like he had a bad dream. I'd better wake him up," Aleysa thought.

Aleysa woke Hans up in a very gentle way. She rubbed Hans forehead so that Hans woke up from his sleep. But when Aleysa's hand was right on her forehead, Aleysa felt that Hans forehead was very hot. Aleysa was very worried about Hans current condition.

"Oh my God. Hans's head is so hot. Hans, Hans. Wake up Hans."

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